ZNS-TVNassau, Bahamas — The vicked recorders of history in this town who often spin truth in their emptiness and stretch lies to achieve someVICKED’ AGENDA appalls Bahamas Press! We are talking about the people in WUTLESS MEDIA today on this HOLY WEEKEND.

Friday was Good Friday and the news update on the national station [ZNS] appeared jubilant to report to the natives that a crime summit was about to take place in the capital. The reporter went on to say it was the First of its kindto be held in the country, and that it will bring together stakeholders in the private sector to draw solutions on the vexing problem of crime plaguing the Bahamas. The reporter further said Bahamas Against Crime will host the event, which will be held at the Wyndham Nassau Resort.

We are appalled and stupidly vexed by the silly claims being made across the Bahamas by people who seems to have no record on nothing! Whoever wrote that piece of journalistic rot should hold hands with the editors at ZNS and jump head first off the peek of the Paradise Island Bridge. And if that does not take them then they should go bury themselves in an unmarked grave somewhere in one of the cemeteries nearby.

If this is the first ever Crime Summit in the Bahamas then could someone please tell us what country, they [THE WUTLESS MEDIA] or us [BP and the VICTIMS OF CRIME] been living in during the last 3 years?

ZNS should be the last to report such nonsense when they covered Tommy Turnquest’s summit on crime back in late 2007, when stakeholders throughout the community all joined hands to draft solutions. You would remember Rev. Dr. Simeon B. Hall was later appointed Chairman of a Commission coming out of that summit. He then delivered a report to Turnquest for his government to act on. The men at one point even had a public row on the matter as BP stood on the sidelines and watched.

Before this report was done and its summit held, there was the ‘Gomez Report’ birth out of another commission, which collected dust and ashes in the 1980. And recently we had Jones Communication Public Town Meeting on Crime and scores of community town meetings are still being held with the police on the issue. So this summit is not new it is one of many, which have become a wearying public relations exercise in this country. The more summits the greater horror and levels we see of criminal activity. What we need in the Bahamas is an organizing of communities and not another session of lunches, dinner tickets or concerts.

A Kemp Road 7A bus is picking up young juveniles and is raping them while they are going to church. We need people who will organize and report what they see, not be seen sitting up in A/C discussing the problem! This is a time for ACTION!

Moreso, we are sick and shockingly appalled by the level of emptiness displayed by members of the wutless media in this country and are equally disgusted by their shallowness to report facts and refer to history. What they are doing to thousands of readers/viewers is a CRIME in itself. WE CRY SHAME ON THEM!