If the PLP had a leader like RIGBY, They'd be Flying Striaght by NOW!


sideburns290409By Stan Burnside “Sideburns”


  1. @Thomas Finley
    Thomas, you have to be the most stupid blogger on BP. Zhivargo Laing couldn’t lead a horse to water!!! This country…PLEASE!! You are an idiot, lots of bloggers have already established that, but I had to break this one down to you. Zhivargo Laing is incapable of being anything more than HAI’s lackey. He has neither the intelligence, nor the fortitude to lead our country. His career in politics should end in 2012. Furthermore, he should stick to ‘conchonomics’ because real economics is a bit too heavy for the little guy! If I wasn’t working I would finish this….but later for you Thomas, you need to know your role!

  2. Thomas Finley

    Tell me, you have a thing for Jerome Fitzgerald eh? The gentleman is INTELLIGENT and has leadership qualities and people listens to him. We all know he will make a good leader. I have been following him from he was made a Senator. Oh and by the way I dont know him nor he me. But I can appreciate good people with good ideas and a good heart.

  3. As the PLP attempted to speak with Love97Fm host Wendall Jones today, a power failure disconnected the live broadcast. Boy the FNM GOOD ECH? LOL!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  4. Good afternoon, Mr. Finley, I am sorry you think that i am “high and mighty”. It’s just that people don’t throw rocks at empty trees(myles munroe’s ) famous quote.

    Don’t blame me if i see nothing in zhivago laing that smacks of leadership. Also i don’t get into petty gossip, or name calling i am to “high and Mighty ” for that.

    Let me leave you with d=something i read on a principals desk from 1972,
    and has stuck with me all these years:

    Small people talk about people
    Medium people talk about things
    Big people, (better known as “high and mighty”) talk about Ideas

  5. Thomas Finley :
    Kim, are you seeing anyone? How about a date?

    Thomas not only your head aint no good, but I see you are a comedian as well. What kind of question is that anyway? You should know a woman like me would never be free, that goes without saying. Anyway Thomas I would like to stay and continue this, but I am traveling today so I have to go and finish preparing for my trip. I will catch up with my BP family once I reach my destination or when I return. Thomas, while I am away try and see if you can be on your best behaviour, because I know how you can get beside yourself at times.

  6. @Objective thought

    Objective, I saw JF on Jones, and noticed that he slurred some words here and there. Was he ever a stroke victim? I think that JF could woop Hubert, and Zhivargo can woop PC. Both men just need to devise the right campaign strategy to make the voters want to vote against their opponents as apposed to for themselves for people who scared of change, like Phil Galanis suggested in the Guardian recently.

  7. @Thomas Finley

    Thomas don’t go getting all touchy up with me, I was just having fun. Sometimes you does take thing so personal. Lighting up man and stop trying to insult people, like you is the only one who been to school.Geees!

  8. @Thomas Finley
    Now let’s see….. After being kicked out of the PLP it took HI about 8 years before he became PM and he was much stronger than Rigby will ever be!!

    Then it took PC about 18 years before he became PM!!

    From the record, I’ll say that Rigby and others better wait in line because NO new leader of any of the parties right now will see the reigns of PM any time soon!!

    If PC quits HI will stay on and beat his apponent into the ground and if HI quits PC will do the same… Timing is everything and after the next election will be the best chance for any new leader for the party that looses!!!

  9. Thomas Finley :Recall that Hillary Clinton proclaimed that Obama could not win! No one asked her the obvious question which was,”Why not”. I will ask you therefore, what is crazy about anything that I wrote, besides the hyperbole? Go down the list of the problems in this country and you will have no choice but conclude that we stand in our present condition because it is in the interests of a certain profession to keep it that way and stupid Bahamians continue to take it up the you-know-what, and without lubricant.

    Ronica7 You can’t see Finley head aint no good aye? He is saying something about taking something up your…. Only God know what he is talking about and then he mentioned something about lubricant. I really don’t know what Finley is be into. He sounds like a crazy freak to me.

  10. Way to go, Blanch!

    Seems like you and I are the only ones curious about this RND matter that Thomas is NOT forthcoming with.

  11. Another thing. I am PLP born and bred. A word to Mr. Rigby. Sir if you want to run in the next election on a PLP ticket, you better jump, listen good, jump down of that cloud that you are on and learn to identify with your roots. In other words mix and mingle with the common man. Your personality could hinder or hurt your political career. I met you in at least two branch HQs and your attitude stinks.

    Also, I associate with PLPs young and old and many of them applaud Senator Jerome for having the guts to say on the air what many PLPs say behind Mr. Christie’s back and that of the other sitting and aspiring PLP politicians.

    I admire him for his stance. That is the kind of leader we need in our GREAT PARTY.

  12. Thomas Finley

    What RND matter??

    I agree with the notion of young aspiring politicians from both sides speaking their minds, of course, in a respectable way. If there is the call for PC and HI to sail away into the sunset BEFORE the next election, they should both listen to the cries and comments and take it as a hint. The Bahamian people are tired of the same old same old. We need new ideas to develop this country. Listen to what I said, DEVELOP THIS COUNTRY BE IT FNM OR PLP. Both men have sat in the House of Parliament longer than any other Bahamian. Come on gentlemen, GO INTO RETIREMENT. GIVE SOMEONE ELSE A CHANCE. Did the Lord give just you two the gift of Leadership and/or Prime Ministership?

  13. Hey, I didn’t throw lowness first: Miss high and mighty start it so I had to remind her that her people’s hands are unclean too. You see what Hubert did with that scoundrel right?

  14. @Thomas Finley

    What RND matter?? Do tell. Didnt that Williams man SODOMIZE his wife while he was an FNM parliamentary secretary?? Since you want to talk scandal, Finley.

  15. Ronica7, didn’t Picewell allegedly beat his pregnant wife with a 2 by? And then there is the RND matter. You need to come again, better this time.

  16. Tell them drama, when he resign over “Mona Vie” i will be impress with his christian values. Can you imagine a plp doing what he did.
    The Tribune would still be talking about that now.

  17. Drama King I agree that both HAI and Cool PC should bow out but who would stand up and take the two top post.This is the reason why I think Cool PC should stay on to take us into 2010 election and take the PLP back as the Government.

  18. Dibbles :@Drama King Drama King I still think that Cool PC is still the best man to take the PLP into the election in 2010.

    Think again, Dibbles. Its time PC and HAI bow out now. Let some new, young blood handle things. PC is nice but his time expired man. I for a change…..

  19. Ronica7, Zhivargo’s grasp of the issues, his intellect, his integrity, compassion, and Christian values puts him head and shoulders above anyone that you mentioned. And Zhivargo has outstanding debating skills and charisma. I remind you that I am against any Lawyer becoming PM again for at least a generation for what they have done ( or failed to do ) to our country.

  20. Kim: I second that. Zhivago Laing. This guy cannot even take criticism, he is always defensive. He has learned well, the Prime Minister is of the same ilk.

    Zhivago Laing is not well rounded, and don’t tell me it is not important.
    You see how Brent Symonette made an ass of himself at the United Nations.
    Our standards are pretty low in this country when we look at future leaders.

    If thomas finley can suggest zhivago, then may i suggest:

    Paul Moss
    Jerome Fiztgerald
    Picewell Forbes

    The aforementioned guys would me zhivago look like a dunce, as a matter of fact, they already do!!

  21. @Dibbles

    So Dibbles you saying this is not a democratic country? Dont let us fall out ya know. If Raynard Rigby feels the PLP leader should quit then thats his right and his opinion. All of us have the right to our own opinions. Many people feel Perry should go and give someone else a chance. That is their opinion. Come on now Dibbles. Be fair! Dont let your love for PC cloud good judgement.

  22. Recall that Hillary Clinton proclaimed that Obama could not win! No one asked her the obvious question which was,”Why not”. I will ask you therefore, what is crazy about anything that I wrote, besides the hyperbole? Go down the list of the problems in this country and you will have no choice but conclude that we stand in our present condition because it is in the interests of a certain profession to keep it that way and stupid Bahamians continue to take it up the you-know-what, and without lubricant.

  23. Thomas Finley :

    ronica7 :The plp sure attracts the brightest and the best. I am hard pressed to see any emerging leader in the fnm…..please do not tell me Branville Macartney.The choices are so vast it’s almost confusing. Fred Mitchell, Alferd Sears, Bernard Nottage, Allison Gibson, et, al.[Reply]

    Zhivargo Laing, or nuttin’! I will slit my writs if the people of this country put another Lawyer in charge.Lawyers are in general clueless, and have no interest in anything running smoothly and efficiently.They get paid by the word, so it seems…An engineer or an Economist, in that order. Phenton aint ready yet though…

    Thomas Finley, I always knew your head wasn’t too good. You just confirmed my belief. Crazy, carazy, crazy.

  24. ronica7 :
    The plp sure attracts the brightest and the best. I am hard pressed to see any emerging leader in the fnm…..please do not tell me Branville Macartney.
    The choices are so vast it’s almost confusing. Fred Mitchell, Alferd Sears, Bernard Nottage, Allison Gibson, et, al.

    Zhivargo Laing, or nuttin’! I will slit my writs if the people of this country put another Lawyer in charge.Lawyers are in general clueless, and have no interest in anything running smoothly and efficiently.They get paid by the word, so it seems…An engineer or an Economist, in that order. Phenton aint ready yet though…

  25. The plp sure attracts the brightest and the best. I am hard pressed to see any emerging leader in the fnm…..please do not tell me Branville Macartney.

    The choices are so vast it’s almost confusing. Fred Mitchell, Alferd Sears, Bernard Nottage, Allison Gibson, et, al.

  26. Rigby,Rigby ,Rigby.This young man is positioning himself for a nomination next General Elections.If he continues in this vein at least he would be in a position as a marketable candidate.When you are young sometimes you tend to believe only you have ideas.I applaud the young men in the PLP who are showing lots of guts in speaking their minds.The young in the FNM should take note and remind HAI that he must accept independent thought.As I pointed out in another story the person who is victimized tend to become oppressors.HAI is a prime example but PC seems the exception to the rule.I just hope that Rigby intransigency here is practiced in council meetings otherwise he is a gutless backstabber.

  27. Although Mr. Rigby has great ideas in his book I think that Mr. Rigby’s biggest opposition is his PERCEIVED personality problems and the execution of his aspirations. He is not a very good delivery man for his own message and that is what his biggest problem as I see it. There is no doubt that Mr. Rigby will probably make the short list for a nomination but can he work the people the way he can work pen to paper writing the blueprint. He just used the most unused method to reach Bahamians……ever writting a book. I have to agree with Ianb on some of his point but Mr. Rigby is undoubtedly an intelligent man but I think that that is one of the man, but is that alone enough.

  28. media :
    OHHHHHH and may I add to all those points (POINT#4), Like HUBERT INAGRAHAM if kicked out of the PLP Rigby would be the second former chairman to be outside the PLP, who you think was the first?
    Ahhhhh you guessed it, the Prime Minister of the DAY! Don’t take this RIGBY BOY for no JOKE!

    Media, you forget Dud got kicked out too eh? Rigby would be the third not the second but I don’t think Raynard would go FNM. He would be at the bottom once again and if anything, he is more likely to try and turn the PLP towards him than to walk away. I agree with 1000% that anyone who takes Raynard for a joke is out of their mind. I think the PLP will have to give him a nomination in the next election and I don’t think it will be a mistake. Only the old heads and dynasty people will have a problem because Raynard will challenge their status in the party by pulling in young people.

    Media, have you read his blueprint for the Bahamas? I think people need to wake up and smell the coffee.

  29. OHHHHHH and may I add to all those points (POINT#4), Like HUBERT INAGRAHAM if kicked out of the PLP Rigby would be the second former chairman to be outside the PLP, who you think was the first?

    Ahhhhh you guessed it, the Prime Minister of the DAY! Don’t take this RIGBY BOY for no JOKE!


  30. Before we get carried away by the comments of the former chairman of the PLP, lets look at this with a clear eyes, the former chairman showed very little leadership skills during the last election, his arrogance and out of touch with the small man spelled doom for the PLP. With all the scandals and allegations’ made against the candidates running, his silence was deafening. He failed to influence the nominating committee to contest all sits, Bamboo town, Long island. Never leave any stone unturned. The PLP message was muddle, his inability to identify with the common man was egregious . When it came to fund raising, by no means we were going to outspend the FNM, but we had the skills to out think (strategize) and work harder. The election courts proved my points. He was wet and inexperience, and the chairmanship should have be trusted into the hands of a more experience person, however, that’s water under the bridge. Dealing with HAI (never take a knife to a gun fight), we lost on points and substance. But back to the present, he is more visible today than several months back. Its time to move forward, where are the shadow ministers on information?, election is around the corner, the people are hungry for leadership, this issue of privatization can be used by the opposition as a catalyst , the people will rally behind the PLP because we are tired of foreigners owning everything in this country. But that will not happen. My son will be finished with law school in 2017, with the help of the Lord, I will groom him to be next PM (someone that will put country first)

  31. I don’t think Raynard is going FNM. He may be feed up but he is not stupid. Who in their right mind would join that bunch of jokers when they have done nothing good for anyone not named Brent Symonette or the White Knights? Raynard ain’t that stupid. He will stay with the PLP and some of the people who trying to take him down need to sit their backsides down because they helped us lose. Keod Smith should shut his trap about “damaged goods.” The only damaged goods he should be talking about is him and Shrek Kenyatta breaking the table in the Cabinet office and then lying to Perry and making him look like an ass for saying nothing happen when all of them knew better.

  32. @Media: Gibson who? Not Kenyatta eh? You must be sniffing too much of that charcoal down south my brother if you think Kenyatta will be anything more than a footnote in history when elections come again. Raynard is within his right to say what he’s saying and the PLP shouldn’t attack the messenger without listening to his message. He is right. The party has done nothing to address its failings. What it has done is recycle a remnant of the past in its chairman who may be a great MP in her right but that has absolutely nothing to do with the job she has done so far as being chairman of the party. Chopping off Sidney Collie’s head and having Carl by the balls is not the job of the Chairman but of the Opposition MP and when you wear two hats, people mix these things up.

    If elections call tomorrow, I can’t say that she would have the PLP in a position to reverse the mistakes of last election because they have spent too much time fighting each other and anyone wishing to bring anything new to the PLP. The same old cronies run things in the PLP and that is what Raynard is saying and her, and even Perry, need to look at that and fix it fast because nobody will take the PLP serious if we go out with the same old thing. Great conversation BP Nation.

  33. @Drama King
    Who cares where Rigby goes Drama King.It doesn’t matter if he goes to the FNM or MNF or the XYZ.No one would miss him.Talk for self on our leaderhas no way to go

  34. Based on something I heard, I think Raynard Rigby might be heading to the FNM.

    And, I thought we lived in a democratic country. Why is Rigby coming under fire for saying the PLP leader should GO??!!! He has a right to say that. In fact MANY of us on this blog agree with him.

  35. @Marley
    I agree whole heartedly that while Rgby might not be the change, he is the catalyst.
    It would be wise for the naysayers to pay heed to what is happening within the PLP.The young men are no longer willing to sit by and let The Older members of the party allow it to self destruct.
    It is time for Mr Christie to passed the baton he has served his time, and served it well.
    BP you are so right

  36. @Marley
    I never disputed that! Honestly, I am just tired of this country just taking things at face value. We need to educate ourselves, especially when it comes to issues that affect us. It is obvious that we can no longer stand by and watch and accept what these politicians hand to us. They work for us! That partcular situation is deep.

  37. @Trinity
    Well, you have a point there and I will accept what you say and that you have reason for saying it. We do need change though and although Rigby may not be leadership material he does make sense with what he says, and has a place in the party.

  38. You are absolutely right. But sometimes we can’t move forward because of them. I’m not a hater Marley. I’m a realist. I admire the young minds on both sides, but the thing about youth is that it sometimes allows us to show our level of immaturity. I’m not afraid of change. In fact I welcome it. I have stated before on other blogs that the next election will be won by the persons who can ignite the Bahamian people, while upholding the values we hope to once again see in our nation. I want change. Rigby isn’t it! We have to be cautious about who we allow to run this nation. Don’t allow yourself to be fooled. I’m sure he’s a pretty intelligent. The thing about ‘politricks’ is that everyone seems to have it all down. We need to be able to look beyond that sometimes.

    PS. If it were my job to break the news, I would tell you why.

  39. @Trinity
    Everybody has skeletons and that is without exception. It is refreshing to see young people speaking up, they are our future. The PLP old guard or at least the ones with that mentality were responsible for Gibson leaving and they know who they are. Keep it up Raynard and don’t worry about the plotters, they only scared of change and it is coming!

  40. Mr Rigby doesn’t have the backbone to lead the party. I’m sorry. Besides, who will stand with him after he has shown himself to be two-faced. The rhetoric is fine, but that is about all there is to him. Besides that he has some skeletons that I am certain he doesn’t want to come out. If not for that reason alone he should get leadership off of his mind.

  41. @bahngr
    Well you know bahngr we are watching this Rigby /Gibson combination closely. many time these two fellas remind us of Christie Ingraham and CO.

    Point 1. They young.

    Point 2. They both are lawyers

    Point 3. They both are being tossed out of the PLP

    And like Ingraham and Christie, both a them say its time for the leadership to GO!

    They must be the future of the country for real. And if you could have someone like Rigby slapping down his own like dat, TRUST ME, That’s the face of the future, for sure!


  42. I don’t know why y’all want to put this on the PLP. Rigby was the defacto political leader of the PLP for at least five years. He was totally ineffective. He sat around and did nothing to prepare for the general election. He did nothing to respond to the vitriolic attack form the FNM controlled media which the party suffered for its entire five year term. Now you tell me he is the solution???? WTF???????

    If the party was dysfunctional, and it was, then he should have done somethinag about it and spoken out against it while he was chairman. He was only interested in reaping the spoils back then and now that he is on the outside he can see everything!!

    Its foolishness like this which dooms this country to mediocrity, failure and disaster.

  43. @Child of the 60,s
    Ya know what, seeing that Rigby doesnt like what is going on in the PLP leadership will he run for leader of the party? If he isnt all talk then he should have no trouble putting his name in the running for leader and let the chips fall where they may. But for him to say the things he is saying and then when come nomination day he is no where to be found tells me that he is just a darker version of Brent Symonette, flirting to run for leader but lacks the balls to do so.

    Rigby we all know ya does read this blog..you want to change the PLP? well ya cant do it from the outside so let me ask you point blank, do you have any intentions to run for leader of the PLP to make the changes you think is necessary? I would bet anyone $100 that Rigby wont step up.

  44. Wisdom – did anyone call the police? Don’t you know that “plain clothes” policemen carry guns too? They look like any ordinary citizen and even worse sometime!

  45. In the past I have been a harsh critic of Rigby who now seems to have matured and willing to call a spade a spade.Let the battle for leadership of the PLP to begin in earnst and last man standing is KING.However would the winner be able to have the support of the vanguished?History is not on the side of the PLP in that regard so the players better take pages out of past battles and tone down their public rhetoric.The history of the FNM is another prime example so PLP contestants for leadership beware.Talk with the elders in the party you desire to lead and get sound advice.THey have a history of destroying those who dare oppose the leader,many bodies are on the battlefield to prove this point.

    The solution for our political problem can be solved in a few months.
    Let us (THE PEOPLE) make it mandatory that, ALL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT ENTERING THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY MUST HAVE A “LOADED” AK-47. And all scores must be settled in each sitting.
    WOW! Now I would pay Cable to watch that.

    I think Nassau is fast becoming the Wild West?
    I was in Wendy’s on Thompson Boulevard this Friday past, and a Man who looked like a regular civilian came inside the restaurant revealing a “HAND GUN” in his waist.
    I think those who have authority to carry a weapons, should have it concealed in public.
    Criminals are not afraid to taking away a Police Officer’s gun in public. TOO MANY GUNS IN THE WRONG HANDS.

  48. Elcott, you are so right. Take a look at the present situation with the economy, do you believe, if the plp were in power the words global, and recession, would be used ad nauseum, as it is now.

    The fact of the matter is, there is one law and one kind of sucking up in this country, it just depends on who is in power at the time.
    The party with no legacy can do no wrong and the party with with all the legacy, and institutions behind it’s name can do no right.

  49. I beg to differ with you (See Heading) on this on Editor. The PLP has been through this before where there was negative PR fallout stemming from the enforecement of discipline on the current Prime Minister and the current Leader of the Opposition. NOBODY, I mean NOBODY, who had a media platform from which to influence public opinion used it to describe the then PM Pindling as strong and decisive. There were some other choice adjectives reserved to describe him and his leadership style, but “Strong, decisive Leader” was not one of them. I remember hearing words like “spiteful”, “dictator”, and “victimizer” but never strong, decisive leader.

    It is interesting to observe how “strong” and “decisive” are used to describe the current PM whose leadership style is a carbon copy of Sir Lynden’s. I believe the current PM has more sympathetic scribes telling the story.

    I put it to you editor that if ANY PLP leader behaves in the boorish manner that is common and normal for the FNM leader, the current list of scribes who influence public opinion in these parts will not report favourably on that PLP leader. How do I know? History my brother, 25 years of it.

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