Breaking News <<< A Member of The Cabinet Minister is the latest victim of CRIME!


Minister of State for Lands, Byron Woodside home ransacked just after 3:30pm yesterday.

Country records murder #23 happening right now!!!

Nassau, Bahamas — Breaking news coming into Bahamas Press, and only on BP, confirm junior minister in charge of lands Byron Woodside and FNM candidate for Pinewood is the latest victim of the criminal rampage, which has hit the country like a bag of horse dung!

Only hours before Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham was recommending a tougher fight on crime, his own junior minister for lands has become the country’s latest victim of armed robbery.

Sources in the position to know told BP, sometime after 3:30 pm yesterday, some unknown persons gained entry into the minister’s home at the back entrance, and removed from his home the MP’s 42″ flat screen TV.  They also removed the Lands Minister’s shotgun, surround sound system, 5 gold watches, 3 gold chains, a sex toy and his entire desktop computer system.

Woodside, who is seeking reelection in the Pinewood constituency told friends, “this crime problem is getting out of hand.”

Despite the MP concerns, his boss [HUBERT INGRAHAM] was still on the campaign swing in Fort Charlotte blaming the PLP for the state of CRIME in the country.

After five years of doing nothing to end the surge of crime in the Bahamas, Hubert Ingraham played the BLAME GAME! His FNM Party has yet to outline a solution to the crime crisis.

Meanwhile, happening RIGHT NOW, just outside Faith Ave. is investigations into the country’s 23rd murder incident.

Shot dead to the head is 36-year-old Eugene Stuart of Faith Gardens. A relative of the victim reported the incident early this morning.

Police are at this hour at the scene of the morning murder.

More than 450 persons have been massacred in the country since 2007. The crime crisis rocking the nation is the worst it has ever been since records have been kept.



  1. AS a constable ONLY making $1800 a month, If I get a degree whiles on the job this mean as long as PAPA in power I would have to wait 15 years for a promotion. WALKING THE BEAT,this is a dead end! or I will have to make money some other way to buy a house and KEEP my family. WALKING THE BEAT will not stop crime, how about investing in the CONSTABLES to be more equip in intel.

  2. The FNM is going to have to turn water into wine, lead into gold and okra in soursee to avoid getting swept in this election.

    So now that one of the pretty boys get robbed, now they kinda-sorta feel what the common man been experiencing for the last couple years.

    You mean to tell me that this government didn’t have the courage to hang atleast one no-good bastard. Common, at least ONE. Even the dam boy who burn-up and murdered the young lady get off scott-free under this government.

    The writing is on the wall for all to see.

    IT IS FINISH THE BATTLE IS OVER. i just hope whatever government comes in next will put crime as number one. I want them do whatever it takes, and I mean WHATEVER IT TAKES, TO GIVE US JUSTICE. AMEN

  3. Lol! Boy they rob him good! Good! Y’all feelin it now hey? Well do something about it! Wait scratch that. Ya’ll have no idea and no cahonas what to do, contrary to the nonsense your boss said in his last mendacious speech. You hear that BP. Froggie wanna crack down on number houses! Wonder how his best friend will take it when that’s his very rich bread & butter?? Prbbly not worried becuz he was told by him it’s just hot air from Ingrum to try swing some morons to vote for the Foreign National Movement. Hubbie you’re really pathetic.

  4. The Prime Minister said last night in Ft Charlotte that when he came to office in 2007,he met 500 fewer police constables than he left in 2002.He said that his gov’t is working hard to get the force back to the make up that he thinks it should be,meaning more constables to walk the beat.This is being said at the same time that the CoP is seeking to have any number of police officers promoted. Very clearly there is serious interference with that process because the CoP will not be able to promote the hard working men and women of the RBPF.Sgt Dwight Smith should focus on that for a while.The PM admitted that hundreds of police officers were promoted by the PLP and that he thinks it was to much. RBPF ,your FNM gov’t working for you.

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