Freeport is reporting another traffic fatality on that island…

Scenes from that traffic fatality on Coral Road.
Scenes from that traffic fatality on Coral Road.

Breaking》》》》We are at this hour reporting a traffic fatality in the city of Freeport which occurred a few hours ago. It was reported that a family was going to a funeral when someone ran into their family’s limousine.

Persons were rushed to the hospital before they even had a chance to bury the man’s wife,  but so sad,  the guy that caused the accident died. He had a Heart attack behind the wheel on Coral Road.

Police have the road blocked off.

Condolences to both bereaved families.

We report yinner decide.

That limo carrying realtives of the deceased which crashed into the victim's car.
That limo carrying realtives of the deceased which crashed into the victim’s car.

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