'Martin Suspended!'…PLP calls a Mass Rally at Gambier House TONIGHT!



<<< Glenys Hanna-Martin, Chairman of the PLP and MP for Engerleston.

Click to listen to incident in the House of Assembly today

Click to listen to Gems 105.9FM account of the House meeting today : Hanna-Martin “SUSPENDED” over 15 Year Old Suicide Quest

Nassau, Bahamas — The PLP stood its ground today against the dictatorial actions of the Speaker of the House of Assembly supported by the Government of The Bahamas.

Today was a shameful act  by the WUTLESS SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE ALVIN SMITH!

The Member of Parliament for Englerston and Chairman of the PLP party Glenys ‘THE GIANT SLAYER’ Hanna-Martin was blocked in an attempt to raise the interest of the mother of 15-year-old Michael Knowles who died in police custody allegedly by his own hand.

The circumstances of the death are suspicious and there needs to be full and frank disclosure on the matter.

The proper place to raise this was in the House of Assembly. The Speaker, however, blocked the matter from a full public airing. The government then proceeds to try to physically expel Ms. Hanna-Martin from the chamber. The PLP took the position that it would stand with Mrs. Hanna-Martin and if one were moved, all would be moved. The PLP has called on it party supporters to support its Members of Parliament in the matter.

The Leader of the Progressive Liberal Party announced today that the Progressive Liberal Party would hold a Mass Rally this evening at 7:30 p.m. at Gambier House in Farrington Road to discuss the events in the House of Assembly tonight. In a press statement Christie encourages party supporters to attend tonight’s event. The leader, the chairman and the Leader of Opposition matters in the House of Assembly and other members of the Parliament will address the rally.


PLPs are getting ready to test their political machine as an EMERGENCY Mass Rally will be held tonight! Bahamas Press has learned that an MP is set to resign from the House of Assembly later this year. The move will force a by election in the country.


  1. @Joe Blow Well Joe Blow Mr Speaker and HAI FNM party just made Hanna and the PLP famous.HAI put the FNM party in the coffin and in the whole only thing need to do is put the dirt on them after the election.

  2. Hanna Martin has reenergised the PLP.Yes she broke HOA rules but the Speaker was too swift in insisting that the matter of the 15 yr old was not important to at least get a statement from the Govt.Joe Blow in the 60s when we had Black Tuesday some members of the Opposition PLP did not fully support the actions of Sir Lynden and the others and they eventually formed the NDP.Two yrs later the Govt changed so watch out.In the eyes of the small man these PLP members of Parl were perceived as being too scared of the Govt.Well Hanna Martin changed that and everyone who loves democracy are singing her praises.Many in her own party despise her but thank God she has carried the load on key issues and kept the PLP relevant.Govt members know she is a force to be reckoned with so the conspiracy theory I spoke about earlier is in full swing.Evil flourishes when good men/women stand by and do nothing.I have borrowed this quote but sense it is applicable to the modern Bahamas and the happenings taking place right now..

  3. Girl Hanna Martian, that move made you famous you have over 100 hit on this blog.keep it up Good wor

  4. You have to kick up a ruckus, before you can get the current government to comment on anything. This is the same way they treated the Birbal matter. If I were to judge the FNM government by their actions, I would come to the conclusion, that they have something against the children. You think they mad with the children, because they can’t vote? I better see if I could start making arrangements for my nephew to go and live with his father in North Carolina for his own safety, because this aint look like no place for children to be.

  5. ianb: Your suggestions are right on and I for one thank you for commiting to this site the the kinds of suggestions that will help move our country forward. You make logical points and my hope is that T,T, will see the value of them and cause the powers that be in our police force to stringently follow them. I understand that those officers who were on duty at the time are suspended and on half pay. Let’s hope there is a speedy and fair investigation into this matter.

  6. @tp
    TP we have written to the member and advise him of his dastard action on here. I have no authority to eject him from this place, however as moderator (SPEAKER) of this House, I and can warn him and let him know that this site is rated G and his attacks will not be entertained. This is NOT the the PLP! Bahamas Press is rated G!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  7. Its a difference when you fight for something that is right and something that is wrong. You see my High school Principal always told me. Education is your life, Guard it well!!! I see people fail in areas of analysing situations and just going with their political influence. One must read History and see what we had to do to get where we are today. It wasnt all about Order. Even God had to kick Lucifer our of heaven. but dont mislead the people here on BP. Talk about how the PM cut 17 Million from Education. Talk about the 400 million dollars we are in the RED. and we must just sit there and say nothing???? Come on guy

  8. @JR
    We understand where you coming from.It is because of attitude such as yours our young men are hauled before the courts on a daily basis.
    Your remarks only drive home the point about what the report said about your party.
    It is people like you that make the entire Bahamas look bad.

  9. I agree with you Russell Johnson. I spent the last two days reading the posts and it is good to see the mix views but some people came on here missing the facts completely. They really went off course and dont really understand what is going on in this country. If they are HARD Senseless FNM supporters, they are vex and scared because of what their vote caused in this country. They will defend them like Satin Angels proclaiming Lucifer is god. “dillusional”. We have to fight for the rights of our people and we cannot sit back and watch the Police do fool. If you give them and inch they will take a yard, give them a yard then they will take a mile.

  10. Well you know, It was the UBP/FNM when we had to fight against them for Freedom and Democracy you know. The FNM dont know anything about fighting for the rights of the majority of Bahamians. The only time I saw FNMs protesting was when the then Minister for Immagration was rounding up illegal immagrants and HAI said the Haitians should sue the Government. Now is that wasnt Political Miliage then what is.

  11. Thanks IANB,but could not resist tearing up the new meat.Since this incident I have spoken with several Policemen to get a fair idea of what took place and if any procedures are laid out for the protection of persons in Police custody.I was made to understand that prisoners are supposed to be checked every 30 minutes and a record kept.This record follopws the prisoner until disposal of the case by the Courts.Now interestingly in the case of Juveniles their parent or guardian has to be notified and they cannot be kept in the cells with any adult.It is unfortunate that Tommy refused to put forward a statement especially when he read in the newspapers that Hanna martin was expressing concerns.He only came forward after all the ruckus and this is inexcuseable.After all the man is responsible for ZNS so he fumbled the ball.This case has been prejudiced by Tommy failing to come clean b4 hanna Martin like a mother voiced her concern.Mothers have care and concern for children and we men will never fully understand their mood swings.I can still hear the anguish in Hanna Martins voice when she realised the Speaker was trying to shut her up.Every mother in the Bahamas has to be concerned that their Govt failed them once again when it came to defending children.The Govt will suffer for their indifference at the polls bcos mothers despite the political divide will support the cause of protecting children no matter their deficiencies.I looked at the Childrens and Young Persons Act which is online and the most time a juvenile can get is 6 months.

  12. I guess we supose to look at our country going down the wrong path and just say ah well this too shall pass. We must bear in mind how we got here by the blood sweat and tears of our Forefathers. Rules were broken, especially when those in Authority abused those rules. Our forefahers fought for Justice and Democracy. Yet we forget all of that or act as if thats the past and there is no need for that now. I want my Children to look and analyse the situation instead of judging the book by its cover. A boy died in Police/Governemnt Custody. He was held more than 24 hours, he was interegated with the absense of his Parent. Witnesses say he was not wearing what ever the Police said he was wearing. These are inconsistancies. The Police should not Investigate this Case. A Lawsuit will be made against the Police Force. Bear in mind the Country has a 400 Million dollar Deficit, we are very near to bankrupsy, we are about to analyse a false budget filled with air and no hope. No plan for the future is seen from the current Government, yet we must just stand there and say ah well this too shall pass. Those who just stand by certainly do not love this Country because as young as I am, I can see that this Country is Going Down in Flames.

  13. Fellow bloggers we all have expressed are concerns and opinions on the matter, now let’s talk solutions, out of this we need to ensure that when anyone is arrested and detained, that the proper mechanism are in place. (1) a proper database of the alleged suspect (medical records, prior convictions, family info, etc.) (2) a central booking place so that we have trained physiologist to assess the suspect (suicidal /medical assessment). (3) Separation of juveniles from adults, (4) cameras in all booking stations and integration rooms, to record any misconduct or police brutality; (5) Senior officers (inspector and above) on duty to run that stations over night (I’ve seen too many junior and untrained police officers manning the stations.(6) A roving medical professional to make the rounds to the stations nightly. (7) Night Courts or Weekend courts to clear up the back logs. (8)My favorite (Bail bondsman) this will help with the over crowding on the weekends, provide more jobs and put monies in the treasury.
    Come on bloggers, stop the infighting we all love this country and only want the best, it’s about ideas and solutions. Remember country first.

  14. Shawn :@Dibbles Thanks for your advice Dibbles, but perhaps you need to look up the definition of ‘lady’. I would never want my daughters have GHm as their role model.

    Hi Shawn what’s up why should I have to look up the word lady?I don’t have no problem with any of my daughter looking at Ms Hanna Martian as a role model.If you do that’s your problem.

  15. Boy Media, you see how they coming out the woodwork like worms? I know plenty people read but usually, its just us regulars going at it back and forth but boy, this is something else. I wonder where these FNM sympathizers is be when the FNM ——— up this country. Are all of their heads crammed up Hubert’s butt? Is that where the meetings take place? In Mugabe’s crack? My lord, they make me shame to be Bahamian sometimes, just reading the garbage.

    You know you bad off when Joe Blow starts to sound like a moderate FNM! Boy the FNM in trouble for sure. Did you see the confrontation on TV? I swear Glenis was about to wet that officer one ———————————one too for her ——– question about the PLP breaking the law. What an airhead bimbo with a recorder! Boy I tell ya, if your gal keep this up, she might win me over yet, although I still say all the noise she is making only shows her to be a good Parliamentarian and has nothing to do with being the chairman of the party. But to each his own. Shoot, even your boy Obie was carrying on bad.

    • Jr we warn you of that attack. Please, that is NOT your role here. Please as moderator desist IMMEDIATELY!

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  16. Shawn :@Drama King You should know cause the PLPs faces been there along time ago, only they don’t know which butt to chose!

    You obviously have no sense and you are probably one of those whose head is jammed up HAI’s big, dry crack. Try vaseline some time, my friend.

  17. The Queen of right over wrong has surely caused Carl,Sidney and now Tommy sleepless nights.Check at who were behind the motion to suspend her.Obviously the entire Cabinet have joined in a conspiracy to try and quiet glennys.Since I have peeked their cards I shall endeavour to attack more frequently.I refuse to be sidetracked by incompoos on this blog.So if anyone cant stand the heat in the kitchen tough luck.It is good that this incident happened asd it has awakened Rip van Winkle lo lolo.

  18. Joe, the House was suspended until Monday because Hubert knows that half the country has tuned out in advance of the long weekend.

    He does not want his contribution to be lost in the weekend news. He comes back Monday and gets better coverage. Plus they now have the excuse for ministers to cut their wutless speeches short and to cut short the questioning of the government by the PLP during the committee stage. You are reaching badly trying to put today’s suspension on BJ.

  19. @Russell Johnson

    “Be careful who you challenge since you know nothing of them as you shall see as we dialogue”

    Really Andros Boy??? I was born and raised in North Andros. It may be the largest island but if you have lived there all your life you know almost EVERYONE. You outed yourself in the Poitier discussion.

  20. @Russell: You think you in the House of Assembly ah??? Boi catch yaself, you ain talking to me. The last group of people I will take lessons from, is on this site. The gray matter in my head is not a stuffing!! It is a magnificent organ that actually works, maybe you should try using yours.

    The only reason am just responding to you knucklehead is due to prior engagements.Am happy you are so full of yourself as I will enjoy verbally beating the stuffing out of you.Since you are so smart and stupid I will not bother to offer you any advice.Be careful who you challenge since you know nothing of them as you shall see as we dialogue.Am glad you came on the invitation of your “kind” as they could not handle me now they have gone to the crib lolo,

  21. Well blow me down.a young man died and bcos enquiring minds have asked for answers FNM operatives have come out by the droves and are trying to dilute the message.Only women can understand what Hanna martin felt about this situation and why she got very disgusted when the Speaker just tried to brush her off.I heard Tommy on the Parliamentary channel saying exactly what he should have said in the HOA in response to Martin.The whole thing was a setup as the Minister who is at the heart of this whole affair Tommy the ducker actually proposed that Martin be suspended.My skin is thick so am going to enjoy beating up verbally jaundiced supporters of the FNM.WE had the third reich in Germany now we have blind partisans in the Bahamas.Welcome my friends am insdecent just like you.

  22. Right now I am so disappointed with some of you on this blog, that I wish I had a “blog eraser” to just obliterate your comments(frustrations)! Some have no respect for the other, some seem so irate and bitter, that perhaps they need real “mental help”! I thought that we would utilise this site to maybe bring real change through some solid ideas and suggestions. Someone talked about this whole situation as a “backfire” – I hope they feel the same way come next election results! As far as I can see, when national issues arise it will ALWAYS BE – POLITICAL ! Who else suppose to speak for the people, other than the MPs – members of Parliament ! Whom all are politicians ! They were elected to speak or represent the people! It is so sad that all we see is black and white. This country is facing and dealing with some very, very serious isssues !!!!! Someone has to speak up, despite the fact that some see it as political mileage! I know that I need someone to speak for me – ’cause I can’t say “a hoot” in parliament ! Some of you, really, truly, need to get your heads out of the “sand”..Let the truth be told and justice reign !

  23. I would just hope that the speaker in the future, let the rules apply in all cases, and on both sides.

    The fnm is on the wrong side of history again, something that is synonomous with this party!

  24. Of course the Government knew what was going to happen after yesterday,s fiasco and made plans that if it continued, they would call for suspension. It was the proper plan as it is obvious the Opposition would just carry on as they have done before in similar circumstances. Politricks are disgusting no matter which side is the perpetrater! Of course it is on BJ’s shoulders as well as others because it was designed by them for a purpose. They just have not realized yet that we are astute enough to not be fooled by their “shenanigans”.

  25. @Joe Blow
    Joe Blow, Tommy said on the tv with Ace Newbold,that it was planned not to meet today until Monday. Do not put that one on BJ.

  26. I am very disappointed that Hanna-Martin allowed herself to be manipulated by the old-guard of the PLP and all she really accomplished was to make a fool of herself. This was a pathetic attempt to try to show there was unity within the party and it backfired dramatically.
    Media: “dictatorial actions of the Speaker” ??? He made a ruling and she refused to obey. 8 times she was politely asked to take her seat. The House has rules and it is the duty of the Speaker to enforce same. The Speaker gave us unrefutable proof to-day that she was in the wrong. Upon reflection, I now must conclude that those who tried to prevent her removal from the House should be censored and made to applogize to the electorate for their foolishness and attempts to thwart the rules of the House. Delay to the all important budget debate rests fully on the members of the Opposition who kept the Officer of the House from executing his duties. Further, the attempted “grandstanding” by Dr. Nottage was what caused the suspension till Monday. As House Leader of the Opposition, he should know the rules and be able to guide his members in the proper course. Another bad choice by the PLP Party!

  27. john :So instead of continuing the debate, they waste another day by suspending until Monday?
    Well the government does not have anything to say and will use this as their excuse to shorten the debate. People see through this BS. Remember like the FNM like to say “The people ain’t dumb no more” This government is filled with clowns!
    Call it, one thing with you FNMs, you stick with your talking points. The process to change the rules began under HAI when Frank Watson & Co visited Canada to observe the Canadian Parliament and begin to revise the rules. In 2005, the rules were UNANIMOUSLY passed by the Parliament of the Bahamas . All the members, FNM and PLP voted for the new rules!
    So to suggest that these are PLP rules designed to silence the FNM is ludicrous. Furthermore, the Speaker has discretion how to apply the rules. The fact is that Alvin is simply biased toward the FNM and against the PLP. Remember the big pay raise Alvin received as soon as the FNM came to power? He was the only one to receive a raise.
    So give me a break about law and order and respecting authority. The whole thing is a sham.
    I do not expect any better from a government that is clearly clueless as to how to address ANY of the problems facing the country.

    John, please dont waste your time. The FNMs on this blog are tunnel-visioned. Their faces are so far up the butt cheeks of HAI they cant see anything else but FNM fecal matter.

  28. @john
    Now there you go trying to change my words, I never suggested that the rules were designed to silence anyone. If you cannot read someone’s statement and figure out what they mean, PLEASE DO interpretate it to suit your purpose. Leave it alone!!!!

    If Hanna had not tried to score cheap political points off that young man’s death, we would have been watching the second day of the debate.

  29. So instead of continuing the debate, they waste another day by suspending until Monday?

    Well the government does not have anything to say and will use this as their excuse to shorten the debate. People see through this BS. Remember like the FNM like to say “The people ain’t dumb no more” This government is filled with clowns!

    Call it, one thing with you FNMs, you stick with your talking points. The process to change the rules began under HAI when Frank Watson & Co visited Canada to observe the Canadian Parliament and begin to revise the rules. In 2005, the rules were UNANIMOUSLY passed by the Parliament of the Bahamas . All the members, FNM and PLP voted for the new rules!

    So to suggest that these are PLP rules designed to silence the FNM is ludicrous. Furthermore, the Speaker has discretion how to apply the rules. The fact is that Alvin is simply biased toward the FNM and against the PLP. Remember the big pay raise Alvin received as soon as the FNM came to power? He was the only one to receive a raise.

    So give me a break about law and order and respecting authority. The whole thing is a sham.

    I do not expect any better from a government that is clearly clueless as to how to address ANY of the problems facing the country.

  30. @KIM
    You know Kim, to me there is no difference, I just want Trinity to know that throwing at me “I am 25 yrs old and have three degrees” means squat to me. I will not waste time putting my resume on BP to inflate my ego.

    I have come across people, who never sat one day in a classrom and has been able to debate and articulate themselves in a most professional MANNER.

    Don’t tell me I am lucky this site is “G” rated. I don’t write cuss words. I speak my piece in proper language and expects the same from those who choose to communicate with me! Three degrees will not guarantee you respect, you will earn that!


  32. @Kim Sands

    Trinity needs to realize anybody could buy three degrees online. This does not make them better than anybody else! The same way they value their opinion, I value mine.

  33. The House has adjourned until Monday and Glenys Hanna is still suspended.
    The House rules which were adopted by the P.L.P in 2005 were clearly quoted and applied by the Speaker.

    Now Perry needs to do the right thing and ask the couple people in the yellow shirts who are being loud in Rawson Square, to behave themselves and go home before someone gets arrested.


  34. Call it and Trinity you both need to let it go, because this is really not necessary. We all just need to learn to respect each other for having an opinion.

  35. @TRINITY

    Well it is 10:18 the house is in session and Glenys Hanna is outside. Looking at the turnout outside the House, it appears that the MASS RALLY was a flop, it is obvious that P.L.P supporters did not come out to support Hanny as expected.

    LIKE I SAID LAST NIGHT, LAW AND ORDER PREVAILED IN RAWSON SQUARE TODAY! There is a right way and a wrong way to do things, the P.L.P chose the wrong way and everyone now sees who wears the wig and gown in the Honerable House of Assembly!!

  36. tp :@Kim Sands Two years ago a 15 year old boy was shot and killed coming through the ceiling of a store on blue hill road in the 7 hills area.For years begining at an early age this child was getting into trouble. The parents continuously turned a blind eye to his crimes which included robbery, drugs and the gang rape of a 13 year old girl.THEY COLLUDED WITH THE PARENTS OF THE GIRL NOT TO PURSUE THE CASEEventually he was apprehended for house breaking and sentence to the reform school for boys.The parent of this boy pleaded with the school to let the boy come home promising that they would make sure he stay out of trouble. BUT THEIR REAL REASON FOR TAKING HIM OUT OF THE SCHOOL WAS because they wanted to take him on a cruise.He was let out well in advance of his 12 months sentence and rewarded for his actions by going on a seven days cruise.The rest is history.The parent of the young man found hanging in the cell admitted that her son was use to getting into trouble.Again the rest is history The question is why are we as parents not doing what must be done to control our children.I am just as sad about this incident as evryone else , but I am also angered that politicians are using this to advance their personal agenda.Where were they before this happened why did the mother not run to them before he was found hanging in the cell ? We will never know, but the one thing we know there are countless numbers of Michael throughout the length of the country. Will we wait for another tragedy to happen before we take a stand or will we be runnig to the newspaper and the lawyersWill we let pride stop us from saving our children from a life of crime or an early trip to the grave ?Talk to the pastors , the teachers, or the same politician that you are now running toTHESE POLITICIANS CARE NOTHING ABOUT YOU THEY ARE JUST USING YOU IN YOUR TIME OF GRIEF TO MAKE THEMSELVES LOOK GOOD.

    TP I know about that incident with the 15 year old boy was killed coming through the ceiling. A lot of these parents ain’t serious and they is be encouraging foolishness. I know when I was a child growing up school used to out 3:00 pm and my mother used to gave us 30 minutes to be home from school and aint no way I could have been home from school in 30 minutes unless I was running. If she was not home in the house with us when we got home, by 3:40 the latest she would be on the phone calling and when she called she wanted hear everybody voice. Then once you get home she had a list of household chores for us to do, before you get started with homework. Today these children have too much idle time on there hands and something needs to be done to occupy these children’s time. I agree politicians should not use incidents such as these to score political brownie points. There are far too many Michaels on the street and they need to start doing something with them, before it is too late. The government need to start by arresting these slack parents for child neglect.

  37. It’s not about PLP and/or FNM. For me it is about Michael. Who cares if it was brought up to gain political brownie points? The important this is that pressure is being put on those who were responsible for ensuring that it never occurred. As an 18 year old male who is striving for the betterment of his people it sickens me to see the mockery that is made of the Bahamain public by playing childish games in the HOA on the people’s time. I do not blame Ms. Hanna for standing her ground as the rules of ANY HOA can never be more important than the life of a child and she was just determined to ensure that this suspicious situation wasn’t gagged like so many others in the past. Furthermore, chanting a funeral song at the end of a victory is stupid and childish. It is particularly disheartening and unforgiveable when members of the government, in full realisation of such, attack the voice for the rights of children in our country in the peoples’ court of our country. Lastly, how can the defendant be the investigating detective in ANY case? Who’s to say that forensic evidence won’t be altered to fit the claims of the defendant? I suggest that we let the New Scotland Yard do all of the investigating and allow the police to sit out on this one.

  38. That was shameful display and abuse of power by the GOVERNMENT. They were elected using a platform of trust, transparency, and a freedom of information act but have little regards for those ideals. The speaker should have allowed Mrs Hanna-Martin to raise the issue, then all Turnquest had to do was recite the same speech he so readily sang for the cameras after the incident in the House, “The matter is under investigation and I will report further once they produce their findings”. Bam! Simple as that. But no, they rather sit down, giggle and heckle like a bunch of giddy school boys instead of doing the job they were elected to do. Represent the PEOPLE!

    It is a sad turn of events in this country when my 7 year old daughter is afraid that if I wear my PLP T-Shirt in the school yard, the wife of a high ranking FNM Minister might see and she would get into trouble at school.

  39. @media
    You maybe right about this but how do you know that the Prime Minister did not follow protocol and give the speaker prior notice of what he was going to say.That is all he was saying to Ms Martin.Regardless Ms Martin was very rude., and her display set of a rippling negative effect that was heard throughout the entire country.

  40. @media
    BP I respect you and your right to your opinion. I know most of the charcters and I just believe that this is nothing more than political theatre and GHM just obeying her Director who we all know aint got nobody’s interest at heart but himself.

  41. We would also like to cast our chloral tablet in this well of words. We must add that we support Hanna-Martin in this disruption yesterday.

    On last week the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister kindly requested of the Speaker allow him to make his statement on Clico after his 2009/10 Budget communication. The Speaker didn’t say ‘NO NO’ before the PM asked. Alvin Smith followed the rules of the House as asked the Parliament if there are any objections to the member’s request.

    Tommy and Dion made statements yesterday on the victory of the new BHCAWU president, They were not denied their chance to congratulate a new leader in the country.

    But when Hanna-Martin stood on her feet and requested of the Speaker to make a statement on a matter of ‘National Importance’, the Speaker not only denied her the right to speak, but failed to entertain the question of her concern. He failed to ask the House if she can speak, as he did with the PM the week before. He fail to allow her to finish her request. The Speaker therefore began what started yesterday and allowed the member to then disrespect his Chair.

    BP fully support Glenyn Hanna-Martin in this as she like Ingraham is also a sitting member of the lower house, having the same rights. The question should have been put to allow the member to speak and if the House agreed then she should have been allowed her statement. NOT STOPPED IN THE MIDDLE OF ASKING TO BE ABLE TO MAKE A STATEMENT! THE SPEAKER WAS WRONG!

    We will speak to the matter of the death of the young boy whilst in police custody another time.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  42. @Kim Sands
    Two years ago a 15 year old boy was shot and killed coming through the ceiling of a store on blue hill road in the 7 hills area.
    For years begining at an early age this child was getting into trouble. The parents continuously turned a blind eye to his crimes which included robbery, drugs and the gang rape of a 13 year old girl.THEY COLLUDED WITH THE PARENTS OF THE GIRL NOT TO PURSUE THE CASE
    Eventually he was apprehended for house breaking and sentence to the reform school for boys.The parent of this boy pleaded with the school to let the boy come home promising that they would make sure he stay out of trouble. BUT THEIR REAL REASON FOR TAKING HIM OUT OF THE SCHOOL WAS because they wanted to take him on a cruise.He was let out well in advance of his 12 months sentence and rewarded for his actions by going on a seven days cruise.The rest is history.
    The parent of the young man found hanging in the cell admitted that her son was use to getting into trouble.Again the rest is history The question is why are we as parents not doing what must be done to control our children.
    I am just as sad about this incident as evryone else , but I am also angered that politicians are using this to advance their personal agenda.
    Where were they before this happened why did the mother not run to them before he was found hanging in the cell ? We will never know, but the one thing we know there are countless numbers of Michael throughout the length of the country. Will we wait for another tragedy to happen before we take a stand or will we be runnig to the newspaper and the lawyers
    Will we let pride stop us from saving our children from a life of crime or an early trip to the grave ?
    Talk to the pastors , the teachers, or the same politician that you are now running to

  43. @tp
    Bullies and hypocrites. The funny thing is when they come to power they appear to lose all of that concern. I keep asking myself where were their voices. GHM never fought for anyone when she was Minister and Obie, that’s another story. God help us if our country is ever in their hands again!! All I have to say is look at their home life, that is how you know a person and look at their relationship with their own children.

  44. @kevin mckenzie
    You are right. People are so passionate about their respective parties, everything turns into an argument. Nevertheless, we should give each other respect whether or not we are in agreement.

  45. Party politics is destroying the Bahamas!!We as a people must realize that all individuals are entitle to their opinions and are free to express them,there’s no need to degrade or make a villian of some one else because their views are different from yours.I have learnt a lot from Bahamas Press,Trinity,Kim Sands,Drama,Examiner,Joe Blow and others and began to see things from a different prospective since joining this site.Indeed sometimes it is quite enlightening and makes me wondered why i didn’t think of it.It just goes to show that if we pool our talents with GOD’S help we can find the solution to all problems!!!It was just in 2007 when mr.Ingraham said he will close the Bahamas embassy in Cuba once his party won,and as recently as this year when he said that too much money was spent on the embassy for him to close it.Well just yesterday Cuba WAS READMITTED TO THE ORGANISATION OF AMERICAN STATES.All i am trying to say is sometimes we don’t appreciate the wisdom of someone’s actions until events reveal themselves months or years later.MY VIEWS MAY DIFFER FROM YOURS BUT I STILL LOVE YOU!!!

  46. @Thomas Finley
    You can support the Police all you want. One day you may be on the other end and then you will change your tone. ASP Fernander waterboarded my son for a crime he did not commit. I support good police officers not those two crooks.

  47. @call it as i see it
    You were the one that came on here disrespecting others. I stated my opinion and expected opposition, but at the same time I refuse to be put down for my opinion by you or anyone. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Get over yourself! Don’t compare me to your friends or cohorts or even yourself! You don’t know me! Instead of uplifting and respecting others, you put them down because they have the good sense to call it as they see it! It’s people like you that make Bahamians look like idiots. I am proud of what I have accomplished thus far, and I am on the road to greater things. I have too much class to be continuing an argument with the likes of you…. And yes, you are still lucky this site is rated G because some people don’t understand until you stoop to their level!!! But I don’t slum!

  48. call it as i see it :@Russell: You think you in the House of Assembly ah??? Boi catch yaself, you ain talking to me. The last group of people I will take lessons from, is on this site. The gray matter in my head is not a stuffing!! It is a magnificent organ that actually works, maybe you should try using yours.
    @ everyone elseI hope all of you listened to that female witness who was in another cell at the same station when that happened. Yep, she was on JCN tonight, make sure watch the late night news and maybe you will stop jumping to idiotic conclusions and talking fart.
    It is apparent that many of you have very knowledge about legal procedures regarding suspicious deaths, coroners inquest and ongoing investigations. Sometimes I read these comments and only shake my head. I cannot begin to imagine what foreigners think about these comments, especially people like the lady who called the talk show today from Texas today!
    @JR ELECTION HAS BEEN OVER FOR TWO YEARS NOW, sensible people have moved on with their lives and have more important things to do besides following politicians everywhere they go!. They are getting a salary for things like that, not me. I will skip the Fun Run Walks for now!Perry have nothing to do for the next three years and goes to work when he pleases,(did the same when he was P.M) he can afford to attend a rally in the middle of the week.
    @Trinity I am lucky this is rated “G”?? I don’t know about you but I can debated this without cuss words, that is the mark of an educated person. I am ready willing and able, BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!
    Listening to the KNUCKLEHEADS here (yea I said it AGAIN) you would swear Tommy Turnquest was the officer on duty at the Wulff Road Police station.Tomorrow we will see who wears the wig in the House of Assembly. Hanna is a bad example for the youth of this country (especially for the students from D.W.Davis who watched the House proceedings in their classroom today) and so is the P.L.P. Even in opposition they can’t behave!! And we thought Koed was the rude one.
    Paul Moss and all the others jumping on the bandwagon will overshadow the death of a child for cheap political points. In the final analysis, law and order will prevail tomorrow and in the outcome of the this entire case! I have lived to see the day people in this country applaud lawlessness. Instead of the Police in the classrooms, they need to be in the House of Assembly babysitting our M.P’S.

    It’s IDIOTS like you who don’t understand when people have to make a stand like this one!! The PM got up and made his statements then Tommy got up and made his and then Mrs. Martin was denied an opportunity.. What’s fair about that??

    The Speaker is NOT doing his job. He is just being a puppet for the govt. He is supposed to be loyal to NO one besides the Bahamian people who put those MPs in the HOA to represent them!! The Speaker continues to deny the people to hear the persons that they put there to represent them to speak on their behalf..

    Simply put, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”.. The PLP could not and should not put up with this for the next 3 years!! The PLP speaks for nearly half of the population so the PEOPLE have spoken!!!

  49. Parents need to understand these children did not asked to be born, it was their actions that caused them to be here and they should accept responsibility for them. You can’t be too tired to take care of them; you were not tired when you were making them right? We have some slack parents, who allows their children to do whatever they want and when things get out of control they want to wash their hands of them.
    Children who are neglected by their parents tend to have a low self esteem and a lot of them tend to get into criminal activities. Then when these children get into serious problem or something terrible happens to them, their parents are not able to handle it. Parent it don’t have to be this way, please get involved in your children lives, find out how they are feeling and what is going on with them, get them enrolled in positive program or some charity work. Let them do things that will build their character and prepare them for the future.

    Please note, I don’t know Michael’s mother or anything about how she raised her child, my comments are mainly directed to parents in general. I am just tired of seeing children roaming the street getting into all sorts of mischief, when I know the end results will not be good. Anyway, I just pray that Michael’s mother would be able to find some sort of comfort. I understand there is no pain like losing a child.

  50. Moses challenged Pharoh and told him,”let my people go.”George Washington waged war against the British and achieved independence for the USA.Toussaint l’ouverture led a slave revolt against the French in Haiti,and defeated the French army something the Europeans were unable to do up to that time.Little Black Annie in Acklins refused to be abused,rape and enslaved by her masters and was tortured to death,later those against slavery in Britain cited her treatment as reasons to abolish slavery.By law Rosa Parks was supposed to give up her seat to a white man,her refusal sparked the civil rights movement.Martin Luther King was killed for his fight for equality but the DREAM DIDNOT DIE.Now Blacks,Latino,Asian and gays are all treated as equal before the law.Milo Butler and A.D.Hanna were thrown out of parliament by the police.Lynden Oscar Pindling threw the mace out of parliament and achieved majority rule as a result.All of those actions by the above mentioned persons were illegal and subject to imprisonment at that time but the world THANK GOD THAT THOSE INDIVIDUALS HAD THE COURAGE TO CARRY OUT THOSE DEEDS.Thats what separates a leader from a follower.I don’t care who thinks what transpired in parliament was wrong,all i know is a minor died in police custody and we know that the police didnot followed procedules in dealing with this matter.When mrs.Martin raised the incident involving the students in Eight Mile Rock the speaker,Carl Bethel and Tommy Turnquest objected at that time too,only to reverse themselves the following week when the PRIME MINISTER SUPPORTED MRS.MARTIN!!!The boy is dead,who will now call for justice?

  51. @Shawn
    Bahamas Press described the PLP as the party most people watched from a distance.I can see why,they are like vultures, they sit on the fence waiting and watching until you are at your weakest point and then they pounce

  52. @tp
    TP you are right. It is a shame the way they use tragedies for political gain. I wonder if the PLP was in power would you have heard her voice. Somehow I never did. It is a shame!

  53. @Morehands
    Maybe someone need to ask Obie about his parenting skills, since he is so concerned about other people’s kids. He has at least 4 with 4 different women and from what I understand his role as a father leaves much to be desired.

  54. @ianb
    You are missing the point,I have no problem with Ms Hanna bringing this to the HOA. It is the way she did it ,she was disrespectful, not only to the speaker but to the entire nation. My political preference has nothing to do with it.I am sure had she followed precedures and made some communication to the speaker in advance things would’ve turned out differently.
    My having a heart has nothing to do with it, I have three kids and I feel the pain for the mother of that child as if he was my own , That is why I am so upset with Ms Hanna Martin grandstanding at the expense of that poor parent.It was wrong what she did and had it been anyone else FNM or what I would maintain my position on this.As far as I am concern what she did was disgraceful.

  55. Just saw the video on the 11pm news. I agree that my girl was out of order, but here is why the public will side with Glennis and the PLP

    1. Police brutality is a serious issue in this country that has touched many bahamians. Despite the police trying to portray itsef as public friendly, the public is and always will be highly suspicious of their evidence gathering procedures. This death only arouses those fears.

    2. the interview given after the incident in parliament today by the Min of National Security didnt inspire confidence that he is confident the police hands are clean.

    3. This incident will raise even more questions about the Min of National Security capability in handling his portfolio.

    As i said in an earlier post, this can be the spark that can cause the PLP to stop its bickering and begin the process of focusing and unifying. Remember in 2001-2002 the issue that solidified the PLP was Clifton and on the back of that the PLP was swept into office.

    This is when the PLP is at its best when it is fighting for the small man and those who dont have a voice.

  56. look at what I come back to this country to. disgrace, disgrace, disgrace. At what price do we sell this country for the sake of egos and political brownie points? And Obie right there trying to ride off Hanna spotlight. We have come a new national low.

    I am more and more beginning to believe that neither side gives a rat nanny about this country. All their children straight. All their bank accounts straight. All their companies straight. What happens to the rest of us – dog eat our lunch. I’m sorry but I am working on getting my children and my business straight. By the time the FNM and PLP finish, not much will be left of our land.

    BTW – It has been well documented that Michael was a menace to society with a long track record and the police repeatedly went to his house to beg his mother to work with them to help her son. She flatly told them that she had kicked him out the house, didn’t care where he was and didn’t want anything to do with him. Now all of a sudden she turn the good mother and call lawyer.

  57. @Shawn
    You my brother have very little respect for women, you claim you have 3 girls, would you want any one to call your daughters junglist. please show some respect for Ms.Hanna, i dont agree with all her polices but am not into name calling either

  58. @Dibbles
    Thanks for your advice Dibbles, but perhaps you need to look up the definition of ‘lady’. I would never want my daughters have GHm as their role model.

  59. @Shawn Shawn what is your problem,Mrs.Hanna Martian had apoint that needed to be address and Mr Speaker refused to allow her,so Mrs. Hanna Martian had to do what she had to do what she had to do.No need to be ashame you should be proud and on the topic of JUNGALIST she is nota JUNGALIST she is alady.Shawn just show your daughter the right way and pray that they do not party from it GOD help us.

  60. Its obvious we are faced with a dilemma , TP if back then in 1935 when Hitler came to power, if person had spoken out and objected to his twisted and maniacal tactics , I guess the world would have been different. I agree with you on one point there are rules, however, the speaker’s position is neutral, its so plain that his bias is deafening . The HOA belongs to the people , not to any party or person. We have to stop playing these petty games,. Its not about scoring political points. We need to find solutions. We see day in and out where persons not qualified for positions are appointed, this practice has to stop. Ms Hanna spoke on the matter of vital importance, we can never bring this child back to life, we need to have answers, put your political hat aside and have a heart for Christ sake.

  61. @call it as i see it
    I am an intellectual my dear, and I pride myself on being just that. I worked damn hard for my three degrees…..WITH HONOURS if I may add, and I am only 25. Knucklehead! I think not! I GET IRATE when people disrespect others (especially myself) on the basis of opinion. The mark of an intelligent person is understanding that your opinion is that alone. Open-minded, thinking, and rational persons realize that there are two sides to every story. It doesn’t matter what heppened in HOA today. What is important is the issue itself, a young man lost his life while in custody. It’s a big deal to me because they have people walking out the prisons laughing at the Bahamian justice system and there are just as many criminals wearing the uniforms…..I don’t know what your deal is, but sweety I am NOT THE ONE!!!! Don’t let the devil fool you!

  62. Today as a Father of three girls I hang my head in shame to see the way this jungalist woman continues to behave and together with her cohort and near jailbird Obie they jump on tragedies in this country to foster their political agenda. You know Obie don’t defend any woman just ask a certain fromer senator, unless it is for his own political gain. Apologise Ms. Hanna Martin your behaviour was embarassing to our nation. Or better still resign and let a sensible PLP take your place.

  63. @Examiner

    Examiner, Justice Isaacs was/is out of order! People are sent to jail everyday in this country even though they claim to have had been beaten up and forced to sign statements. What is so special about this case other than the Parties involved? Also, it is not the job of the prosecution to impugn their own evidence! I have never heard such stupidness! In the absence of the Defense producing a handwriting expert to challenge the signature, it should be accepted by the Court.

    The woman is no longer under State protection, so who knows what has gone down, and what promises have been made. The man from Fox Hill got off free at the Magistrates Court level after only a hearing, and after all of the witnesses changed their stories, and even though he had been a fugitive. I support the Police! If you want to support criminals, that is your shame.

  64. @Russell: You think you in the House of Assembly ah??? Boi catch yaself, you ain talking to me. The last group of people I will take lessons from, is on this site. The gray matter in my head is not a stuffing!! It is a magnificent organ that actually works, maybe you should try using yours.

    @ everyone else
    I hope all of you listened to that female witness who was in another cell at the same station when that happened. Yep, she was on JCN tonight, make sure watch the late night news and maybe you will stop jumping to idiotic conclusions and talking fart.

    It is apparent that many of you have very knowledge about legal procedures regarding suspicious deaths, coroners inquest and ongoing investigations. Sometimes I read these comments and only shake my head. I cannot begin to imagine what foreigners think about these comments, especially people like the lady who called the talk show today from Texas today!

    @JR ELECTION HAS BEEN OVER FOR TWO YEARS NOW, sensible people have moved on with their lives and have more important things to do besides following politicians everywhere they go!. They are getting a salary for things like that, not me. I will skip the Fun Run Walks for now!
    Perry have nothing to do for the next three years and goes to work when he pleases,(did the same when he was P.M) he can afford to attend a rally in the middle of the week.

    @Trinity I am lucky this is rated “G”?? I don’t know about you but I can debated this without cuss words, that is the mark of an educated person. I am ready willing and able, BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!

    Listening to the KNUCKLEHEADS here (yea I said it AGAIN) you would swear Tommy Turnquest was the officer on duty at the Wulff Road Police station.
    Tomorrow we will see who wears the wig in the House of Assembly. Hanna is a bad example for the youth of this country (especially for the students from D.W.Davis who watched the House proceedings in their classroom today) and so is the P.L.P. Even in opposition they can’t behave!! And we thought Koed was the rude one.

    Paul Moss and all the others jumping on the bandwagon will overshadow the death of a child for cheap political points. In the final analysis, law and order will prevail tomorrow and in the outcome of the this entire case! I have lived to see the day people in this country applaud lawlessness. Instead of the Police in the classrooms, they need to be in the House of Assembly babysitting our M.P’S.


  65. Oh Tommy, Tommy, Tommy if you had any feelings you should have gone and visit the grieving mother and give her your sympathy and assured her that you were doing everything possible to find out what happened to her son and if any negligence was discovered it would be dealt with. Then when Glenys brought this up in the HOA, your response would have been you already meet with the family and a full investigation is ongoing. See that’s when you want run for office and don’t give a damn about the people who put you there, you would have never thought about doing something like that aye? Everybody knows you are not responsible for killing the boy, but at least the mother would have known you took the time from your busy schedule to come and visit with her and people would have viewed you as a person with a heart. Tommy even if you could not make it to the house you could have used one of those puppets from ZNS to send out sympathy message on your behalf. There are just so many ways you could have shown you cared. This is such a disgrace, from people who told us we could trust them.

  66. @Examiner
    My friend I am not siding with any one all I am saying is your cousin was totaly out of order in the way she tried to get her point across.As far as I am concerned she disrespected the entire nation.

  67. tp :@Thomas Finley It is a sad day in the country to see the opposition use such an unfortunate incident for political mileage.Sadder still is there are people siding with them,and we wonder why there is so much violence and disrepect for authority.

    TP, I wonder if you saw the headline in the Guardian this morning and the scolding the Judge put on Reggie Ferguson and ASP fernander. They are the authorities and fabricated evidence. That is very sad. What my cousin did today was stand on principle. I quess you siding with Reggie. Please read that story in the paper.

  68. @Thomas Finley
    It is a sad day in the country to see the opposition use such an unfortunate incident for political mileage.Sadder still is there are people siding with them,and we wonder why there is so much violence and disrepect for authority.

  69. Way to go Glenys!! Its about TIME the PLP came alive!! That is what an Opposition is to do!!! Put fire under the feet of those in charge. Way to go, PLP. Dibbles where you at, bey!!!???

  70. This is why there is so much disrepect for the law and order in this country. While I agree the death of the young man demands MUCH attention. There is a right and wrong way to get your point across and Ms Hanna/Martin was out of order in the way she tried to get her point across.
    It is a sad day in the country when the official opposition has to stoop so low as to use such an unfortunate incident to gain political brownie points.
    I cry shame on them and all who supports such atrocius actions.
    I am sure there will be an investigation and the law will prevail

  71. Does anyone know if any of the “WUTLISS MEDIA” will be carrying this meeting live over the radio? In this day an age of technology meetings like this should be at least streamed over the internet.

  72. The pepper in Glenis “lil pepper” Martin came out. BP i done tell you thats one sexy gal and she even sexier when she mad…

    When i heard this on the news the song came to my mind, “It only takes a spark to get a fire going.” It will be interesting to see if this ignites the PLP party and its leadership.

  73. @media
    BP boy this one hot!!

    After her stands today, I have the most respect for Mrs. Martin… That’s what I call fighting for the people!! Ya know, this is what Lady P was trying to tell them a month or 2 ago… “They are in there to represent the people”…

    The Speaker of the HOA should be ashamed of himself.. It is never time for any of the PLP members to speak on other issues besides those that are not offensive to the govt accordig to the Speaker but FNMs can run on at any time with all sorts of NONSENSE!!

    I’ll go out to hear what the PLP has got to say about what took place and what they are going to do about it…

    I do think that Mrs Martin HAS to apologize to the Speaker and the HOA.. But the TRUTH is if some slaves were NOT rambunctious we would probably still be enslaved today!! We have FREEDOM because they decided to go against the rules!!!

    So today, Mrs. Martin was a CHAMPION for the people and she deserves praise and she is a HERO!!

  74. Call it as I see it:you need to withdraw that ludricous remark about persons on this site being knuckleheads.Let me educate you of the fact that even in the most hardened totalitarian states there are different points of view.So dont be surprised that in our democracy despite attempts of ill informed persons like you we will have our say.A further lesson for you is the fact that no politician has decorum anywhere in the WORLD.Where were you when HAI coined the word WUTHLESS?On any matter of public interest any sensible speaker would have allowed the Minister of National Security to answer.I applaud Glennys Hanna Martin for taking the bold stand and whether the Govt realises it or not they must be accountable to the Bahamian people.Then wuthless Tommy T in trying to hide facts from us moved for her suspension.THe Govt needs to let us know the facts but by trying to suppress this matter everyone is now saying hhhhmmmppp.Then call it as I see it ,Hanna Martin promised no apology so stop being a knucklehead.You make me sick with your rambling.

  75. its very sad, that we as a people are cowards, one child dies in the custody of police and the member has the right to demand of the speaker to discuss this matter, would it take 100 or 1000 people to die before we have some balls to fight for our rights. I support you Ms.Hanna, i dont agree with some of your policies but you showed you have leadership skills no apology needed for doing the peoples business.

  76. @Call It: They didn’t call it a mass fun run but they were expecting more. They were all over the media talking about “youth approved” and it was on their second anniversary. I would think for a second anniversary, you would have had more than 15 people show up, half of them children. Whatever the PLP calls it, people will be there and more than what would come out now for the FNM. That is a fact.

    Media, you know I’m not a big fan of Glenis but today I was very impressed with her performance. I also want you to note that there was a lot of team work and coordination there too with the rest of her colleagues. BJ came on tv with Ace afterwards and confirmed what I was saying here all along that they coordinate and plan who says what in the House. Glenis is the go to person for abuse of our children and she was in rare form today. I bet tonight is going to be one hell of a speech from her because she seems to be at her best when she’s hot and bothered and after today, you can definitely say she is hot and bothered.

    Call it, I wonder how many people would come out for the FNM if they called a meeting to celebrate their performance now. Care to make a guess? Don’t bother because it won’t happen.

  77. So, the PLP protests alleged Lawlessness by being lawless? Obstruction of Justice and the lack or respect for legitimate authority? If they want to mash it up, they are on their way…

    Martin has promised to apolgize to the Speaker and has been suspended for two sessions!

  79. Media I just knew you would respond this way. I also expected the response that was posted by the knuckleheads who frequent this site.

    To the group of students who was watching today at D.W. Davis, this is not the way to behave. Please do not try this at school or at home. Please Respect those in Authority.

    This matter is still in it’s infancy as it relates to the investigations, let the police and the coroner do their jobs.

    P.S I really wish the P.L.P would stop call those meeting with couple of people MASS RALLY. When you say mass rally, thousands are expected and Gambier House definitely is not big enough. Summon them to Clifford Park.

  80. Let’s go Glenys they can’t do you any thing .If they try,any thing tell dady the Governor General,dady’s little girl he’s proud of you and the Bahamian people.

  81. You know, this is just terrible. It is clear that this matter is not one that the big boys want to address. If I was that boy’s parents, I would be all over the police from morning til night. We have too many bad police officers. Who isn’t trigger happy, like to throw their weight around. It’s a damn shame. TOMMY T should get out of dodge while he can. I implore the Bahamian people to no let this go.

  82. Boy BP, she let the Hanna in her come out today. She has more cojones than all of those fellas in the house. Way to go Lil Midge, represent your point of view.

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