Gregory Town Eleuthera resident succumbs to injuries in hospital


Something is terribly wrong on the streets of ELEUTHERA – WHY PEOPLE MUST SPEED?

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NASSAU, BAH — A man detained in hospital after a serious accident on the island of Eleuthera has died.

The accident reportedly occurred around 3:30 am on Saturday.

According to reports 19-year-old DEQUANTE STUBBS of GREGORY TOWN, ELEUTHERA was a front seat passenger in a champagne Honda Accord traveling north on Queen’s Highway, in the area of Rainbow Bay, when the driver reportedly lost control of the vehicle and collided into a Casuarina Tree.

The deceased along with the driver received serious injuries and were taken to the local clinic for medical assistance and later airlifted to the capital.

The Gregory Town resident reportedly succumbed to his injuries around 12:00 pm on Monday 29th April, 2013.

Two (2) rear seat passengers also involved in the accident escaped the accident unharmed.