Chaos erupts within the ranks of the FNM as House is set to meet Monday


Kendal Wright, MP for Clifton.


Nassau, BahamasBP is paging the MP for Clifton, Kendal Wright. BP understands high-level officials of the government are all over the island in search of the whereabouts of the MP.

We understand party officials were sent in search of the MP gone MIA [AWOL]. Papa is said to be very worried at this hour and is working the phone like a mad man. It is alleged the MP has had clandestine discussions with the leader of the DNA and could join that party and be a standard-bearer in the upcoming general elections.

Readers would remember Wright was the mover of the motion on the floor of the Parliament to sell BTC to Cable and Wireless as he sold out the Bahamian people! It is alleged he was not personally for the sale.

The MP is said to not be taking any calls and is at an undisclosed location. Papa knifed, sliced and diced the seat of Clifton right from under Wright. The move has sent the FNM in a tailspin.

Sources on Grand Bahamas also tell us, Vernae ‘Da Villiage Idiot’ Grant, may also join the ranks of the DNA. Papa has classified her as the Sarah Palin of The Bahamas. She is said to be dumber than Dora and angrier than a mouth full of goat pepper following the elimination of her seat in Eight Mile Rock.

Minister for Housing Kenneth Russell.

Meanwhile, another volcanic eruption is unfolding in the High Rock seat as Kenneth ‘The Uncircumcised Philistine’ Russell, is said to be visibly upset with the proposed changes to the boundaries. We are told he is snorting through the nose and fuming at the mouth like a rabid dog.

Additionally, we are told Kenyatta ‘Switch-hitter’ Gibson, the worst MP in the history of the Bahamas, is seeking a seat in St. Thomas More for the FNM after abandoning the good people of Kennedy for more than 3 years.

BP will be in front row in down town tomorrow, as the bloodbath and Drama-in-Bahama unfolds. Papa is losing control of the FNM as some MPs are openly revolting against his autocratic rule.

We report, yinner decide!


  1. Is this the same GRANT who is always bragging a bout her the Rt Hon Hubert Ingraham is a Man of trust and he is the best, no this cannot be her. She should go because every time she open her mouth in the house she is always talking a bunch of foolishness reading all kind of crap nothing with sense, so sister nothing should change he is still a man of TRUST

  2. Man I just love the Bahamas Press Kaynetta gibson is the worst MP in the history of the Bahamas he makes me sick when he stand on the floor and only try to belittle Mr Christe who caused him to be in the house two times old ungrateful beast, Mr. Christe I know is hurt it will hurt anyone who you stand up for and then they turn pitbull on them, but the Bible says who the builder rejects God will make them the corner stone nothing was ever done in kennedy a shame Mr butler had to go in there as simple to clean up I blame Mr Christie for standing up and give him another chance. He will pay a price dont worry just stand by

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