‘Big Sexy’ Butler-Turner Pimp Slaps Fort Charlotte MP Andre Rollins in Parliament – Dr. Rollins says Loretta needs ‘a psychiatric evaluation’!


Rollins must press charges or he will forever be known as the MP who got pimp slap in Parliament!

Country is now questioning whether Butler-Turner is an Abuser! – SHE MUST RESIGN AS DEPUTY LEADER OF THE FNM!

Nassau, Bahamas –– The House of Assembly is becoming more and more dangerous by the day and from the looks of things a serious rift is developing between BIG SEXY Loretta Butler-Turner and Andre Rollins.

Just after the 1pm break while leaving the chamber both members ended up in a heated row, which then turned into a physical blow.

According to BP teams as the two exited Parliament’s Chamber words from the lips of Rollins caught the ear of Big Sexy Turner, who in a fit, turned around like a Muppet Show character and pimp slapped Rollins leaving her heavy hand-print the MP face. The action was then followed with words that were unchristian, uncouth and unParliamentry.

Members leaving the House could not believe what has just transpired, and it was as if Butler-Turner has inhaled a huge puff of white power as she crazily began carrying on like a Jungaliss!

What in the hell is this? For a moment Rollins was left in shock holding his head, as everyone waited for a response. But before he could burst out in a loud cry persons seeing the event quickly grabbed him to avoid a second bitch blow from the 400 pound gorilla, which could have been fatal – leading to murder in the Parliament – A FIRST!

In a response to media Rollins said, “I told her it was in poor taste and she needed to seek help. In fact I told her she needed to seek a psychiatric evaluation.

“I put my arm around her and I said ‘you really need help,’ and she slapped me.

“She acted in a fashion which was consistent with her belligerent nature. I had my arm around her, so I don’t know if she took offence at that.

“I am certain she regrets it. From my position, I hope all men would handle this the way I did, by walking away. I do not believe men should be violent towards women.

“I did not say anything nasty to her. The perception is I may have said something about her person, but at no time did I do that. I said ‘you really need a psychiatric evaluation.’

“It was totally uncalled for,” The MP for Fort Charlotte told the press.

One source to BP said, “What a sight that was. It was like a hunter being attacked by a wild bear. No one dared to restrain the bear who looked as if had someone touch her she would have bitten off their hand for lunch.”

Bahamas Press believes DR. Rollins should MAKE A criminal complaint to the police for assault and battery by a 400lb gorilla! Parliamentarians must learn how to behave and say no to drugs or alcohol!

What are we telling our children in this already violent and a horridly vicked society when Parliamentarians are going wild?

Watch how the media downplay this, but if it was a PLP MPs breaking up a Cabinet Room table someone would have had to resign and it would be news every day until it happens! The WUTLESS MEDIA gats no damn shame!

We report yinner decide!


  1. It’s all distasteful! Even the tone of this article…referring to a lady as a ‘400 pound gorilla’ speaks to the level of disrespect often displayed toward Mrs. Turner and women in general in this country, even in professional environments. As parents, we teach our children values such as show respect for others, don’t call others names, accept differences of others, don’t hurt people or touch their belongings. Rollins apparently violated all of these rules, and now wants to pretend that he is innocent and ‘taking the high road’ by not retaliating to his well deserved slap in the face. I am disgusted by his behavior of touching a woman in public with the intent to intimidate her. Loretta had to draw a line and slap some sense into him before his touching got of hand. Who knows what he would have done behind closed doors. He should answer for himself if he would be happy if the same behavior he displayed towards Loretta is displayed toward his mother, daughter, sister, etc? I am very disgusted by Rollins’ behavior and the tone of this article that seeks to make this issue a political one.

  2. It’s all distasteful! Even the tone of this article…referring to a lady as a ‘400 pound gorilla’ speaks to the level of disrespect often displayed toward Mrs. Turner and women in general in this country, even in professional environments. As parents, we teach our children values such as show respect for others, don’t call others names, accept differences of others, don’t hurt people or touch their belongings. Rollins apparently violated all of these rules, and now wants to pretend that he is innocent and ‘taking the high road’ by not retaliating to his well deserved slap in the face. I am disgusted by his behavior of touching a woman in public with the intent to intimidate her. Loretta had to draw a line and slap some sense into him before his touching got of hand. Who knows what he would have done behind closed doors. He should answer for himself if he would be happy if the same behavior he displayed towards Loretta is displayed toward his mother, daughter, sister, etc? I am very disgusted by Rollins’ behavior and the tone of this article that seeks to make this issue a political one.

  3. It’s all distasteful! Even the tone of this article…referring to a lady as a ‘400 pound gorilla’ speaks to the level of disrespect often displayed toward Mrs. Turner and women in general in this country, even in professional environments. As parents, we teach our children values such as show respect for others, don’t call others names, accept differences of others, don’t hurt people or touch their belongings. Rollins apparently violated all of these rules, and now wants to pretend that he is innocent and ‘taking the high road’ by not retaliating to his well deserved slap in the face. I am disgusted by his behavior of touching a woman in public with the intent to intimidate her. Loretta had to draw a line and slap some sense into him before his touching got of hand. Who knows what he would have done behind closed doors. He should answer for himself if he would be happy if the same behavior he displayed towards Loretta is displayed toward his mother, daughter, sister, etc? I am very disgusted by Rollins’ behavior and the tone of this article that seeks to make this issue a political one.

  4. So what was Rollins doing with his arm around her – his words – when she obviously didn’t want him touching her? She was within her rights to slap him, he was (legally) assaulting her. Granted she probably over-reacted in this particular case. Her behavior is not totally unwarranted given their rather antagonistic past. Clearly they are not friendly enough for him to be touching her in such a personal manner.

  5. We call on the Tribune as they called on Smith and Gibson to resign and pay for the table, we call on them and their GUTLESS WUTLESS WAYS to call the same on Loretta Butler-Turner. We call on Big Sexy to resign forthwith! And Do the Honourable THING! We always know the FNM was prone to VIOLENCE! They had the Goon Squad to break up PLP shops and burned down Oscar Johnson’s Printing shop, Caused the death Wendall Red Burrows in Perpall Track and caused two people to go to the gallows. They broke up Lionel Davis Headquarters in Fox Hill! They ran the goon squad out of Spring Hill Farms – Property owned by Jimmy Shepard. No wonder they like the KKK carries the TORCH as their symbol. It was a movement created to get rid of Sir Lynden by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!!! LORETTA HAS NO SHAME!!!! She is following into thier historical past of FNM VIOLENCE and GOON SQUADS! SHE MUSH GO AND GO NOW!! VIOLENCE IS something the country does not need at this time. – WE REPORT YINNER DECIDE!!

  6. You people are ridiculous! She didn’t slap him just because she overheard something he said! She asked him twice to remove his hand from around her and he didn’t so she defended herself. This website is so biased! His own party-mate Melanie Griffin told him to not pursue the issue with Loretta and he paid her no mind. This man is a misogynistic fool as well as the writer of this story. Gorilla? Big Sexy? This website is so offensive I don’t know how it still manages to exist.

    Tempted and tried, we’re oft made to wonder
    Why it should be thus all the day long;
    While there are others living about us,
    Never molested, though in the wrong.

    Farther along we’ll know more about it,
    Farther along we’ll understand why;
    Cheer up, my brother, live in the sunshine,
    We’ll understand it all by and by.

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