DPM Brave Davis travels to Rum Cay to see the work being done after Hurricane Joaquin …


BTC open its offices to assist the students of Rum Cay – CEO Leon Williams on hand….

Rum Cay, Bahamas — During a visit to Rum Cay on Thursday, October 22, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Urban Development, the Hon. Brave Davis, thanked The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd. team headed by CEO Leon Williams for the use of the Company’s office space for the students of the Rum Cay All Age School.

Mr. Davis also greeted the workmen from the Bahamas Electricity Corporation and their colleagues from the Islands of St. Croix and St. Thomas – two of the islands that make up the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The Deputy Prime Minister thanked the team for their efforts to bring electricity back to the residents of the island.

BEC trucks restoring power to the island.
BEC technicians in trucks restoring power to the island.


DPM thanks Caribbean team assisting BEC in restoring power supplies.
DPM thanks Caribbean team assisting BEC in restoring power supplies.




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