Breaking News <<< Jackson Burnside Passes in a Florida Hospital


Sad News coming in from Jackson Memorial Hospital, which confirms Jackson Burnside has passed this morning. BP is devastated!


  1. I met Jackson while we both attended Lincoln University. I remember him as a gentleman.There are some people that can never be forgotten. My condolences to his family and to all who had the blessing of knowing him.

  2. Jackson was a great Bahamian; a proud Bahamian. Jackson and I were childhood friends, we had so many things in common- our love for Junkanoo, our appreciation for the arts and not the least of which our appearance. Persons known to both of us have always commented on how much we resemble one another. Today is a very sad day for the country and for myself. I will forever remember this great friend and the great memories we created. We will indeed honour him with the greatest of respect and admiration. May God comfort his wife Pam and the family.

  3. me and jackson had a saying politicians dont make legens people make legens we will show then a real legen for his home going .he will always be in the hearts of the bahamaian people he is now with the great tony mckay exuma the obeah man.

  4. I will surely miss hearing his voice on Junkanoo Talks with Arlene Nash-Ferguson and their count down to Junkanoo.The energy he infused into that talk show was second to none. To his wife, children, other family members and friend, may the God we serve bring grace and comfort to you during you time of bereavement. May his soul rest in peace.

  5. Words can’t express how sad I am to hear this. Jackson Burnside was a great Bahamian, he was the type of person who enjoyed impacting lives in a positive and meaningful way. I am happy to know, I had the privileges of sitting in on many of his presentations at various seminars where I were in attendance. He was a true and proud Bahamian to the core and I am sure he will always be missed. My condolences to his family and all those who loved him.

  6. No matter what weather conditions wash up on the shores of time, the footprints of Jackson Burnside will remain so that all will know that a Good man once domiciled here amongst us. May God’s Grace comfort his family.

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