Hubert Ingraham sails to Haiti at the Poker Table – BP is live on the cruise…


The man who failed to legalize gambling is at this hour at the gambling table – Don’t believe in Bahamians!

Hubert Ingraham at the poker table...

BREAKING BP NEWS ALERT ><<<<< He didn’t believe in the Bahamian right to gamble, but here is PAPA CLOWN, Hubert Ingraham, this week on his annual cruise to Haiti via the Oasis of the Seas.

BP is on the ship and could not pass up this photo.

Papa we can report is at the poker table day and night while he abandons the work of the people in Parliament.

How could the MP for North Abaco think it is decent and honest to be getting paid by taxpayers and yet refuse to go to work? TYPICAL BAHAMIAN!!!! Squandering the money of taxpayers…

However, Hubert Ingraham really wants all Bahamians to support Perry Christie and the new generation government’s bid to legalizing the Gambling Business in the Bahamas for all! VOTE YES FOR GAMBLING IN THE BAHAMAS!!!! We report yinner decide! Boy Christie you sure prove you know how to Bring the Bahamas together!!!

We report yinner decide!