BP has now identified two terrorists that opened fire and killed a man at that Supervalue Party!


We must cut off the supply chains of BULLETS and GUNS!

Javincie Johnson and Tanarj Greene now in police custody for that terror shooting incident in Westridge on Monday morning.
Javincie Johnson and Tanarj Greene now in police custody for that terror shooting incident in Westridge on Monday morning.

Nassau, Bahamas — Violent female terrorists, who entered a compound on Cress Hill in Westridge to a partying crowd, has been identified by Bahamas Press! Both suspects are now in police custody along with another male.

BP has identified the two gun ‘toters’ as Javincie Johnson and Tanarj Greene. Both who entered that party Monday morning were caught on live camera as they inflicted their violence on a young man and the crowd!

The trio, police believe, entered a Supervalue Food store holiday party at a residence around 1pm with automatic weapons where they opened fire killing one partygoer and injured three others.

The face of this homegrown terror, exercised by persons unknown in the community, MUST BE PUT TO AN END!

It is still unknown if the “butch-looking-gals” had any pass to be at the party, but most believe they entered the event to achieve a mass death exercise at that event!

One political observer to this latest incident called for tougher gun laws in the country, “What were they expected to achieve at such a major event with loaded lethal instruments? Why was it necessary to enter a party with automatic guns if the intent is not to create mass casualties?! We must do something with this and quickly bring order to these lawless ‘guntoters’!”

All we at BP are wondering is where did they purchase these weapons?

Elvis Cartwright lost his life at the scene of the shooting!

Meanwhile this afternoon Bahamian police will present before the bar of justice a young 21-year-old male of Toote Shop Corner for the murder of Rafik Turnquest that occurred on 19th December.

We report yinner decide!




  1. and I wanted to come visit this year. I will pass when you sort yourself …… I’m not going to get shot, mugged or raped while on vacation.

  2. Again the person responsible for this post is spreading lies and placing innocent person lives in danger KAVANCIA JOHNSON is NOT in police custody and was not at that party. The police made a BAD arrest and should come out and admit that they picked up an innocent person. If the person who own this web site just called CDU they would have known this is all lirs placed on the young lady head. It is sad when you realize that truly the police is not persons friends because if a mistake is made and you made a bad arrest admit publically you made a mistake this is terrible. Hope persons watch when the persons charge go before court and BAHAMASPRESS.COM prints a retraction and an apology to this lady

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