Why did the Bahamas Red Cross decline to participate in the FEEDING PROGRAMME even though then Prime Minister Hubert Minnis claimed they were involved in the programme?

NASSAU| Since the Government has launched an inquiry into the Feeding Programme, which enjoyed $53 million in Pandemic Spending, some have come to the defence of Susan Larson and her team.
The Guardian Editor is one such suspect who editorializes commentary – almost daily – in support of the work of the Feeding Programme which was also echoed by former Prime Minister Hubert Minnis.
Now this is a very strange connection as Ms Candia Dames was one who didn’t take too kindly to the poor of governance by Minnis, governance that was riddled with corruption allegations and scandal leading up to the September 16th General Elections. WHAT HAS CHANGED?!
We at BP wonder what makes the Guardian Editor so sympathetic towards the Feeding Programme that was set up under Minnis. It is now being questioned by the Government and the World Bank lending institution. An accounting of the vendors who benefitted from contracts with the Feeding Programme is now being demanded.
Bahamas Press in particular has some serious questions for Mrs Susan Larson and cohorts. We join the Bahamas Government in asking WHO WERE THE BENEFICIAL OWNERS behind companies that enjoyed collecting all this public money that cannot be accounted for (the government’s words not ours)?
It is reprehensible for Ms Larson to even consider handing over sensitive information and accounting details to the Nassau Guardian while failing to give the same information to the Government of the Bahamas that employed her.
With Ms Larson having grown up in a family where both parents were highly skilled professional lawyers who would have understood and respected the need for recordkeeping and being accountable for other people’s money, her latest actions are very strange. This is really very simple stuff.
We (particularly this writer) know too well how there are some in this country who believe they are above the law and believe that they should never be questioned or even suspected of exercising behaviours that are contemptible and corrupt. A failure to account for the expenditure of Public Funds (particularly money advanced from International Lenders) raises the spectre that there is something being hidden. And we (JOE BLOW TAXPAYER) wants to know!
Ms Larson had no authority to pass information about her job onto the Nassau Guardian for starters since it was The Government of the Bahamas who engaged her services and paid her handsomely for the job! And it is the Government (her former employer) requesting – and entitled to – that information on the business dealings of the Feeding Programme.
Why is she not having a civil discussion with the Government? What is there to hide from her employer about the expenditure of $53 million for rice, flour, tuna corned beef and grits? Perhaps the time has come to begin locking BANK ACCOUNTS until the details are forthcoming. Or perhaps the Government should force the handover through legal means in the Supreme Court!
We see the Guardian (the usual suspects) every day coming out defending the Feeding Programme. But we ga throw this curve ball at the Guardian before we release another article on this matter: We hope no one in the NASSAU GUARDIAN BENEFITTED FROM THE FEEDING PROGRAMME! Because that will erode the credibility of the Editor and by extension the 177 year old newspaper.
And while yinner at it, we put this question to Ms Larson and the NASSAU GUARDIAN: Why did the Bahamas Red Cross decline to participate in the FEEDING PROGRAMME even though then Prime Minister Hubert Minnis claimed they were involved food distribution for the Feeding Programme?
All we say is this: It’s about to get hot in here!
We report yinner decide!