Incoming PM Philip Brave Davis Q.C. nominated on Cat Island this morning…


CAT ISLAND| An historic moment is unfolding right now on Cat Island. Philip Edward Brave Davis Q.C has nominated for the upcoming September 16th polls.

It will be the first time the constituency of Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador elects a Prime Minister into office.

Supporters lined the streets as they witness this historic moment in history. Davis was flanked by his wife Ann Marie, children and a spectacular show of support by the community.

Cat Island busy this morning. ANN Marie Davis wife alongside incoming PM Philip Brave Davis QC on the ground in a massive display of support for the islands first to be elected PM….
Mr Davis was nominated for the constituency of Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador.
Philip Brave Davis Q.C. registering this morning at the Cat Island Administration Office.

The first signs of that Progressive Brave Wave hitting the country…

Progressive Leader and Incoming Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis Q.C. on the ground on Cat Island this morning.

Look at That Powerful Massive Team….