Carnival opens new office in Freeport, Grand Bahama

CARNIVAL OPENS NEW OFFICE – Carnival Cruise Lines officially opened its new office in Freeport, Grand Bahama on Thursday, August 29, 2024 at Millennium House.  Officially opening the office was the Minister for Grand Bahama, the Hon. Ginger Moxey. The opening was also on the day that Prime Minister, the Hon. Philip Davis, Deputy Prime Minister the Hon. Chester Cooper and other officials toured Celebration Key, Carnival’s $600M cruise port currently under construction in Grand Bahama.   

FREEPORT, Grand Bahama, The Bahamas – The official opening of Carnival Cruise Lines office in Freeport signifies their commitment to the island, economy and the people, said Minister for Grand Bahama the Hon. Ginger Moxey, August 29, 2024 at Millennium House.

The office opening was held on the same day that Prime Minister the Hon. Philip Davis, Deputy Prime Minister the Hon. Chester Cooper, Minister Moxey and other government officials toured the Celebration Key site.

Minister Moxey said, “In anticipation of the grand opening of Celebration Key in 2025, the Ministry for Grand Bahama began implementing initiatives to motivate creativity and innovation among local entrepreneurs. Last year, we launched our Empower Grand Bahama Micro-Grant Program to encourage the creation of more authentic Bahamian products, services, and immersive experiences for our visitors.”

In keeping with this, 149 micro-grants were distributed by the Ministry for Grand Bahama to entrepreneurs operating businesses in the Orange Economy, encouraging them to develop uniquely Bahamian touristic products that captivated the charm and diversity of Grand Bahama Island.

One recipient of the grant, Ostia Thomas, created an eco-friendly, family-oriented guided e-scooter tour for guests to enjoy the history, Bahamian culture and breathtaking natural beauty of the island.

“Ostia is a wonderful example of the resilient, innovative entrepreneurial spirit of the residents of Grand Bahama….  And through the Tourism Development Corporation there are ongoing efforts to empower Bahamian entrepreneurs.  We intend to continue to work closely with Carnival, in a collaborative effort, to achieve this.  And… as I mentioned earlier, there is so much more to come!”

Following the speeches, the guests were taken on a tour of the new offices, located on the Mall Drive.