Hubert Ingraham will lead the FNM INTO DEFEAT IN 2012

The bad candidate in the Elizabeth by-election, Duane Sands, admists that the vexing crime problem is of epidemic proportions and is far worse than recorded. Sands also noted that the hospital under Hubert Minnis is in a crisis!


Nassau, Bahamas — It is no wonder the FNM is trailing in the polls. It is no wonder they have resorted into desperate tactics. It is no wonder why thousands of Bahamians voting today voted to VOTE OUT OF OFFICE THE FNM government.

Police voted for the PLP because they want change. Other citizens too said they are tied of the FNM!

Crime, Violence, Mass Unemployment are just some of the things on the minds of Bahamians.

Then we have the roadworks which are 100 Million Dollars over budgeted, and corruption now at the port which is raping the Bahamian poor.

The man who has led the FNM into three general election victories could perhaps be showing party supporters his time has come in politics.

Prime Minister The Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham was mellow a few days ago in West Grand Bahama as he presented Pekeisha Parker-Edgecombe to a section of the community.

The mellow feelings of the PM through his recent statements could be results of damaging polls, which is not in favour with his FNM government.

BBB Analytics confirms if elections were held today the PLP would be declared the winners of the 2012 general elections.

Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham has also poorly managed the Bahamian economy but is so drunk with power he will wait until the Bahamain people fire him at the next general elections. He spoke badly about the judges according to WIKILEAKS!

Polls taken also indicated signs that the economy of the Bahamas is still slowly recovering. Department of Statistics revealed this week that the cost of gas is once again on the rise and could affect businesses in a major way.

According to a Nassau Guardian report, the average price of gas in New Providence in 2011 came in at $5.17 per gallon. That compares with $4.34 in 2010 and $3.83 in 2009.

According to the paper, last year, the price of gas hit a high of $5.60 in June. Exports tell us further increase this year could exceed 2011 hikes.

A recent poll taken by BBB suggest more than 76% of persons surveyed are not pleased with the management of the Bahamian economy by the Government. Some 69% polled suggest they were better off prior to 2007 than they are today.

Meanwhile, as every constituency on the island of New Providence and Grand Bahama has been showing the FNM the hand writing on the wall, Papa and his crew of croonies relished the nostalgia of what use to be; as he was treated to a night of fanfare of mainly Coopers Town FNM supporters.

The South Central FNM headquarters opening the other weekend showed few supporters from the South and Central.

Ingraham prepped his supporters for defeat by reminding them of a statement whispered to him former leader of the FNM Sir Kendal Isaacs: “THOU ART ONLY A MAN” . The statement by Mr. Ingraham also reminded us of Pindling’s statement following the 1992 elections: The voice of the people is the voice of GOD!

Ingraham also told the crowd that if sent packing in the next general elections he has already cut his bait and that he’s prepared to return to Abaco as a full time fisherman. The PM is famed for his weekend trips to Abaco and returning to the capital with coolers of fish to sell and share amongst high-ranking jurist friends.

His comment though also reminded us of his words during the FNM defeat in Lizzy: We don’t need to win to keep the government!

Residents of Abaco have been the victims of massive power outages even after two brand new generators were installed at Wilson City at the taxpayer’s expense to the tune of $100 million.

These generators were the center of a major controversy that erupted on that northern Island as the fuel to run them have been scientifically proven to cause cancer.

However, back at the ranch where the horses eat hey, Papa has major problems in Grand Bahama.

A PLP rally on that island outnumbered the FNM 3 to 1. An unemployed 28 year-old woman from Eight Mile Rock told BP, “The energy at the PLP event was electrifying. It was like we are giving birth to a new day in the Bahamas all over again. I am unemployed. I have been without a job since early 2011. The government has not attracted a single new investment to the country. We cannot continue like this.”

And while thousands on Grand Bahamians fall in this category, we know thousands more are out of work, while the government is granting permits in record speed.

Then in case you forgot, Dr. Hubert Minnis is now panning out to be the worst MINISTER OF HEATH IN THE HISTORY OF THE BAHAMAS. Last year just the government cut the health budget for fogging and what was the result? Hundreds of Bahamians died with advance cases of dengue! Who forgot that?

One women in the finance department got ill Monday with dengue and was dead by Friday. It was the worse case of disease since the dropsy! Bahamians crowded clinics and some died. WHY? Because the FNM cut the budget!

Now all we could hear is “WE DELIVER”?

We report Yinner decide!


  1. @ Objective Thought: Notice that Paul Moss goes out of his way to get press coverage and on issues that are not relevant to today’s problems. He makes his splash in the media and moves on to his next publicity event- never concluding the first. He has no staying power. The country does not need him. BJ continues in his confused state and mumbling statements. He can’t help a weakened P,C. O.W. has some potential- good oratory skills, has some progressive ideas, well put together but he has a temper and appears to be more into becoming leader than being a leader, if you know what I mean. I’m watching Forbes. Need to know more about him. Sears has some potential but turns some people off with his presentation. Forget Davis! Too bad about Fred Mitchell though because a few years back he seemed to have it but is fast turning seedy and has become vitriol in nature. You all have to look away from those already on the front line of politics and into your young party workhorses or someone who is into community service, who is educated, smart, well put together and really loves his/her country.

  2. ronica7 :LOL, Tp, I did not say i was supporting the FNM. Fnm supporters react just like their leader,has his cabinet reacting ‘can say nuttin”!
    Thats what i like about the plp, it’s cabinet ministers and it’s supporters, ‘ween scared to talk’!
    In my estimation the PlP, is replete with to much talent, to keep Mr. Christie on. Even though i think Mr. Christie was a good leader i think that the bahamian people already rejected him, and Mr. Ingraham was rejected,also, to a large degree comparable to 1997, so simply move off the scene.I think that both leaders simply need to move on!

    PC has never been rejected by the Bahamian people but the Tommy was in 2002 and Pindling was in 97….

    PC had many great ideas but was too slow in implimenting them… I feel like PC’s leadership will get a good boost if he gets a good deputy to back him up… That person to me is BJ…

    I also feel as though the PLP will loose the next election if they don’t give Paul Moss the nomination for St Cecilia because he is very vocal.. Simply put, he aint no deep freeze!!!

  3. Joe Blow :Altec and JT: Why keep rehashing all this old stuff? Esculation of crime cannot be laid at the feet of either of these good people. They make the policies and create the environment but indeed it is the “attitude of the police, the criminals, the justice system,the bureaucrats and ourselves as a people that dictates where crime is going. Yes there are many issues confronting this administration just as there were facing the one before it. When will we stop with all the negatives and the tired old whining and get on with offering solutions? This is OUR Country! It does not belong to the PLP or the FNM power brokers, so lets stop making it political and help find the solutions, please. Obviously you care or you wouldn’t be putting your 2 cents in.

    Life is politics my friend!! Everything has something to do with politics so we can’t duck it…

    The FNM came to power saying that they had the solutions to our crime problem and here they are:
    1) Remove the police (who were never there) from the schools and put them back on the streets.
    2) Remove the Police from the Urban Renewal Programme and put them back on the streets.
    3) Purchase more vehicles (which they have done).
    4) Remove Mother Pratt.
    5) And this last one was their main plan. GET RID OF THE PLP and they said that you would get rid of crime!!

    From what I can see, they were wrong on all counts… It’s not Tommy T’s fault, not being able to reduce crime.. He has followed their plan to the Tee.. It’s the plan that’s faulty!! The FNM had NO workable plan to reduce crime prior to coming to office.. They are now, 2 years later, just putting a workable plan together!!! Tommy T is a nice guy, he is just MISGUIDED!!!!

  4. Joe Blow :Let’s get something straight here. In more pure democracies, constituency residents choose a candidate who resides in that constituency. The National Caucus of a Party accepts as their candidate the one chosen, not by the National Party leader or the national power brokers of the Party but by the people of the constituency in that particular area. Persons put forth their names, they campaign, Mini rallies are set up where the candidates for that particular Party speak out on the issues, both national and constituency. So, if 3 persons who are card carrying members of ,say the PLP run; the people of that constituency choose the one whom they think will best represent them and that person is the candidate for the National Caucus no matter how the “power brokers feel.This puts at least some of the power back in the voters hands and makes the person selected more accountable to the “people”. And yes there is still room for manipulation by those outside the constituency. No one has found a way around that. But it guards, to some extent,against a power group in a National Party putting their “ringers” in to advance their own agendas. I, for one, am not interested in having someone residing in another constituency that has little in common with the problems or needs in my constituency representing me. Know also that an incumbant MP will always have a “leg-up” on a newcomer because he is more in the know.If change is to come, we very much need to change the power of selection back into the hands of the voters.

    I agree with you 100%.. I could not have said it better!!! That’s progressive thinking!!! DEMOCRACY hard at work!!

  5. LOL, Tp, I did not say i was supporting the FNM. Fnm supporters react just like their leader,has his cabinet reacting ‘can say nuttin”!

    Thats what i like about the plp, it’s cabinet ministers and it’s supporters, ‘ween scared to talk’!

    In my estimation the PlP, is replete with to much talent, to keep Mr. Christie on. Even though i think Mr. Christie was a good leader i think that the bahamian people already rejected him, and Mr. Ingraham was rejected,also, to a large degree comparable to 1997, so simply move off the scene.I think that both leaders simply need to move on!

  6. HAI can control his house. None of those FNM MP’s dear test him, but HAI cant govern on the level of PC…

    That is a popular FNM propaganda talking point, but do the facts substantiate that claim? Let us examine the current PM’s handling of crises and scandals within his cabinet and government:

    To date, Brent Symonnette and Gregory Williams were the only persons the current PM asked to resign when they were caught in scandals, but all the PLP’s were asked to resigned under Christie. That is simply a fact.

    When his former DPM Watson was caught in scandals involving bounced checks to the treasury, Bahamasair B737, and possible govt. interference in a covert DEA operations, the PM took no action against DPM Watson. He accused Monique Pindling of writing bounced checks to the treasury to deflect from the real issue facing his government.

    When charges were leveled at Dion Foulkes about improprieties and abuses of power in awarding contracts for school repairs, the PM admitted that the contract amounts were large for the scope of work and ordered an investigation, but took no action against Foulkes and never revealed the results of the investigation.

    When charges were made against Tommy Turnquest in the House about allowing an unauthorized contractor to pay for his leader-elect victory party, the PM asked Tommy to pay for his own party, but there is no record of him doing so and no punitive actions taken by the PM against Turnquest for this apparent conflict of interest.

    When charges of corruption surfaced about Earl Deveaux, the PM moved him from Agriculture and placed him in the PM’s office as some Ambassador to the environment (BEST). Again, no action was taken.


    In the present term, the PM lashed out at the PLP, calling them “FOOLS” when Frank Smith raised a conflict of interest issue in the House surrounding State Minister Laing and Mona Vie.

    When Earl Deveaux bypassed the statutory board and ignored the moratorium by personally approving a taxi plate to one of his FNM cronies, the PM could be seen in the House defending Earl Deveaux by saying that there was no taxi plate out there. Again he took no action.

    When Brent Symonette chaired a meeting about relocating the container port, this was a conflict of interest as Symonette owned property on which the container port sits and stands to benefit from the relocation and the redevelopment of the city of Nassau. The PM said that Symonette would continue to serve on the committee. There was a clear conflict between Brent’s public duty and private business interests. No ACTIONS WERE TAKEN BY THE CURRENT PM.

    Concerning Sidney Collie and the the local government elections, I continue to point out that the Supreme Court dealt with Mr. Collie and NOT THE PM. All indications are that the entire FNM cabinet conspired to break the law concerning certain provisions of the amended local government act. After the issue became a crisis, the PM threw Collie under the bus and the FNM propaganda machinery went into overdrive to control the damage already done to the reputation of the FNM. The PM clearly was late in taking action against his minister.

    The PM is yet to comment on the current abuse of power and breech of public trust charges being leveled at Works minister Neko Grant in the award of a $300,000 contract for landscaping in Abaco.

    I don’t see how the current PM “CONTROLS HIS HOUSE” or “DEALS WITH HIS MINISTERS.” He seems to run a pretty slack house and defends wrongdoing and political misconduct. He does have one advantage though: The media is sympathetic to the FNM and are not critical of them in terms of their policy decisions. Their general feelings are that the FNM should NOT be criticized.

  7. Altec and JT: Why keep rehashing all this old stuff? Esculation of crime cannot be laid at the feet of either of these good people. They make the policies and create the environment but indeed it is the “attitude of the police, the criminals, the justice system,the bureaucrats and ourselves as a people that dictates where crime is going. Yes there are many issues confronting this administration just as there were facing the one before it. When will we stop with all the negatives and the tired old whining and get on with offering solutions? This is OUR Country! It does not belong to the PLP or the FNM power brokers, so lets stop making it political and help find the solutions, please. Obviously you care or you wouldn’t be putting your 2 cents in.

  8. @Altec
    You are absolutely right my friend. People make it seem as though it was an outright beatdown. But the truth is, it wasn’t as bad as the FNM love to make it seem. If one counts out the “illegal and questionable votes” (of which there were many) and the number of Haitians that had papers the next week, it would have made a big difference. That’s why the PM has such an amorous relationship with the Haitian community and a big reason why I say deport them all, stop giving out these work permits, and encourage Haitians to begin to develop their own economy and agricultural industries.

    PC’s problem was indeed internal. He should have been more firm with his administration. At the same time, I don’t see HAI having any kind of firm hand on C Bethel, Tommy T, or Symonnette. These three men and their actions or inaction may very well be the cause of an FNM defeat. The platform the FNM presented had a lot to do with the crime rate. Tommy T made a big stink about Mother Pratt’s ineffectiveness. He’s failing miserably. It’s sad that it is to the detriment of the Bahamian people. There are so many issues with the current administration, that I cannot see another five years of them.

  9. Let’s get something straight here. In more pure democracies, constituency residents choose a candidate who resides in that constituency. The National Caucus of a Party accepts as their candidate the one chosen, not by the National Party leader or the national power brokers of the Party but by the people of the constituency in that particular area. Persons put forth their names, they campaign, Mini rallies are set up where the candidates for that particular Party speak out on the issues, both national and constituency. So, if 3 persons who are card carrying members of ,say the PLP run; the people of that constituency choose the one whom they think will best represent them and that person is the candidate for the National Caucus no matter how the “power brokers feel.
    This puts at least some of the power back in the voters hands and makes the person selected more accountable to the “people”. And yes there is still room for manipulation by those outside the constituency. No one has found a way around that. But it guards, to some extent,against a power group in a National Party putting their “ringers” in to advance their own agendas. I, for one, am not interested in having someone residing in another constituency that has little in common with the problems or needs in my constituency representing me. Know also that an incumbant MP will always have a “leg-up” on a newcomer because he is more in the know.
    If change is to come, we very much need to change the power of selection back into the hands of the voters.

  10. @Objective thought
    OT, sometimes people forget that PC lost the government by 3 seats. For all he did wrong, his rejection was not a “sound rejection” like the way the PLP got beat in 1992, 1997 or the way the FNM got beat in 2002. Those losses in those years by each party was a beat down. Your talking about being under 10 seats as opposition in some of those years.

    The people didnt have a problem with the way he managed the country. He did an excellent job. No one disputes that, its all the internal party stuff that sank his boat.

  11. BP I don’t understand what PC or any other leader suppose to do if persons feel as though they could represent an area better than the present MP… I thought that that’s what DEMOCRACY is all about!!

    In my view anyone should be able to challenge any sitting MP in their areas because it will cause those MPs to continue to be good representatives knowing that they could be removed as the candidate in the next election if they don’t keep their promises!!

    BP, you call that weak leadership but I call it DEMOCRACY in action!!!

    Are you saying that NO other person can campaign in in an area just because there is a sitting MP from the party that they support???

    If that is what you are saying then I am only left to conclude that you agree with HI when he moved Branville to Bamboo Town after he had spent years campaigning in St Thomasmore!! That’s backward thinking if you ask me!! Those days are done!!

    To make myself clear, I believe that everyone who wants to represent a certain constituiency including the sitting MP need to work hard to earn that nomination from the persons in that area which will then be confirmed by the National General Council of their political party!!!

    Come on BP, get with the times… No wonder you prefer HI over PC!!!

  12. POWER CORRUPTS.Any one who serves as prime minister/president for an extended period of time(10 years and up)will begin to think that the nation belongs to them and are indebted to them.DEMOCRACY WORKS BEST WHEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME A LEADER IS EXTENDED TO ALL AND LIMITS OF TERMS AND POWERS ARE PLACED ON THE PRESENT LEADERS.Change also ushers in NEW IDEAS AND NEW CONCEPTS of how to over come past problems and new visions of growth and prosperity.

  13. When the now PM first became PM in 1992, he campaigned on the fact that he will not serve for more than 2 terms yet he is now serving his 3rd term as PM…

    Back in the 90s, I also thought that 2 terms was a good idea but now I don’t think that it is. We must understand that those leaders are there, especially in the political parties, because the majority of their party supporters wanted them there and the PM is there because the majority of the country wanted him there!!

    While working today my mind ran on the state of our economy at the moment and where could we save some monies. I quickly thought about retired civil servants and politicians who are ‘SUCKING’ our treasury dry!!

    Does anyone know how much monies are paid out monthly to retired persons in this country???

    In this country we have persons who get paid more money while on retirement than while they were working which is the reason why the now PM has decided to keep getting his retirement pay rather than the PM’s current salary…

    In this country we have many retired persons who are still alive, for example governor generals, hundreds of former civil servants, former MPs, COPs etc…. We are spending millions every year to pay these persons who are NOT working (in most cases) when those persons who are still strong and of sound mind could have still been on the job!!

    Some might say that there will be no place for the younger persons if we were to keep the older persons on the job but my thing is that whether those persons are on the job or not they are still being paid… Besides how many persons have retired and were brought back to serve collecting big salaries??? To me that’s totally unneccessary and is a waste of our country’s resources!!!

    New ideas have little to do with the leader. It has a lot more to do with whom the leader surrounds himself!! If the leader listens to his advisers, some of whom should be young, he will always be relevant to the times…

    I am tired of leaders bleeding this country dry just because they want to put their people in certain positions!!

  14. Johnny Tucker :
    It’s time to be fair and honest… PC was rolled out by a surge of money from Bay Street, Paradise Island and some foreign Governments…

    JT. What brought down PC wasnt his ability to govern, it was his INABILITY to control those in his own house. PC governed very well. The country was hopping along, but when you have MP’s doing foolishness, its up to the leader to put his foot down. PC never put his foot down and HAI presented himself as a leader who will not tolerate foolishness in the 2007 general election. PC should have come down hard on some of those MP’s. I think Keod Smith still picking fight with people bigger than him.

    People thought they would get from HI the same type and level of governing that PC was giving. Remember HAI was touting how much he had changed. But as soon at the FNM won, the clock struck 12 and HAI returned to his old ways.

    HAI can control his house. None of those FNM MP’s dear test him, but HAI cant govern on the level of PC and this is what the bahamian people are now realizing.

    Thats why i think PC can still grow as a leader if he learns from his mistakes. You cant just rule the country well, you have to rule your party well too. You see all the hell PM Gordon Brown catching in UK? He just like PC, cant control he own people.

  15. Its quite relevant that you know nothing about Politics and governance…Read some History before you come back here talking utter nonsance on this blog!

  16. I have been a blogger on this website supporting and sometimes lashing Mr Christie. Bahamians ultimately have to mature and wise up to the realities of what a Government should and should not do. A Government is not a babysitter; it simply creates the environment through policies to cause things to happen. In my view, both Mr Christie and Mr Ingraham in his first term caused this to happen.

    The truth be told, Christie was the man for the job and still is… He simply had too much force against him because he wanted to advance the plight of the Bahamian people through National Health Insurance and part Bahamian ownership in foreign investment.

    It’s time to be fair and honest… PC was rolled out by a surge of money from Bay Street, Paradise Island and some foreign Governments…

  17. Each of you go into your own constituencies and pick out a candidate who you know can do the job as your Rep. and begin promoting that person. Stop talking about P.C. and marginalize him unless he is who is wanted in his constituency. When you have enough support, let your power brokers know that you will only support your party if your choice is the candidate in your area. Stop letting the present leader and power brokers decide for you who will run, Until you take charge you will never get the changes you want.

  18. BP how dear you insult the Honorable Perry G. Christie, by not adding “FORMER PRIME MINISTER of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, to his caption. LOL!!
    I think he has excepted the 2007 defeat by the present Prime Minister (HAI), but in all of his Public speeches Christie always remind those “WANNA BE PRIME MINISTERS” that he is still the “FORMER PM.” how dear someone try to take that title away from him.
    I wonder what Christie would do when he become the “FORMER MEMBER OF PARLIMENT, and MP?”

  19. PLP have so much um smart but quiet people. I feel LESLIE MILLER is a force to be reconciled with. He should remain there. Personaly PERRY GATS TO GOOOOO………… Mother Pratt needs to go or dont be dept leader. I personaly feel all these people should consider LEADER or Deputy leader for 2012:
    1. Leslie Miller
    2. Glenis Hanna
    3. Obediah H. Wilchcombe

    2012 Chairman:
    1. Fred Mitchel
    2. Allison Maynard

    1. Malcolm Adderley

    P.L.P has there work cut out for them And If I was leader I would bring in “NEW PEOPLE” Like:
    President of Nurses Union: Ms. Hamiliton

  20. BP, you know that i am sympathetic towards PC but i do try to call a spade a spade.

    I think those who feel as if they can take the party to new heights should offer for leadership and then let the chips fall where they may. If PC is elected again then i hope the party can unify. If he isnt elected then i hope PC can go into the night with some dignity.

    Either we are a party of rules or we arent and whatever the results of the leadership election i hope all PLP’s would accept it and learn from the FNM’s mistake in 2001-2002 with their leadership fiasco – division brings disaster.

    L.O. Pindling lost 2 elections back to back (1992 and 1997) then he retired. If PC looses a second election i think he will follow the precedent that has been set by the father of the nation and step aside.

    If Alfred, Obie, Fred, or Paul was to be chosen as leader i will support them in their efforts to reshape the party and the country.

  21. We as Bahamians need a new party to take this country to the next level, PLP AND FNM ARE FULL OF OLD IDEAS AND NO SOLUTIONS

  22. I go on record today, as supporting Alfred Sears, Fred mitchell, Dr. Bernard Nottage, Glenis Hanna-Martin, Jerome Fiztgerald, And Paul Moss!

    Anyone else except Mr. Christie!

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