FNMs wants Torchbearers President OUT!


Next Week, Wednesday January, 13th 2009, National Torchbearers Elections will be held.

This have been the most competitive elections ever. Many individuals are not pleased with the current National President. Mr. Jamal Moss aka JGroove 104.5 fm. He has been the President for 3 years and nothing has been done. His slogan is the Few True but the fact is the slogan should be the Few Truths!!! Mr. Moss has admitted to failure saying that he has not been able to complete and deal with issues in his year.

People are speaking out.
Please Enjoy !


  1. I wont hide my name or post under an alias or nothing. I just wanted to stop by and say how ashamed I am of yall right now. Yall serious with this? Yall gon post all this for everyone to see? I hope when the Liberals could call yall unified and could pull all the skeletons out the closet yall dont be dazed and confuse and wonder why. Good job on feeding them on what should have been between the torchbearers guys. lol..im dissapointed in yall, especially if yall was on the exectutive team b/c Carl Bethel JUST finish telling us watch what you put online..anyhooo..once again just in case yall didnt get it..this is a BAD IDEA! lol..but good luck election night! 🙂 ill be bearin my torch from miami

  2. i see tink we fool copy and paste the names of person from the executives of  TORCHBEARERS  off the party website..Tink we fool, you sure have the right names for those positions??Cause you taught we were fool  when we said you don’t come to meetings.2nd that is not correct list, if you were comming to meetings you would of know,but of course YOU tink we fool AYE!! 

  3. A list of the National Torchbearers Youth Association executives is as follows:

    President – Jamal Moss
    1st Vice President – Lashan Burrows
    3rd Vice President – Akia Lightbourne
    Sectary General – Le Andrea Hepburn
    Assistant Secretary – Ianthaye Tynes
    Assistant Secretary – Denika Curtis
    Treasurer – Tevin Bannister
    Assistant Treasurer – Carl Culmer
    Executive Member – Keith Major
    Chaplain – Ricardo Knowles
    Assistant Chaplain – Dario McKenzie
    Council Member – George Carey
    Council Member – Carron Miller

    power hungry or democracy

  4. What an embarassment!! This is embarassing us Torchbearers on so many levels. I’m almost ashamed to call myself a torchbearer because of this. Some persons find this amusing and exciting when really and truly this makes no sense whatsoever. Its amazing to see how many “Torchbearers” can come on a website to express their opinions/beliefs about a man. I mean that’s all he is..do you fear him? Why hide behind fake accounts and usernames to speak from your heart? Be mature young women and men. This just proves my opinion about how immature some people can be. Why do you find time to bring a person down on the internet when you should be helping to uplift this organization that you guys are apart of. We are all in this together. To the person/s behind all of this, When you dig ditches you’re bound to fall in it..so my advice to you is to watch your steps. The time wasted to do all of this could have been used in a positive and more constructive way. But afterall what do you expect from persons with no vision..hmm..idle hands really do carry out the work of the devil. Jamal hats off to you. I do believe that everything you did for Torchbearers you did it at your best. Dont allow anyone to down you or make you feel less than you are just because of hunger for power! You know what commitment is all about because you committed yourself to this organization. Everyone makes mistakes..we are all humans..NOBODY is perfect. It is our duty after making mistakes to learn from them, and i’m sure you will. You have done an excellent job so far. Good luck and best wishes in all of your future endeavors.

  5. Who are the candidates in this race for the presidency. Do advise and We shall endorse our Candidate for the presidency.

    Bahamas Press

  6. FNM GAL you say 9ppl???  umm isn’t the meetings fall under the 1st Vice President??So she failed in another one of her duties….ok NOTED!

  7. How dz happen man!…. jamal foolishness suppose 2 stay between us man… but w.e… he jes ain do ntn… i mean meetings dz year had mussy 9 people 2 it :S… das terible and ine no bout lashan like da….. but nething better dan da bey…..

  8. “Lady” I have no choice but to concur with the above said! He is most certainly unshakable and unbreakable and this boils their blood to the point they have to resort to something LOW as this. Mind you some of them claims to be followers or christ and children of God..but aren’t we all? They claim they go to church and lift their holy hands to God. . yet they are engaging themselves in these kinds of acts?? Madam and Sir you’ll are doing the work of the devil and for that you’ll will surely get you’ll JUST REWARD! Lashan Burrows my support was fully behind you..NO DOUBT! BUT to find out that a woman who says she is church going and GOD FEARING has her hands in the MIX of this rubbish has completely turned me OFF! What u seemed to have not realised was the fact that those other guys were on a mission to set you up and bring destruction to torchbearers without a care for torchbearers nor you! Silly YOU being so hungry for power went right along and fell for their evel plan! I wish you the best in the upcoming election but believe me you have lost my vote including MANY OTHERS. . MARK MY WORD! But as the lady above said empty vessels do in fact make the most noise. . so let us STOP this nonsense right here and let the people SPEAK on Wednesday night when we vote our PRESIDENT MR. JAMAL MOSS BACK IN!**Jealousy is a serious thing. . its as though you people will eventually KILL for this position which YOU LASHAN BURROWS is in no way deserving of it!

  9. I know none of the participants but must agree that this so called President is lousy and a coward as he has never defended PAPA from my attacks.I thouight bahamasyouth was President because despite him being an irritant he always defends PAPA.Maybe the President like the rewsut of the Bahamas s tired of a Leader who only enjoys victimising .Give the President another chance so he can come on this site,get plenty licks but at the end of the day have a n abundance of experience.Back aside bahamasyouth others are now willing to take your place for licks.

  10. Jamal if you are reading this – hang in there and be strong. You are unshakable and unbreakable and I wish you the very best going into elections this coming week.I have watched you over the past three years lead the TYA and through all of the negative things members and outsiders may have said you continued to lead. You continued to plan and you also continued to execute those plans. You are a hard-working and high-spirited man and the passion you have for the TYA exceeds far beyond expected. You tread the waters, allow people to have their say and you still keep a calm head.Ting Um said it best TYA business should remain within the organization and not on the street in this manner. Finally, empty vessels certainly make the most noise. Some of you attend meetings only when its time to vote – with members like you your voice need not be heard. Do the association a favor and stop attending meetings if :1. the only time you show up is to vote on the constitution or vote for your leaders.2. you do not support activities- car wash, fashion shows, volunteer events, church services etc.3. you do not try to play your role in building the association up. (in fact you only tear it down)…When you are serious about promoting the torch to the next level then attend. Mr. President can not do it alone and you better believe it .. if you for a second say Mr. President has failed the organisation then that is a reflection on the members and you members have also failed.Everyone wants to lead but hardly anyone wants to follow. Torchbearers set the standard you want to acheive. Set it high and stop all the treachery.Through it all Mr. President stand firm and keep your passion, you have my vote. I have no doubt you will continue to stand in the midst of the fire, let screaming heads shout, and you will still not give up or in and not quit or walk out as members who now seek to be admitted for presidency have done in the past.  TYA: Whoever is chosen this week – stand firm at their side, take on an active role in the association and let 2010 be the start of something new- something beautiful.

    • Thanks For the kind words Inga Rolle. But I have to disagree with you. Jamal came on to me the same way he probably came onto you. He just like to bother with the girls in the association. Just do not be decieved and you should know it is time for change booo… dont let emotions clear your judgements!

  11. Bahamasyouth (aka Dario Mckenzie) Gat some sense (Malcolm Foulkes-MP son) Confusion(Glenda Roker) You guys need to stop It’s obvious.Let’s all be real you may guys want  try to hurt his  image  online but within the party you know Jamal image is strong .Nobody is paying attention to you guys in National and the 2 associations..The reason you have Killarney(well not all) because of Malcolm Foulkes hand pick voters.Anyway  get over it the election is over…Looking forward to the updates on BahamaPress Thursday if they post it  

    • I am sadden to see that you wish to drag my name in the mud, but be it as it may….. I regret to inform you that that was not me. Killarney will vote for the best persons for the job. I am also saddern to see this video on this sight. WHOEVER has this up should be ashamed of themselves and is hindering progressing in the association. This is an INTERNAL matter!Thank you,Malcolm FoulkesThird Vice President Elect by AcclamationChairman of the Killarney Torchbearers

  12. Bahamasyouth (aka Dario Mckenzie) Gat some sense (Malcolm Foulkes-MP son) Confusion(Glenda Roker) You guys need to stop It’s obvious.Let’s all be real you may guys may try to hurt his strong image  online but within the party you know Jamal image is strong .Nobody is paying attention to you guys in National and the 2 associations..The reason you have Killarney(well not all) because of Malcolm Foulkes hand pick voters.Anyway  get over it the election is over…Looking forward to the updates on BahamaPress Thursday if they post it  

  13. LOL yall know why ya doing Jamal in cause he has a grip on torchbearers in a positive way,come on now the guy leads by example BEHONEST!!!.You guys just want power lol come on.Someone said half of  the Executives resign?? ask why they resign lol the truth hit them when they were force to because of slackness..tell the truth mayne..President Moss don’t play with slackers we all knows that.All i can say is this over he already won 

  14. Bahamasyouth (aka Dario Mckenzie) Gat some sense (Malcolm Foulkes-MP son) Confusion(Glenda Roker) You guys need to stop It’s obvious.Let’s all be real you may guys may try to hurt his stromg image within the party onlibe to other but you know Jamal already win..Nobody is paying attention to you guys in National and the 2association..The reason you have Killarney(well not all) because of Malcolm Foulkes hand pick voters.Anyway  get over it the election is over…Looking forward to the updates on BahamaPress Thursday if they post it  

    • Firstly NEVER EVER mistake me for Dario Mckenzie…. Yal just come on this site and im just putting my honest opion about the situation. I understand that yal are good freinds with jamal. Hes a peoples person YES however His speaking skills is not up to standards LOVE IT oR HATE IT. Lincoln Deal would be  a better representative for PRESIDENT. Yal must learn to never mix Business with Pleasure. and Up to yesterday I never knew Lashan’s name until i read the post but I saw your convention and I just put my honest perspective. BUT YAL MUST REMEMBER THAT SPEAKING SKILLS IS A MUST FOR ANY LEADER . Jamal speech was very bad specially for a PRESIDENT. BUT LET ME REMIND YOU ATLEAST IT WAS BETTER THAt THE PLP PRESIDENT


        • First and foremost you must be stupid because as you can see Im not know Johny come lately on this site. Secondly Im no FNM but I do prefer yal administration compared to others. Thirdly…. you are acting like a PLP who is so stubborn to get ADVICE. Jamal is a nice hard-worker but his speaking skills is not that well. IF YOU LEARN TO TAKE IN CRITICISM and come to conclusions then maybe you can make the association better but I guess your taking a typical Perry Christie approach to things lol.

  15. It sickens me to even see this video on this website, to my fellow TYA get real, open your eyes and stop giving the PLP (young liberals) what they want. Pinewood support will be given the the person of ACTION not WORDS , thats facts!!!  This opens my eyes as to what type of people I will be dealing in Pinewood for whom ever post it please disregard for NTYA sake. Its making US look bad………

    • It is sad that the president and his camp sad that pinewood will go with him and then you the real pinewood had no knowledge of this. This is not  campaining grounds. Plus why did the president no answer my question? please help me in getting a answer

  16. Pinewood for who???? No buddy boy Pinewood is voting for the President not Lashan. I think you can see that if not come more to meetings and get involve! Pinewood for Jamal Moss

  17. So if Jamal is a hard worker and Popular,then I think what you guys are missing is we the people want a leader who can get the job done! Ask the guy who is in charge of the PLP not Liberals why he is out! This is for the People to decide not just YOU.Yes he has been there for 3years but he must have been doing something right,Right?…I do commend the present President for having a zero attitude towards slackers within the association which we the members adopted and they wonder why they find themselves out and He stays in..In final from what I have been seeing this whole year,alot of people will loose their positions and don’t be suprise if he get’s in with a large support base! I am just one voter and i think you know where that vote is going .TA TA 

  18. My advice to all yall with these personal response,is to stop!!!! Your not just attacking Jamal (your President) but also your Fellow members,Torchbearers and YOUR OWN PARTY.Stop acting like lil  children and keep YA BIZNESS of the website!!! GROW UP!!

    • No worries.  The Torchbearers is a National organization open to all (who are committed to keeping the FNM in office). These things could never remain secret in our system.  Keep the debate going!  It’s good for democracy.

  19. Mr. President I am very sorry you are going through all of this but i remember you talking to me and saying this is the nature if the business and You can’t make everybody happy.My advice to you sir is People will vote for you on your work not because of PERSONAL agendas.I am a representative of Sea breeze and I have decided to go with Jamal.

  20. Lashan wont win because the torchbearers want her. She will win because the torchbearer had enough of Jamal Moss bull****!!!!!!

  21. I cant believe what we as a youth group as come to. I do agree that Jamal is not fit to lead this group anymore but we shouldnt bring our dirt to the streets. Lashan eint all that either but ill vote for her this time. Jamals time is done.

  22. I get what all parties are saying but I feel Jamal is the face and Lashan is the voice. YES Jamal goes above and beyond but his skills needs more work to be the FRONT LINE LEADER. Lashan needs to work on her people skills thats it. Lashan for Leader and Dept for Jamal. I’m a independent observer now lol…. so dont cut my head off. But I wont be surprise if Jamal wins because hes way POPULAR but his speaking skills is not not UP TO STANDARDS. Jamal needs to be in charge of PR & media relations instead.

  23. Real guy and super hot.go work under him and then you will see the lack of vision, integrity and valour.the guy is anal retentive.point blank period!Jamal: 3 years is enough…get out and stay out man.do what is best for the organisation, not what looks good on your resume. Sorry to crush ya dreams Mr. President(ougoing) but the FNM will never choose you as a candidate in any constituency! That would be the easiest seat the PLP win cause as a big time fnm..I would help them campaign against you!Ya time is up! Take a bow: OUT AND STAY OUTBAM BAM BAM!

  24. Well lawd wat is dis tanite!I have been a member of the TYA for a long time and we have never had soo much stagnation. No vision, no inspiration…a leader who fails to see the error in his way and if it isn’t his way its no way( your suggestions no matter how good no where!)Jamal stop tryin sleep with all your female members  and do the work of the young people. The Little darlings of the bahamas need a youth voice…you have already successfully silenced ours!

  25. i am not a liberal and i am not a torchbearer, i am a bahamian and since this is a democratic country, i have attended both meetings, and one thing i could say is that in my 2-3 meetings at torchbearers i could see that the chairman or president or whatever wasnt that good. and as i question some older members they told me that jamal’s 1st vice president ran against him last year, and now to find out the 1st vice president this year is runnin against him, what the hell is up with that dred

  26. da reason i stop comin to torch is because jamal beat that derek fella. i couldnt take no more of that guy, i might pass by headquarters on wednesday.

  27. I some questions for the President what have you done? Im sure you can see this. Except for ONE job fair what have you done?Why have so many persons resigned under you?(almost the entire executive from the iRep Progress that went against you!)Please let us progress and just let go… you have done a poor job as u eluded to… how can i trust you again and again and again and again!?…. you fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me… are you attempting to fool me 4 times? do i look like a fool sir? i dont know who has the numbers because i know the president can “STACK A DECK”. Be it as it may, president in im out.

  28. yall needa stop dred….lol but dat bey needa go on da real dred. i is a proud young liberal and dont tell me that i gatta tell torchbeares that. yall betta get that bey out dred

  29. I agree wit “bahamas yout” yall may say speaking skills dont mean nuttin, but first impressions are lasting. i cud see if he was like hubert ingraham, although our PM cant speak that well, he is very educated and he speaks sense. and i went to yall convention and i heard this Jamal guy make a fool out of the torchbearers. i was thinkin bout joining but i dont want him to represent me. i live in blue hills tho maybe i cud find another association to join…lol

  30. I havent been to torch in a while, and i just saw this video. and although i supported Moss two consecutive times, but i realise now that Jamal Moss isnt really qualified to lead this asscoiation. He keeps tellin people that the reason torch isnt moving forward is because his executives werent workin with him, but heads up jamal, if you were a good president the executive would never lose confidence in you. i kno i voted for him 2 time, thats because i fell for his old campaign story, but i hope dem other torch people dont fall for that B.S. i kno i havent been to meetings in a whille, and i’m sure as hell not financial lol. but im supportin who ever runnin against him, maybe not with a vote but in spirit

  31. I voted for jamal two elections in a row. This election I am not sure i can repeat the same trend. Nationally he will be blown out . He may recieve berth in Fort Charlotte, however  pinewood and seabreaze will be fighting grounds.  Jamal may win pinewood and lashan should cary seabreaze slimly. Killarney will be a major fighting ground but looks like they will go with lashan.PredictionJamal- 39Lashan- 44I am not a huge fan of lashan because she “conviently jumped ship”. However, putting all emotions aside she has a record of having the largest constituency association ever in the Nassau (Carmicheal). She is articulate and dedicated to the FNM and torchbearers. And is the perfect face for the torchbearers as we go into the 2012 elections.I cannot wait until wednesday….. espically to watch George “The Veteran” Carey Crush Keith ” The Right Hand” Major.

    • Pinewood for who???? No buddy boy Pinewood is voting for the President not Lashan. I think you can see that if not come more to meetings and get involve!

  32. Yeah I’m sensing the tension but I do fully understand where your coming from. After taking a good look at her and listening to her interviews I’m not surprise shes not as POPULAR as Jamal. and she lacks people skills like Jamal.  Jamal is very outgoing but I still stand behind my words when I talk about speaking skills. His speaking skills needs a bit work and his speeches needs a bit work too. The LASHAN BURROWS girls well she has the speaking skills etc but Now SINCE a good much of yal saying shes LAZY and UNORGANIZED well yeah I understand and I could tell yal shes hungry for Jamal spot. Jamal does put his all in the FNM which i stated earlier however I would feel more comfortable if yal had someone with better SPEAKING SKILLS. Lincoln Deal Blew me away especially for a young young little boy who still in school. HE BLEW ME AWAY. THAT YOUNG, FRESH, INTELLIGENT, COMICAL, and Interesting speech blew me away and I easily get distracted easily. BUT IN ALL Fairness….. Whoever is president whether is PLP or FNM. They need someone who has speaking skills and could be the VOICE FOR THE NATION. ThIs elections is up to the YOUNG PEOPLE. 16 to 30 is where the bulk of the voters for 2012 will be coming in tact. BUT IF YOU COMPARE AND CONTRAST JAMAL TO THE LIBERAL PRESIDENT I think JAMAL is better lol that boy speaking skills is worst. BUT HOPE THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY. But Lashan to Lincoln to Jamal they can do wonders.

  33. I beg to differ with you “Bahamasyouth” on your statement “Jamal is my boy….J groove but I am not going to lie his speaking skills is not up to standards I think the vice president is a better representative”. The Vice President Ms. Lashan Burrows is by no chance a better representative. She hardly does anything for the organization, however she finds it a difficult task to fulfill her duties which came along with her position. How can you want to hold big position but don’t want do any work?? Thats a senseless act. Ms. Burrows has held the position as 1st Vice President for a year, If approached and asked what have you done during your time as 1st Vice, an honest answer coming from her should be NOTHING!..If you did nothing as 1st Vice, what makes you think running for President would be a good idea? What would make you think that if she did nothing as 1st Vice, that she would MAGICALLY decide to do something as president?  Lets talk about hardwork and dedication..Ms Burrows never supported a Torchbearers event..from my recollection she was never there. There was always an excuse, but the man that ALWAYS showed  up and worked hard to ensure that events were a success you want to come on the internet and bash him.  Ms Burrows doesn’t take Torchbearers serious, so how can she expect us members to? You run on and on about speaking skills..Have you heard the way Ms. Burrows speaks? I assume NOT..where is the intelligence in her speech? Please tell me because  I have never heard anything with sense emerge from the lips of this young lady.
    *Do your proper research before starting to spread wrong news and propaganda!!

  34. Well all i could talk about is what I see out in the open. but ill take your word for it and which association are you from? well i will cast my vote and can you even vote sir?

  35. Well all i could talk about is what I see out in the open. but ill take your word for it and which association are you from?

  36. OH MY GOD they edit his orginal video! He did not say he failed in doing his job.They also added new clips as well, Muddoes lol they edit this good but truth be told Mr.President is the better person for the Job no offence 1st Vice  President (you need to work more and been seen). again lol you guys are good!! send me your number so ya’ll can edit my stuff


  38. (CORRECTION)I am not Tevin Bannister,I am Torchbearer from another association.Oh i beg to differ, Tevin Bannister was not doing his duties!All will be said and done on election.Who say Jamal can’t speak properly surely don’t know him.To say FNM’S want him out is a off the wall statement.Seniors in the party wants him but the members WILL decide who they want not YOU!!!!!

  39. I am not Tevin Bannister,I am Torchbearer from another association.Oh i beg to differ, Tevin Bannister was not doing his duties!All will be said and done on election.Who say Jamal can’t speak properly surely don’t know him.To say FNM’S want him out is a off the wall statement.Senoirs in the party wants him but the members WILL decide who they want not YOU!!!!!

  40. I am not Tevin Bannister,I am Torchbearer from another association.Oh i beg to differ, Tevin Bannister was not doing his duties!All will be said and done on election.Who say Jamal can’t speak properly surely don’t know him.To say FNM’S want him out a off the wall statement.Senoirs in the party wants him but the members WILL decide who they want not YOU!!!!!

  41. Yes, Im sad that Jamal Moss might get fired but im sure its a valid reason. I observe everything from body language to people skills; it tells me alot about persons. I know Jamal personally but I wont let our friendship taint my views about high power. Jamal is a people’s person and can get to you on a ONE by ONE experience. I dont remember the female name who is the current deputy leader however she has what it takes to be president instead. Jamal POPULARITY is a plus however his speaking skills is not up to standards for what I like to call a typical LEADER. The current deputy leader can capture a audience by speeches and interviews but Jamal can not get a wider audience the same way. Jamal is more of a behind the scenes person and he would be a good DEPTY leader instead. I see fresh young up-and-coming leaders such as Lincoln Deal who has intelligence, people skills and speaking skills. I was not SURPRISE but still disappointed with Jamal’s speech and his speaking skills. I dont want to bring him down in any way or form but people like him is what makes a good party. HES A HARD WORKER and very focused but as for PRESIDENT. This post should solely go to someone who has speaking skills and can be more aggressive. GOOD LUCK WITH JAMAL’s endeavors and I hope he dont take this as a bitter experience but makes him more MOTIVATED to bringing CHANGE to this country.

  42. Tevin, are you the treasurer of the association? If you are, I noticed that you did an excellent job this year! Keep it up sir and you have my vote! but i disagree with you on the point about the president. Although he has indeed tried and did some things… Lashan Burrows is the clear agent of change.

  43. Wow this is a shocker to see this up.This is not even the orginal video this was professionally edit.I know President Jamal Moss,he is a hard worker and a no nonsense person.If they wish to TRY to kill his carrer then they have another thing coming.To say he’s forgetting the poor is out of the question because Jamal Moss came from NOTHING and the life he grew up in was a tuff one,everyone in Torchbearers knows that.All i have is respect for him.We all made mistakes but Mr.Moss has fix them and moved on.Rest assure as sure as night come after day Jamal Moss will be returned back to the office as President!!! I salute you sir,and yes I am a Torchbearer! 

  44. Jamal is my boy…. J groove but I am not going to lie his speaking skills is not up to standards I think the vice president is a better representative.

  45. Wow this is a shocker to see this up.This is not even the orginal video this was professionally edit.I know President Jamal Moss he is a hard worker and a no nonsense person.If they wish to TRY to kill his carrer then they have another thing coming.To say he’s forgetting the poor is out of the question because Jamal Moss came from NOTHING and the life went through all i have is respect for him.We all made mistakes but Mr.Moss has fix them and moved on.Rest assure as sure as night come after day Jamal Moss will be returned back to the office as President!!! I salute you sir,and yes I am a Torchbearer! 

  46. The Fnm is a party of summary dismissal no investigation no procedure no process…..in short home buey gone as if he was never a part piece or parcel of the FNM…..his actions or inactions are irelevant dats how the people see these people behave crush the youths ge dem a taste then get rid lol vonder if hez a victim a ambition hahaha

    • You know nothing about the Torchbearers.  This is the grooming ground for future leaders.  Former Torchbearers elected to Parliament or elected to the Senate include:  Theresa Moxey, Dion Foulks, Tommy Turnquest, Damien Gomez, Carl Bethel, and the list is more expansive than this.  Others have also carried the party’s banner as unsuccessful candidates in General elections.  How many former Young Liberals have ever been elected to Parliament?  None?  The FNM is a serious, organized party with structure for long term success!

    • You know nothing about the Torchbearers.  This is the grooming ground for future leaders.  Former Torchbearers elected to Parliament or appointed to the Senate include:  Theresa Moxey, Dion Foulks, Tommy Turnquest, Damien Gomez, Carl Bethel, and the list is more expansive than this.  Others have also carried the party’s banner as unsuccessful candidates in General elections.  How many former Young Liberals have ever been elected to Parliament?  None?  The FNM is a serious, organized party with structure for long term success!

      • Eagle you grounded on your first try for Mr gomez was actually a plp senator, tommy was unceromoniously dumped as leader and car l well he was he was sittin high one day as a member of the cabinet and now and now he was unilaterally appointed chairman with no discourse in between this is what I know the people know the world knows I have never been a member of the torch bearers or the young librals and hold brief for neither nor the parent respective parties. Iam bahamian intrested in growth and development of our country straight so no i know not the nuaunces or internal workings of the respective groups but im no fool and by the way my point was actually to breed youth into the system and let them flourish plp or fnm but know this the fnm prosperity is tied to the shelf life of Hubert Ingrham vat youll ga do ven he leave in relation to your longterm sucess which we can see is actually a short term mess stop before you respond to post review the post before you post and cancel all irrelevant considerations and have a real deabate ( check mate)haha lol

        • I know Gomez was a PLP Senator, but the fact is he is a past President of the Torchbearers.  My point is simply that the Torchbearers is grooming future leaders a one day a Prime Minister will be borne out of this organization.

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