Eight Mile Rock Police Launch Mobile Station Initiative



UPLIFTING THE MIND SET OF THE PEOPLE – The Royal Bahamas Police Force in Eight Mile Rock, Grand Bahama has taken on a new step toward putting a dent in crime in that community by officially launching its new mobile station. The initiative was launched on Wednesday, January 16. Goals and objectives of the new initiative include direct foot and mobile patrols, encouraging residents to report acts of crime and encouraging residents to turn in illegal firearms. Crime prevention techniques are also on display at the new mobile station. Police Superintendent Alexander Roberts, Officer in charge of the Eight Mile Rock Police Division and the Community and Neighborhood Policing programme, said the mobile station will be strategically placed throughout Eight Mile Rock from Hepburn Town to Holmes Rock. Pictured from left are Corporal 1953 Elwood Lundy, W/Corporal 1891 Siobhan Johnson and Sgt 1244 Chris Barr. (Photo/Vandyke Hepburn)