Commissioner of Police should Investigate a Police Officer in MICAL


The RED STRIP GESTAPO POLICE now in MICAL intimadating voters in that community. file photo from the Parliament.

MICAL, Bahamas — Breaking News coming into Bahamas Press this afternoon comes from the most southern constituency in the country, where residents are crying foul following intimidation tactics by a police officer on that island.

Information on the ground tell us, a uniformed police officer has been given instructions randomly walk from door to door intimidating voters in those settlements for the Free National Movement Government.

We are told according to information supplied to us, the said officer who at times is clad in his uniform, continues to harass constituents to speak with him as he instructs them to register and support the FNM “or else”.

A resident on the island told us, last week the officer approached an unemployed young man in the community telling him he is to wear a red shirt every day with its symbols supporting of the FNM or he would place that individual under arrest; without saying why.

We find this bullying tactic by the GESTAPO POLICE, who supports the FNM on the islands to be insane to say the least. This is 2011 isn’t it?

Additional sources deep in the Apparatchik of the FNM tell us, while the PM has delayed calling the Boundaries Commission to begin its preliminary work for the General Elections; we are told plans are already underway to make MICAL a two seat constituency.

A source in the OPM say, “We do not know how the Papa in his “scatter-brain” like thinking could decide to do such, particularly when he was the one who said there was not enough students in Salina Point to build a needed new school in the area. The population has not increased but has declined since 2007. Now with his “twisted brain”, he intends to create two seats in MICAL? The man’s gone mad and desperate!”

Bahamas Press calls on the PM – all the way in London – to appoint The Boundaries Commission immediately, so all its intents can be made known to the public before the rushed November 2011 General Elections.

We also call on the Commissioner of Police to investigate that police officer in MICAL, who continues to harass and threaten voters daily in that constituency.


  1. talk is just that. talk’ the only way da police will do better is if some heads roll we know we get some law braking’nasty’and political slut on the force who will sell they soul for ing-rum better known as fnm maxi pad they only see red these ones don’t give a shit how high crime is or what can happen to they family all they want is a raise in salary and hell with crime. rbpf need to be paid on commission crime high low pay. crime low high pay. simple as that. they will do better then.

  2. Crime apparently has taken a life of its own like that of organism…u just cant terminate one part and expect the remainder to die..its just dosen’t work that way…my contribution is simple…we must lay the blame where it should have been placed a long time ago…at footsteps of the parents…we must go after the males in society in a collective effort in transforming them the males into men…to re-establish the nucleus family…until then …your guess is as good as mines as to the manner in which this problem and all of the others will be solved.

  3. BP, as usual you’ve got nothing. No facts. When was the last time you were “responsible” with yuour “reporting”?

    • Yes, and you MI is carrying the usual FNM response LINE; ‘IT IS UNTRUE’! You working and we working.


  4. Are we simply being politically correct by supporting Greenslade?
    That is what is so wrong with this country, we accept mediocricity because we like the guy.
    This is the highest crime has ever been.
    This is the most resources the force has ever had.
    This is the most community assistance the force has ever had.
    And we still support Greenslade?
    OK so what about our support for Tommy, HAI and the courts, I guess we support them 110% as well?
    Help us what a mess, some countries are getting the job done with far less resources and support so lets rethink or are we saying we support these persons but…?

    • It is not a matter of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS! We unreservedly support the man! POINT BLINK! He is a breath of FRESH AIR on the force. Now some others around him needs to GO! But like we said before, we ga be responsible.


    • I have to agree with you on this one. We can’t simply continue this talk about supporting people when things are not going right. No one is questioning is integrity but just his ability the really hold the force in line. Either he can do the job or he can’t. There is no politics involved in saying that. If he is being hindered by the government then he should be man enough to say it and resign if necessary.

  5. i told yall most of the RBPF support the FNM while this is ok. no one should know this. when they was told not to where red shirt on election day they still did that should never be. and yall ask why dogs was down town and why one of the protesters was beating badly if they have it they way they will do more than that to the plp supporters trust me. i wonder if they know what they playing with? it only take one out brake off anger and it will be a sad day in are country if the people loose trust in the RBPF this country will go down hill real fast. so i think mr. greenslade should speak with his officers and let them know about country like jamacia and others that lost control of they people b/c they have no trust in the police. this is very scary.

  6. Before the Commissioner can do any investigating in MICAL he has to explain to the Bahamian people why some heads have not yet rolled for the leak of evidence scandal. I’ve always supported Greenslade but the leaking of evidence investigation is taking far to long to unmask the culprits. That is exactly the issue with the RBPF. They sweep under the rug these types of cases to protect themselves. There were only a few officers privy to the pictures and the police report. If none of them are willing to speak then fire them all and follow up with prosecutions.Perhaps the AG’s office should do an independent inquiry in this matter.

  7. Prior to the 2007 Gen Elects the country was alarmed when the Police got involved in the process.It would be wise for the official opposition to get investigate and if empirical evidence is provided demand the transfer out of this Island the officer.Sufficient private investigators are in this country for the opposition to hire and get to the bottom of this situation.,

  8. BP. If this report is substantiated then, our democracy is at risk. It no mystery why politicians interfere in the day to day operations of our police and defence forces. They want control; to achieve this they put persons no matter how unqualified in very senior and influential positions to get their loyalty then, they are beholden to them. All civil servants are servants of the people. They have no right to abuse the people in furtherance of a political objective. This is all very sad and troubling but, given the previous record of interference by the government it is hardly surprising.

    • Mr. Brown I agree with you, this is exactly what happened at the Business Licence Office, I was one of those who was transfered and persons said all kinds of things about us that was not true. Politics is playing out in the Public Service big time. There is a big movement of persons being transfered from one ministry to another without no explainations, when you ask them why you are being transfer their reply is that you need exposure. This type of behaviour not only effects the individual but your family as well. It effects you mentally, but this is how it is done in the Bahamas under this FNM Government, and i could tell you, there is six in my house who can vote, and guess what “RED IS NOT OUR COLOUR”.

  9. This story makes no sense…at least you’re consistent BP. Police, in uniform, easily identifiable, going door to door, threatening citizens on behalf of the FNM…what is this a “sorted Lifetime Movie plot”???

    The utter nonsense you people come up with!

    • Oh we could call the name. Don’t pressure us to do so. We also have the number, don’t push us there today. We are being however responsible in our reporting. Anyone who knows bp knows we could be ballistic when we get ready.


    •,Papa always dish out lum sums of monies out to the police officers when other civil servant works just as hard as they do. They know that it is coming around election time now they looking for something.You know he tell them to remember the money when they go to vote and those fools do so. I think many of the Police Officers who are still doing office work should be placed in Police Stations or walk the beat. Let me tell you there are (13) officers who sit in the Accounts and Expenditure section at Police Headquaters, headed by an ASP, Inspector, Sargents, Corporal and Constables. The cantean is headed by an Woman ASP, the second in charge is an Inspector and the head cook is a police corporal. In the inspection and Review section there is about another (6) officers sitting there doing nothing.There are other area that I can name but those are just a few. These jobs can be done by civilians. The police Officers need to be on the street visable combating crime and stop interfering with people about their politics. I feel that Mr. Greenslade wants to do well for the force but his hands is tied with the man in charge interfereing with everything. In this morden crime days the police need new equiptment not those old .38 guns with outdated bullets, cause when the criminal attack they spraying you up. They may need to get some stunt guns to put the suspect under control, mase and other stuff to move forward. In some cases their approach is bad this is why the public don’t to give information and when you do in some cases they tell the suspects who reported them.So i will end with this get those police out of the office, those who works from 9-5, for the past 10-15 years, go on the road and do your job. Mr. Greenslade said that he was putting all of them on the street but i guess he changed his mind.

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