It is a great joy to share Christmas Greetings and Holiday Wishes with you and your family. The holiday season is a time of reflection. I encourage all Bahamians to use this season as one of quiet contemplation, and an opportunity to examine the events of the past year. As a country, we have faced many difficulties, but we are stronger for it. Having been given the opportunity to interact with persons from around the island of New Providence and the wider Bahamas, I am constantly reminded of the resilience of our people and the power that we can have as a unified body. I am moved, each day by your strength and I am compelled in my own life to continue to protect the futures of my family and yours.
For all our faults, and despite the many challenges we may face, the Christmas season and what it represents is a reminder of the fact that we remain a country blessed by God. As we come towards the end of another year, it is my hope that we all take the time to cherish our families and remember those who are celebrating without the ones they love this year; mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers lost to us, be they taken by natural causes or the scourge of crime, I wish God’s peace for their families, friends and loved ones. This holiday season, may those of us who have been blessed with abundance also remember those among us who continue to go without.
In 2016, let us all commit to being better; better fathers, better mothers, better Bahamians. Let us work collectively and united to do the things necessary to move our country forward. Let us rekindle the fire of brotherly love and kindness that our country was once known for and let us look to the New Year with renewed hope for the future of our country and our people.
So from our families, to yours, WE wish you a Merry Christmas & a happy, healthy, safe and prosperous New Year!
The McCartney Family