HIGH CODE RED ALERT HOMICIDE #47! BP records a third homicide in the Hollywood Subdivision just off Cowpen Road….


Victim shot in robbery just outside his home!

Patrols at the scene of the country’s latest homicide.

Nassau – The horror and mayhem of gun violence has now gripped the nation and Bahamas Press is flashing CODE RED as for the second time in one week a man has been fatally shot during a robbery.

Police patrol vehicles are at this hour moving deep into the Southwestern corridor of New Providence, where we can now confirm we have homicide #47 just minutes ago in COWPEN ROAD section of Hollywood subdivision.

Robbers in the area held up and shot a man who had just pulled up to his home. The wife heard a noise and then gunfire. She immediately called police for assistance.

Outside the home her husband was drowning in his own blood.

This latest homicide is the fifth homicide for the week. It is the third for the day.

We advise Bahamians with this CODE RED ALERT to now put in place a security plan all around their homes and businesses.

We report yinner decide!


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