Dr. Hubert Minnis Makes Us Proud as Chairman of the Commonwealth Health Minister's Conference 2010 in Geneva


The meeting of Commonwealth Health Ministers (CHMM) was held on Sunday 16 May 2010 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland. Seated in the Chair at the international event was our very own Dr. Hubert Minnis , Minister of Health.  Dr. Minnis held the gavel directing the world to new health initiatives.  He has represented us well and today BP is proud of him.

The theme of the meeting was ‘The Commonwealth and the Health MDGs by 2015’.

Click to download the minister’s report: CHMM_2010_FinalMinisterial_StatementonMDGs_16_May_2010_Rev_4-ok1815hrs

Meeting Objectives
The meeting:

* Addressed the issues of concern to Commonwealth countries, and explore the possibilities and modalities for developing Commonwealth positions that can influence the September 2010 UN High-level Summit on MDGs.
* Sought to identify elements of a possible Commonwealth Programme of Action, pursuant to the call by Heads of Government for the consideration of a Summit on NCDs.
* Provided countries with an opportunity to examine the status of the MDGs in the Commonwealth and the challenges and opportunities that face countries
* Reviewed the health portfolio of the Secretariat
* Provided an opportunity for the Secretariat to get policy and technical direction for its existing work and any proposed work on the health MDGs and NCDs


  1. Another 3rd world wannabe into water over his head.
    Bahamas can only lead the world down the toilet faster.
    Who are we fooling?

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