CAT ISLAND| Opposition Leader Philip Brave Davis has this week furnished the people of Cat Island with its own ambulance.
Two new clinics with two brand new ambulances were earmarked for the island with construction commencing under the previous administration. However the construction has since stopped under the WICKED MINNIS REGIME!
On Friday evening Minister of Health Duane Sands warned in the press how all Family Islanders cannot afford to help with his budget. Sands blew his health budget by December 2018 and to this day cannot explain what really happened with his funds. The PHA’s 2018/19 Budget was some $217m. But to date all we know was that Barbara Hanna’s Cleaning Contract was being paid month to month as a whopping $1.9 million.

And get this: after receiving the new ambulance from Opposition Leader Brave Davis, Sands told the press how he ‘gata’ check it out and make sure it meets the standards???? Well, Wait?
You mean this is how HEARTLESS Health Minister behaves with family islanders even after the items are freely given? Is this is how the Minnis Government wants to treat Bahamians, Cat Islanders in particular?
Duane Sands is the same Minister who stopped two clinics under construction on Cat Island after coming into office. He blew his entire health budget by December last year and cannot show the Bahamian people what he did with his budget – other than paid Barbara Hanna a $1.9million cleaning contract.
What in da hell is dis?
We report yinner decide!