Former BTC and Atlantis employee surrenders to police after killing her hubby in Adelaide!


Woman turned herself into police after allegedly shooting a man she stalked!!

Lynette Charlton turned herself into police after allegedly killing a man she stalked!
Lynette Charlton turned herself into police after allegedly killing a man she stalked!

Nassau, Bahamas — A 43–year-old woman wanted in connection with a shooting incident that has left a man detained in hospital on Sunday, 27th December, 2015, has turn herself into police.

Bahamas Press has identified the suspect to be a former Atlantis bartender and mother of five children, Lynette Charlton.

Our sources have also revealed that she was once an employee of BTC, but left the company after collecting her package and then wasted away all her money!

We can report the victim, who we have identified as 47-year-old, Wayne Seymour, of Seven Hills, was driving in his Chevy truck on Adelaide Road accompanied with Charlton when the couple got into an argument that led to him being shot by the suspect who was armed with a handgun. It is alleged that Charlton then fled the scene in the victim’s truck.

On her Facebook page the suspect appeared to have a thing for crime scenes. Her last post just before the incident in Adelaide reads “New Crime Scene”.

We report yinner decide!




  1. ” left the company after collecting her package and then wasted away all her money” now that is top rate Journalism , such a “Punch comment” .. sensationalism always distracts us from the seriousness of a MURDER .

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