Cuss words flying through NIB as rogue FNM aka BA-CUSSA returns to work after three years off the job!

NIB Headquarters

NASSAU| A rogue senior manager at the National Insurance Board has surprisingly returned to work after three years sitting home. 

Maranda Burrows aka Ebony Empress aka “BA-CUSSA” has mysteriously recently returned to NIB to do what she does best: CUSS OUT STAFF AND CLIENTS AT THE BOARD.

The rude and disrespectful manager, who is also a rabid Minnis supporter who would dress down in her dark ‘dutty’ red outfit on a daily basis, now has NIB in court and has returned with her same nasty, wicked ‘STINKIN’ ways.

Just recently a junior staffer requested to use a vehicle inside the Board’s Registration Department and immediately – out of nowhere – the cuss words began flying all though the office to the annoyance of the public who overheard the fighting words and nasty exchange between BA-CUSSA and a junior staffer.

Bahamas Press wonders who ga deal with BA-CUSSA who appears to have no respect or decency when it comes to communicating with staff and the public. WHAT IS THIS?

Even the UNION, who almost came to blows with BA-CUSSA, are now too afraid to deal with the untamed Philistine who is a sorry sad excuse for leadership at NIB. 

Customers have complained. Staff are now complaining. Yet, no one could find a collar and leash for this bad animal who has escaped the Humane Society. SOMEONE HELP TAME BA-CUSSA AT NIB!

Boy we at BP ga have plenty fun with some a these rogue people who have no place in service to the general public!

We ga report yinner decide!