Former Deputy Director in Education Ms Verona Seymour passes…

Verona Seymour

NASSAU| Bahamas Press is reporting early this morning the sudden passing of former deputy director in the Ministry of Education Ms Verona Seymour.

We are learning the retired educator died earlier this evening following a short battle. She, yinner should know, was the daughter of the late Mayronna and Delegal Seymour and sister of retired ASP Stephen Seymour.

This latest news confirms the third person who served in education to pass in just one week. Deputy PS Dawn Culmer died suddenly in Doctor’s and Former Deputy Director Cecil Longley passed just a few days earlier; all deeply committed to the advancement of education in the country.

Tonight as we pray for the families feeling deep pain and sorrow, we pray for their souls… that our GOOD AND GRACIOUS GOD SHALL GRANT THEM LIFE EVERLASTING. 

May they rest in peace.