Dr. Duane Sands and wife settle with a two hundred thousand dollar deal – Sands charges dessertion by wife court papers reveal!


Is there another woman at the centre of Sands’ second marriage bust-up?

Sands abandons wife and kids in $200,000 settlement. Chief Justice issues Decree Absolute in one day?

Nassau, Bahamas Bahamas Press has more today on the uncontested 24-hour divorce of Duane Sands and his ex-wife Sanika Sands two weeks ago in a Bahamian court.

We can confirm that Sands received a decree absolute [legal term for a final settlement of a null and void marriage] from his former drop dead gorgeous wife Sanika from the Chief Justice Sir Michael Barnett who signed the decree absolute order without agreement with the Registrar.

Now the story gets interesting, while Dr. Sands was on the FNM podium yesterday singing the Party’s theme: “All together” in his personal life this is not the case.

In fact this is Dr. Sands’ second marriage that has ended in complete collapse and here’s what we know.

Chief Justice Michael Barnett heard the matter and some suggest the head of the country's judiciary could have broken the law. WHAT IS THIS!?

We understand Sands agreed to pay his wife a $200,000 settlement to end the marriage and to take care of the couple’s two kids and dog. The settlement went uncontested and was accepted by the wife.

We also understand Dr. Sands has brought the claims of desertion against his wife, which added in his petition before the court that the couple had not cuddled for more than two years – which means the bye –election togetherness displayed in 2010 in Lizzy was all a ‘sham, flam briggadombram’!

It also meant that the wife’s Valentine door slamming incident as reported by BP was all-true and that the deflection of it by the heartless doctor was all a cover-up and makeover to suggest all was well.

But what makes this divorce such a public interest story is the fact that the head of the judiciary has broken the law.

We can confirm Sir Michael signed the Decree Absolute immediately after the Decree Nisi was issued, when by law a three-month period must be between the two and only in extreme situations should a Decree Absolute be signed and then, when granted, a six-week period can follow.

Therefore, the question whispering around the courts are: “Why did the Chief Justice of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Break the Law? And by what authority did he [Sir Michael] see the need to rush an order for a former FNM colleague?”  Justice in the Bahamas is coloured following this incident and leaves questions: What other political decisions are being clouded by the bench?

Sir Michael should step down without delay!

We ga report yinner decide!