GB Price Control Inspection found several stores breaching price control on bread basket items!


What happened to the stores when they are caught inflating prices?

Items overpriced are being taken off the shelf by Price Control. They need to check out the local gas stations.
Items overpriced are being taken off the shelf by Price Control. They need to check out the local gas stations.

GRAND BAHAMA, The Bahamas — Members of the Price Control Commission visited eight stores in Grand Bahama on Tuesday, August 23 and Wednesday, August 24, and discovered six of them were in breach of selling Breadbasket Items over the maximum selling price.

Commission Chairman, E.J. Bowe, noted that the stores were in Freeport, Lucaya and Eight Mile Rock and the over-pricing ranged from one penny to $2.95. The items were: tomato paste, $0.34; sugar, $1.58; corned beef, $0.14; mayonnaise, $1.82; rice, $0.13; flour, $2.69; and cooking oil, $3.95.

Participating in the inspection were Mr. Bowe; Colin Wright, Price Control Commission Board Member; Emmitt Higgins, Officer in Charge for Grand Bahama; Beverly Curtis, Price Inspector and Kathier Duncombe, Price Inspector.