BTC: Company Civic & Social Outreach not impacted by New BTC Foundation



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STATEMENT: Officials from BTC today clarified the company’s position regarding its ongoing social and civic activities and that of the new BTC Foundation to be formed by virtue of the agreement between the company’s shareholders, CWC and The Bahamas Government, last week.

This clarification comes as a result of comments made by BCPOU President, Bernard Evans, and others regarding the possibility of BTC reducing its civic involvement and investments by virtue of the new BTC Foundation.

“BTC has been over the years extremely proud of its track record as a leading corporate citizen in the Bahamas.  We have ongoing multi-year commitments to The College of the Bahamas Scholarship Fund, Junkanoo, the BAAAs, the Olympic Committee and others that we will continue to honour and hopefully build upon over time.  We have plans as a company to increase – not decrease –  our investments in youth, sports and culture, with focus this year on inner city programs and public spaces.”, noted Geoff Houston, BTC CEO.

“There is no relationship between the work that the new BTC Foundation will do and the initiatives that BTC will continue to support and develop. However, by virtue of the mandate agreed for the Foundation, we can say confidently that the combined efforts of the BTC as a company and the new BTC Foundation will mean that more attention and resources are made available to worthy community and civic initiatives.”

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