Chairman Storr congratulates BMC luncheon guests on 30 years of progress


Nassau, The Bahamas —  Hundreds Bahamas Mortgage Corporation (BMC) employees gathered at the SuperClubs Breezes ballroom, October 10, to break bread together and reflect on the growth the corporation has realised over the past 30 years.

Corporation Chairman Sen. Alex Storr reminded luncheon guests that the BMC was established to  assist low to middle income Bahamians to purchase, construct or renovate dwelling homes, and has been making steady strides since inception.

He said  expansions include the opening of sub-offices on the islands of Grand Bahama and Abaco, and that more recently a new computer system and procedures has been introduced.

“The government at the time BMC commenced business saw a need to create a mechanism by which Bahamians could be assisted in obtaining financing for home ownership and successive governments have upheld this mechanism and in some cases improved upon it,” said Sen. Storr.  “Those of us who sit here today must carry on the cause of our forefathers and though we may modernise and change to improve our service to our customers, we must not lose sight of the premise on which BMC was established.”

Chairman Storr said obligations to operate and be financially prudent must always be balanced with compassion shown to fellow Bahamians. He reiterated Prime Minister Perry Christie’s admonition from the book of Matthew during the BMC’s anniversary church service: “Whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

He told them that as employees of BMC, they must be about giving the best service that they can, while they can. He said although some days are better than others, the work everyday is significant to BMC and to the country.

“As chairman of this organisation, I would like you to know that your efforts are appreciated.  I understand that there are some challenges, but we must continue to meet those challenges.  We also must not dwell on the negative, but understand that our role is to ensure that BMC remains a tool that can be utilised by future generations of Bahamians.  With this objective in mind, we must all work to leave BMC in a better position than we met it.  All of you in your respective positions have a role to play in achieving this goal,” said Sen. Storr.

He said he would personally like the legacy he leaves at BMC to be that of the chairman that ensured that BMC not only continues to provide homes for Bahamians , but that it also has its own permanent home.

“Hopefully, this will be something that we can find a way to do while I am at the helm.  I would also like it to be said that I took the problems we faced head on, not leaving them to fall on the back of those who will come behind me,” said Chairman Storr.

“As we move towards our 31st year, I sincerely hope that we do so with a new resolve to make BMC even better, that 30years from now, those of us who are still here in the land of the living can sit in a room like this, at an event like this and reminisce on the good ole days.”