Blogger/Webmaster detained and interrogated by Police in the Bahamas!


Blogger/ Webmaster C. Allen Johnson arrested and taken out of his home in the middle of the night by Bahamian police?

Nassau, Bahamas — Is the government of the Bahamas and the Gestapo Royal Bahamas Police Force now going after bloggers on the World Wide Web?

Bahamas Press is reporting shocking information now coming into our newsroom, which confirms that the Ingraham government is arresting ‘free thinkers’ and individuals operating websites in The Bahamas.

C. Allen Johnson better known as, ‘Critical Thinker’, and owner of several local blogs on the Internet was arrested from his home early this morning. BP has learned police dragged to the Webmaster’s out of his house in the middle of the night and preceded to interrogation him.

A source close to the incident told BP, “Police arrested Mr. Johnson yesterday for taking over a government ran website. Apparently, the ministry of foreign affairs failed to pay for the domain name of the website, which was eventually bought by Mr. Johnson. We believe, however, this incident has nothing to do with Mr. Johnson’s legitimate right to own online real estate, but has all to do with the fact that the Internet in the Bahamas is worrisome for the government. They are afraid information is being passed and discussed in record time and today, ZNS, The Torch [Tribune] and other media outlets cannot help or shape the debate in the country anymore.”

Johnson, we are told, was picked up by the Gestapo Police in the early hours of the morning and taken to an undisclosed location, and may have been water-boarded by Police. Like the interrogators of the cold war or those of the North Korean army, Bahamian police quizzed the shaken website developer on all kinds of information relating to online activity.

You would remember The Pillsbury Doughboy was all in the newspapers telling the public how he intends to launch a criminal complaint against a website and owners of blogs for statements levied against him online. Like the COMMUNIST THINKERS THEY ARE, THE FNM GOVERNMENT IS NOW USING STARLIN LIKE TACTIC TO INTIMIDATE FREE THINKERS IN THE BAHAMIAN SOCIETY.

Bahamas Press warns the government that this is not the road they should tread in their WICKED ATTEMPT to STIFLE FREE SPEECH IN THE COUNTRY!

The constitution of the Bahamas protects the rights of every Bahamian citizen to express freely their thoughts.

Last year minister with responsibility for the public service, Zhivargo Laing, ordered a suspension of Internet access at all government offices. Further to this, both the Pillsbury and the Tribune has called for censoring the Internet in the Bahamas; calling for the government to take control of the information highway, which have gripped the world with global information.

Bahamas Press cries ‘DUTTY SHAME on the RBPF for their NASTY ACTIONS AGAINST A LAW ABIDING CITIZENS! We call on all right thinking Bahamians to join us in denouncing this COMMUNISTIC STALIN TACTIC against FREE THINKERS OF THE SOCIETY!

We invite C. Allen Johnson to file immediately an lawsuit for the despicable actions of the RBPF against him this morning and we call on our international affiliates NBC, CBS, ABC, The BBC and right thinking persons all over the world to denounce this GESTAPO LIKE BEHAVIOUR perpetuated by the Ingraham lead government against its own people.



  1. What a dutty shame !!!!!!!!!the same F.N.M guber-ment that talk about free speach is the Devels that trying to stop it!!! and the P.L.P IS NO DIFFRENT All of them use ZNS like a dirty rag.And some of those reporters need to stop being political puppets well at least one puppet from Z.N.S fired!! AH OH!I mean resign good ridance SHR BR. watless Press
    Bp hold they foot to the fire!!!!!!!


  2. He should file a lawsuit and reveal all information he has on people and put them in fear. Information and knowledge is power. People should not be afraid to speak because by them doing that to him they are afraid so make them scared and reveal allllll dirt.

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