Huge Revenue shortage discovered inside the Air Freight Division of the Customs Department!

Customs Headquarters on University Drive.

NASSAU| Bahamas Press is reporting the Bahamas Customs Department is set to open an internal audit investigation after a serious and dangerous drop in revenue has been discovered inside its Air Freight Division.

Serious allegations of bribery have been levied at officials inside the terminal, which has seen a huge drop in revenue since early January.

Revenue losses, we are learning, are a result of what some believe to be undervaluing of items so that officers can collect a handsome monetary kickback.

BP is calling on the Anti-Corruption and the Financial Crimes Unit to join this audit investigation to ensure that the proceeds of crime against the state are deeply and widely looked into. 

Our preliminary teams watching deep within the department confirm at least one officer has earned as much as $5,000 a week and another has collected more than $80,000 in bribes in one solid month.

We understand the knowledge of these dangerous allegations has reached the desk of the Customs Controller, who is now awaiting a final decision.

BP, however, is warning Customs that either you act now or become engulfed in a wider investigation on our revenue. 

We report yinner decide!