Cabinet voted against BOSS HOG Brent Symonette in Lighthouse Point Development and awarded Disney instead!


National HOG Symonette was ordered out of Cabinet Room!

Minister Symonette and PM Hubert Minnis.

NASSAU – All hell broke loose in Cabinet on Friday before the Executive made its final vote on the decision to agree that Disney would be selected to develop Lighthouse Point in Eleuthera.

The decision sat on the table for months and just Friday morning Disney issued an ultimatum, forcing the Cabinet to convene an emergency session.

All members were present, including the national hog and Minister for Investments, who has gotten almost every piece of business from government while we pay taxes.

The question was put for all members involved with Lighthouse Point to disclose their interest and, of course, automatically the Investment Minister Symonette who was sitting in the room disclosed his investment interest with a second group that wanted Cabinet to approve the development in its favour.

Following that disclosure and revelation, national hog Symonette was – out of respect for the procedures – asked to leave the room while the Cabinet deliberated and voted on the decision.

Symonette could not believe he was being booted out the room. The shock on his face was evident as he, like a schoolboy, left, carrying his folders.

Earlier in the week Cabinet had fixed national hog with a handsome lease involving the general post office which will move to his Town Centre Mall.

As we at BP say: Ya cannot have it all and be the national hog!

We report yinner decide!