BTVI Students Headed to Study Abroad


VAT PSA 17 from King Of Hearts Media on Vimeo.

Four BTVI students are headed to Canada for two semesters. Standing from left to right are: Lynderia Clarke and Renel Pierre, both of whom will study Electrical Installation at Vancouver Island University, while Cordelia Dean and Mystique Stevenson are on their way to Fanshawe College to participate in the institution’s Computer Systems Technician program. Seated are BTVI’s Student Affairs Coordinator, Racquel Bethel, who will be participating in Fanshawe College’s faculty exchange program for two weeks and BTVI’s Manager and Consultant, Dr. Iva Dahl.

Nassau, Bahamas – Four students of The Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI) are being afforded the opportunity to study in Canada for two semesters on Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) scholarships.

Lynderia Clarke and Renel Pierre will both be studying Electrical Installation at Vancouver Island University, while Cordelia Dean and Mystique Stevenson will be in the Computer Systems Technician program at Fanshawe College. The scholarships, granted by the Canadian government, provide Latin America and Caribbean students with short-term exchange opportunities at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
BTVI’s Coordinator of Student Affairs, Racquel Bethel will also be headed to Fanshawe College on a two-week faculty exchange.

Furthermore, all four students expressed excitement about heading to Canada for the spring 2015 semester, with Lyderia and Renel leaving as early as New Year’s Day. Lynderia is looking forward to the wealth of knowledge which awaits her and the opportunity to explore a different culture, while Renel is still reveling in the idea that he will be leaving The Bahamas for the first time.

Mystique said it never crossed her mind that she could be a BTVI student and be presented with the chance of studying abroad for two semesters. “I’m appreciative of being selected. I intend to make BTVI proud,” she stated.

BTVI’s Manager and Consultant, Dr. Iva Dahl, encouraged the students to make new friends during the eight months and gain a wider experience through integration of cultures, but she also advised them to uphold high standards.

“Don’t throw caution to the wind because it’s a foreign country. Don’t do anything you wouldn’t do at home. And academically, if you’re struggling, there is help. Take advantage of tutoring,” she stated.

Dr. Dahl further encouraged the students to seek to attain their Red Seals – Canada’s highest trade certification – as the Canadian Electrical Code Part I is the electrical code adopted by The Bahamas.

Meanwhile, BTVI’s Isaiah Strachan and Diane Smith have just completed their semester-long stint at Holland College in Canada, where they both studied Electronics Engineering. The student exchange, which began in 2009, requires BTVI students to be full-time and following the experience, they are to return to BTVI to complete their studies.

PSA 18 from King Of Hearts Media on Vimeo.