Hubert sends four directors at NIB Home. Anthony Allens sent packing!


n549792910_8467<<< Anthony Allens, Port Chief.

Click to listen to a ZNS report telling us how Ingraham will fire a BLOATED Civil Service. Ingraham says he’s not firing anyone. NO, he’s just sending them home for good!

Nassau, Bahamas — Breaking News now coming to Bahamas Press confirms what we warned early in the year. A mass layoffs exercise in the civil service is now underway by the FNM government.

Bahamas Press has learned four senior officers in the top management at the National Insurance Board have felt the axe of Hubert Ingraham’s government on Monday. Sources deep inside NIB told BP that senior assistant director Anthony Curtis and assistant directors Merliciana Bethel, Andre Bethel and Cecile Bethel were all fired Monday.Bahamas Elections

The firing exercise at NIB is said to be the beginning of things to come from Ingraham’s FNM government. Derek Osbourne, a Montserrat national, is said to be advising the PM on his decision to roll heads of Bahamians at NIB.

Another department, where news will soon come of more terminations, will be at the ministry of tourism. BP can now confirm that more than $3 million has been cut from the budget assigned to staff salaries. Our deep throat at MOT confirms that the cuts will be severe and hard for some to handle. “Some will be sent home outright, some others will be retired, as Ingraham tell us ‘it is what it is.’”

And today, former defense force officer and Port Chief Anthony Allen will spend his last day on the job this Tuesday, as Hubert will also send him home on July 1st. Earl Deaveaux announced on last week that Patrick McNeil will takeover the port department. Allen at age 17 joined the Royal Bahamas Defense Force and was one of the survivors who sailed on the Flamingo, which came under attack by the Cubans. Today Allens, who was a rising star on the RBDF, will feel the payback from an unthankful leader [INGRAHAM], who disrespects people who put their life on the line for country. SHAME ON YOU HUBERT!

Yes Ingraham in an address at a meeting with public officers on last week said, “We’re not firing anyone” [Listen to the audio above]. But today Ingraham is not firing anyone, he is just sending persons home. And whilst he is sending them home one by one, group by group, his longtime law partner Perry “Pussy CAT” Christie sits quietly and says nothing. Christie also had these names today during the sitting of the House, but he too like Hubert would never defend the people of this country. Christie is busy creating chaos within his own party, WHAT A DAMN SHAME!

Oh, in case your thought we forgot, members of the WUTLESS MEDIA are also very quiet on the workers now being axed by Hubert. WHAT A DOUBLE DAMN SHAME!


  1. It’s been a while since I last blog, because , I feel we spent too much time on trivial matters and not enough on what is causing the harm. Food for thought, in 2007 the night before the election, Mr. Christie accused Mr. Ingraham of having benefited from some land dealings of 500 million dollars. Mr.Ingrahm never responded to the accusations. Again for all the naysayers, check out a company name “highpoint,” they did all the legal work for the property opposite the American Ambassador residence. You will be surprise to see who the company belongs too. So the more we fight and argue over silly things about whose gay or not. Our leaders are getting rich. Will the last Bahamian turn of the lights when leaving. Because we sold our birth rights many years ago.

  2. @ronica7
    Ha,ha bring some for me.By the way is there any way you can pass some of that aggression on to your leader,that way we might have a better government.

  3. HAI firing everyone and using stooges to take the blame?Give me a break as HAI rules with an iron hand and no one would dare do anything unless he has okayed it in advance.HAI was quick to say that he would not cancel the edict made to fire the persons from NIB.Well HAI and his band of merry men will get their walking papers next GEN ELECTs. and will not be given any stimulus package.This man HAI is sure pushing the envelope and if he is not careful will very soon reap the whirlwind.It only takes a spark to get a fire burning.

  4. Lol, tp, not agressive, because i speak truth to power! Anyway “I gern home to cook pumpkin & grits with steam mutton fish”

  5. @ronica7
    Ok Ronica maybe the word hate is a little strong, and no because of your aggressiveness I refuse to get into any debate with you.

  6. @mashup

    Yes i believe there will be some major surprises and shake-up next election. Bahamians are at their wits end!

  7. @ronica7

    i’m down with the BDM or the NDP personally. i’m looking for real change in 2012.

  8. What are you talking about hate? We are all simply voicing our opinions.
    You darn fnm’s when facts stare you guys in the face, all of a sudden you become so nationalistic!

    The golden rule is my mantra. That is why i do not like gossip, read the punch, and get engrossed in repugnant banter. It nullifies the law of love. I now move on back to this ‘wutless government’ Care to engage me TP?

  9. anyway, i’m done with the whole gay issue if everyone else is. you’re right, there are more important things to discuss,

  10. @ronica7
    Did not mean to ruffle your feathers and I am sorry for doing so.
    With that said the only thing left for me to say is I am glad you are not the government, because with all of that hate I am sure you would destroy all that crosses your path.
    I am glad that I am not your neighbour

  11. Tp, Mashup, Adulterers and crooks are all around us, right in our homes,
    right there when we do not pay our real property tax (I pay mine every year) right there when we come through customs, looking to see who we know, to pull deals.

    If you have not noticed and you may read all of my postings you will see that i stay away from the salacious, and the gossippy, raunchy stuff.
    bahamians have a penchant for who is gay, pedophile, but everyone else can get away. I repeat. I DO NOT CARE WHO IS SISSY, OR STRAIGHT!
    Many persons in the Bahamas has been unfairly branded because they have either effeminate, or masculine traits. How the HELL do you know who is gay or straight in the plp, unless you are one!

    As an aside i do not have to give this self annointed, all knowing government any advice because they said from their election platform they had ALL THE ANSWERS!

    Also, I do not read the Punch, or buy it. I do not need to be satiated or entertained by other people’s sins.

  12. I don’t really understand why this discussion took this turn, but for the record, they are out there. We can choose to ignore, but that is an outright fact. They are in politics, in our churches, in our schools, in the private and public sectors. It’s a choice that people make. Does a person’s sexuality affect their ability to do good or achieve greatness? Who are we to judge?

  13. Ronica
    the sad thing about everything is a lot of us see nothing wrong with labeling and calling others name, but as soon as our faults are pointed out.We get upset. To bad ,if you do not want to be named than stick to the point
    The whole story about gays came about when some one referred to John Pinder as being gay,but we did not see that all we saw was when it was pointed out the PLP has their share of concerns.
    But again if you have no problem with homosexual, adulterers, and crooks then you have a problem.
    You are not the only one concerned about the plight of our country, but campaigning here is not going to make things any better.Try getting out there and assist the government in making things better., or at least recognize when the government is doing something right You would get more respect , not only from your peers but from those with opposing views. if you do that.

  14. @ronica7
    it seems as though some can dish it out but can’t take it. it’s balance like bp always talks about.
    this screwdriver person began by calling john pinder a pedophile, and tried to tie that to him being an fnm.
    i’m just trying to add a little perspective.
    if we’re going to be calling people by name and castigating them, which if you notice i did not, then i suppose it would be fair for me to put out there what many people on the street say about quite a few of the young men in the plp.
    now if you want to elevate the conversation and not mention anyones supposed sexual orientation then by all means let’s do so.
    but for the record i still don’t support sissyism under any circumstances whatsoever and i think (no i know) the general public is with me.

  15. How come you guys only seem to know, or care about, PLP, homosexuals, adulterers, and plp crooks? It is often said that, you either have to be homosexual, or have been with one to know on

    Rise above the fray. I could not care less who is gay, or who is screwing who. Adults can do what they choose in the confines of their homes. Lets talk about this unept goverment, who is taking the last public beach away from the bahamian people.

    Lets talk about: A burgeoning national debt. Unprecedented levels of firing. Unemployment. Exponential rise in Suicides.
    A political leader who has taken us back in 2 short years. Where 80% of the men in our country in the construction trade are un-employed thanks to (stop, review, cancel).

    Lets talk about the politcal rhetoric being spewed from the prime minister’s mouth ad nauseam, and the clarion call being made all over the bahamas, for new leadership.

    The bahamian people has seen for themselves that they have no leader and the ‘trust’ agenda is all flatulence!

  16. For the life of me John Pinder defends the FNM at evry opportunity and has reneged on his promise to represent workers.I laughed when he suggested that the Nurses Union sign onto the Public service medical plan as it is not worth anything.Doctors and pharmacies reject it as there is no money to pay expenses for civil servants.The nurses left the BPSU yrs ago as they felt they were not getting fair representation.I wish HAI and his merrymen well as come General Elections they have to tell the Bahamain people how they stood idly by and allowed one man to dictate.

  17. @JT
    maybe you are right, but have you ever stop to think that it is these

    JT :Speculate all you wish, no one can argue against the fact that the PLP has the best minds in the HOA. I say give me the punk over the man who tries to protect the rights of criminals rather than the public. I say give me the punk over the man who let a known child molester leave the country scott free. I say give me the punk over the man who stopped, cancelled, and reviewed, out of spite and nothing else. I say give me the punk over the man who would give his family members a free ride while we all have to pay customs duty. I say give me a punk over the millionaire who does absolutely nothing. YOU GET THE POINT!!! I could care less what goes on in the private lives of these politicians. I do care however how we are respresented and what is being done to make this country better off. Let’s be real, this government is inadequate!!! Don’t be ashamed, you know it’s TRUE!!!

    Have it ever dawn on you that these same punks you are talking about are the ones that is involved with the rape and child molestation of those boys in freeport. Or that these are the very ones involved with the network that is protecting Birbal and all of the other persons with alternate life styles. How come you are out there killing Carl Bethel because his underage son supposedly let his childish hormone get the better of him.But is saying nothing about the Grown policeman who is the son of a senior politican, and is now before the courts for not only plying underaged children with alcohol, but for raping and sodomizing them.
    Sissy are going to protect sissys and if you have no problem with them I can only conclude that you have a problem.

  18. @mashup
    The Bible says “judge not lest ye be judged.” I don’t think it’s my business what people do in their own dark corners. Everyone has their own demons and skeletons. So long as it is not pedophilia or some sick perversion upon innocent persons, that’s their own right. All that matters to me is the work that is done to make this nation better. And you’d be surprised to know who is on the down low. You would probably think you know, but you have NO IDEA!!! It’s not a matter of being tolerant or accepting of anyone’s particular preference. We live in a world where people are free to choose to do what they want. God himself gave us free will. He also said, I made them male and female. We know what that means. But the way I think about it is this, I have more respect for a person who is true to themselves and still does good for the people as opposed to the fakers out there doing nothing.

  19. @jt

    like i said i ain’t into the fnm or your plp, they both full of bs if you ask me. but i’m so sorry, i don’t support sissyism under any circumstances. I think you’re one of the few that is accepting of that type of darkness and i think you should care about your representatives personal behavior. but thats just me and everyone i know.

  20. @tp
    i ain’t into the plp or fnm, but if I was a plp supporter i wouldn’t even bring up the word gay.
    they got more sugar in they mix than the swiss pastry shop.
    you never hear omar archer talk about how all kinds of different men try to come on to him at their meetings aye?

  21. Speculate all you wish, no one can argue against the fact that the PLP has the best minds in the HOA. I say give me the punk over the man who tries to protect the rights of criminals rather than the public. I say give me the punk over the man who let a known child molester leave the country scott free. I say give me the punk over the man who stopped, cancelled, and reviewed, out of spite and nothing else. I say give me the punk over the man who would give his family members a free ride while we all have to pay customs duty. I say give me a punk over the millionaire who does absolutely nothing. YOU GET THE POINT!!! I could care less what goes on in the private lives of these politicians. I do care however how we are respresented and what is being done to make this country better off. Let’s be real, this government is inadequate!!! Don’t be ashamed, you know it’s TRUE!!!

  22. Screwdriver :@Altec Altec He will be exposed first as an allege practising Homo/punk and then the people can decide if the want him in 2002 ticket. He wear lipstick, and it is allege he loves boys 12-14 years from ghetto areas. That is why HAI is afraid to seat him in the Senate.

    It is to bad that this site is now being turned into one like the myplp site. Where labeling and name calling is a common pratice.As much I hate to I just could not let such remarks go with out commenting.
    How come we are branding Mr Pinder as gay but are saying nothing about those who represents you in the house of assembly.Or about those with political overtures that are aligned with the opposition.
    I agree with truthhurts he would be more welcome in the PLP, and that is no speculation.

  23. The Tribune dated December,12,1985 under the headline,”Ingraham won’t vote for Budget”,mr.Ingraham said and i quote,”Regretably,the 1985 budget is continuing to move us in the wrong direction for we continue our inflationary policies by piling up new and unnecessary taxes upon the working population rather than becoming better managers of the affairs of state and collecting existing lawful taxes.We continue to expect and require the working population of the Bahamas to maintain,expand and increase THE ALREADY BLOATED AND UNNECESSARILY LARGE CIVIL SERVICE BUREAUCRACY.”So as far back as 1984 mr.Ingraham’s desire was to downsize the public service and the only reason he didnot attempt to achieve this during his first term was because THE FATHER OF THE NATION,LYNDEN OSCAR PINDLING was still relatively healthy and active in politics.The Tribune April,26,1985 under the headline,”FNM pledge national health plan for all.”The FNM PROMISED A COMPREHENSIVE NATIONAL HEATH INSURANCE SCHEME FOR ALL.Notice this scheme was to include doctor visits,testing,treatment,rehab and medication.I am only mentioning this because from 1992-2002 the FNM DID NOTHING ABOUT THIS PROMISE.Indeed they voted for national health insurance in 2007 and now they are only proposing to implement a prescription plan for some illnesses.

  24. @screwdriver
    if he likes boys then i don’t think he’ll go far in the fnm.

    then again i guess he could replace the former plp mp who bp says is locked up in cuba for molesting little children.

    …people in glass houses…

  25. @Screwdriver
    Screwdriver, people been whispering about him lil while na, but i didnt know he had it that bad! Trust me, HAI will throw something his way.

  26. @Altec Altec He will be exposed first as an allege practising Homo/punk and then the people can decide if the want him in 2002 ticket. He wear lipstick, and it is allege he loves boys 12-14 years from ghetto areas. That is why HAI is afraid to seat him in the Senate.

  27. I am a diehard critic iof HAI because I can see that this man has all the attributes of a dictator.Well if you think i was harsh in my criticism am taking off the gloves and anything goes.Imagine the coward claiming he did not know or have any hand in the latest fiasco?What a punk who now lets others carry out his wishes.My only fear is the fact that he has completely politicised the country and there is now no turning back from what is to come. HAI has proven he is bad for the Bahamas.

  28. @Objective thought
    OT, you were right! I heard John Pinder on a talk show today and he said that there are a little over 23,000 people in the public service. He also said that the government pays between “18-20something million dollars A MONTH” on public service salaries! At, say $18 mil a month thats $216 mil a yr.

    John Pinder also briefly alluded to this website today. He said that he has received reports of people with 30+ yrs of experience now on go slow because of reports that speak to HAI getting ready to go on a fire civil servants. After listening to the show it left no doubt in my mind that John Pinder has political aspirations. He will be on the FNM ticket in 2012!

  29. Capt.Allens and Herbie Bain should have been dumped in the thrash along time ago. They need to have a BIG Party at the Port. Good riddance to those two Gangters.

  30. Poor Thomas, Mr. Ingraham has already made a whole lot of his supporters, look fool!

    Everything that he criticised the plp on has happened under his administration in less than 2 short years. If Mr. Ingraham could fire Steve Mckinney, and Phillapa Russell from an open platform, just for opposing him,(talk about deepening democracy).Then he certainly has a hand in this latest fiasco.

  31. Ingraham acts like a punk sometimes. I cannot believe that he blamed a Policy that his government created on management at NIB, when in fact management were just acting on the Policy. Take responsibility and stop trying to shift blame! Just like when the FNM lost in 2002, he blamed it on Tommy, after his government, and him in particular, created the environment for the FNM to be defeated. This is disturbing to me Media.

  32. kevin mckenzie :Who will pay the loans to these banks when mr.Ingraham is finished decimating the public sector?Who will have the money to purchase goods and services from the private sector if we all stand by and let mr.Ingraham KILL the civil servants?The average mortgage is 25 years, banks loaned monies based on the fact that the OFFICIAL RETIREMENT AGE for 95% of civil servants is 65.Now that mr.Ingraham has placed that in doubt banks will either demand A BIGGER DOWN PAYMENT OR ASTRONOMICAL MONTHLY PAYMENTS.The private sector is down sizing every day and now the ONCE SAFE JOBS in the public sector are NO MORE.Persons need to remember that the biggest single purchaser of goods,services and the most employees worldwide is GOVERNMENT.So to those who see no wrong in THE DESTRUCTION of our public sector i urge you to HAVE A DISCUSSION WITH ANY BANKER/BUSINESS PERSON and ask them if what mr.Ingraham is doing now makes economic sense?Remember a jobless person or a suddenly retired person has little or no disposable INCOME TO CONTRIBUTE TO AN ECONOMY.Just recently mr.Inraham had to extend the unemployment benefit to 26 weeks from 13 weeks,DO YOU THINK THAT HE DID THIS OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF HIS HEART?NO,HELL NO!!!He did it because THERE ARE NO JOBS.

    You are right on!! What the govt seem not to understand is that the small man is who keeps most of the businesses afloat… When they loose their jobs then ofcourse many businesses will close causing many other small men to loose their jobs!! Just look at Price Busters. All their stores are closed which was more than 10.

  33. rb75 :Altec,
    While I agree with you that we have a bloated civil service which consumes about 20% of our budget every year to the tune of 250 million or more you do not do it during a recession…I agree with Lou and Wow on every word that they have said this government has to put it mildly destroyed everything that they have put their hands on this time around HAI has driven the country to the brink of disaster and we are on our knees.
    I do not want our nation to fail I love my country I truly do but I have come to the point that HAI is either very smart or he is deliberately doing this to ensure that the PLP and Perry get another term but I will trust that he is the smartest politician in the HOA which means that he is getting rid of those folks now and come a few months before election day he will hire a few more but we will have to see how it goes.

    Over the last few months, I have heard HI say over and over that the PLP hired hundreds of workers prior to the election and that NO such thing will happen under his govt!!!

  34. @Altec
    One correction, there are about 24,000 people who are employed by the govt, not 10,000!!!

    While the civil service is bloated like everyone knows, remember during the campaign when the PLP was saying that HI was going to downsize the civil service how HI came out and quickly said that that was a LIE??? Then HI went on stage and said that persons in the civil service have NOTHING to fear if he becomes the PM because he is a friend of the civil service…. HI told them to TRUST him… That’s where what they have been doing to the civil service is WRONG….

    That’s why I don’t HI…. He thinks that we are all STUPID!!!!

  35. @john
    If you believe Hubert what Hubert say, then that’s up to you. This writer believes not a word he says. He is bold enough to jump up in the House and say he don’t know who Robert Mugabe is either.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  36. Ingraham said the names were given to him and he asked about a lady on the list who was only two years from retirement. He asked NIB whether anything could be done about that and her name was removed from the list and replaced by another. This is backed up by the fact that PC said that the names that were told to him when he was informed were not the same as a list he saw when he went to the HOA.
    So HI obviously intervened to save one person and his BS Pontius Pilate act does not impress me.
    Also HAI said that he does not know Patrick Ward and only met him after Ward was recommended to him as a good man to be NIB chairman. I know that is a lie. Those two have been drinking buddies for years at Majors on Blue Hill Road. Why lie for a small thing like that Hubert?



  38. And see OT there you guys go again. Come on man become a CRITICAL THINKER! Hubert said today he was not apart of FIRINGS of the people at NIB, but in the same breath said he saw the packages that was to be offered to workers????? COME ON OT, Hubert in IN on the deal!

    And if we accept what he said, that he did not know, it would then mean he does not know what is going on in his own ministry. AND it also means he would allow a foreigner terminate the very people he swore to protect. THAT’s A TRAITOR, A SNITCH, SELLOUT BIGTIME for ya!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  39. Child of the 60,s :Am still trying to figure out how HAI or his band of merrymen will approach the Bahamian electorate for votes.This man must have a serious mental problem bcos he loves to boast about what he has done.I heard him in Parliament yesterday ,29/06/09 bragging about past achievements but he is again boasting about the civil service having too many employees.This PM is anti Bahamian and every Bahamian must stop,look and re-evaluate their support of him.This man appears to hate Bahamians and laughs at his own stupid jokes.

    The team of PC and BJ will RETIRE HI and also leave him in shock because he is convinced just like BP is thatPC CANNOT beat him in an election!!!

    BP and HI will be in shock after the next election if PC remains the leader and BJ becomes his deputy!!!

  40. mashup :@media
    at the risk of provoking your eternal outrage, i know derek osbourne and he is an actuary (who is married to a bahamian) and he’s far from an evil overlord (like the pm).
    wouldn’t algernon cargill or patrick ward (both ingraham cronies) be more likely to be behind the firings or whatever they are?
    btw- you did scoop the mainstream media. good job.

    HI did blame it on them.. He said that he left it fully up to those two gentlemen to select who they will ‘send home’ (new term for one being fired)…

  41. BP you said that PC does not say anything but I heard him in the HOA pleading with the PM and the FNM govt to stop being inconsiderate and have a little heart… He was making the case that some of these people have mortages, children in school and other obligations but all the other side was doing is laughing at PC!!

    In fact BP, I have heard PC make this plea over and over in the HOA but you continue to say that he says NOTHING… I guess because you are one of them who is always laughing too!!!

  42. @kevin mckenzie

    Who will pay the loans to these banks when mr.Ingraham is finished decimating the public sector?

    Kevin the banks lending policies is another travesty. PC administration had a committee looking into the banking practices but they never got to complete their report!

    The commercial banks are killing the small man. The lending practices is titled unfairly towards them and if truth be told all their lending policies are basically the same. These banks makes a killing of them high interest rates!

    But you wont see HAI do nothing about it because the banks, the big real estate firms, private doctors, the bay street boys and the west bay street crew throw millions of dollars in the FNM coffers to protect their interst.

    The one who pays the piper picks the song.

  43. Who will pay the loans to these banks when mr.Ingraham is finished decimating the public sector?Who will have the money to purchase goods and services from the private sector if we all stand by and let mr.Ingraham KILL the civil servants?The average mortgage is 25 years, banks loaned monies based on the fact that the OFFICIAL RETIREMENT AGE for 95% of civil servants is 65.Now that mr.Ingraham has placed that in doubt banks will either demand A BIGGER DOWN PAYMENT OR ASTRONOMICAL MONTHLY PAYMENTS.The private sector is down sizing every day and now the ONCE SAFE JOBS in the public sector are NO MORE.Persons need to remember that the biggest single purchaser of goods,services and the most employees worldwide is GOVERNMENT.So to those who see no wrong in THE DESTRUCTION of our public sector i urge you to HAVE A DISCUSSION WITH ANY BANKER/BUSINESS PERSON and ask them if what mr.Ingraham is doing now makes economic sense?Remember a jobless person or a suddenly retired person has little or no disposable INCOME TO CONTRIBUTE TO AN ECONOMY.Just recently mr.Inraham had to extend the unemployment benefit to 26 weeks from 13 weeks,DO YOU THINK THAT HE DID THIS OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF HIS HEART?NO,HELL NO!!!He did it because THERE ARE NO JOBS.

  44. Mashup, you think the public service is bloated? I think it is “GUSCMAE” size. A lot of people who are “EMPLOYED” by the government can tell you “WHERE” they work, But can often NEVER tell you WHAT they do. What is the purpose for their employment?
    Most government workers think they get paid to support a political personality every five years (and the politician are the blame for creating this mindset).
    My cry to all workers is “EARN YOUR PAY!” Create something man!
    People get paid thousands of $$$$ dollars in the ministry of Agriculture and can’t produce a bushel of corn? And some in fisheries and don’t know the difference between Grouper and Grunt fish, don’t talk but how to catch fish. Yet I go to the food store and pay thousands of dollars a year for these items.
    I agree with Mr. Ingraham close the entire department down. Presently their pay is fruitless. Bring new people in who can produce something.

    And for the Port Chief, sorry YOU WERE ASLEEP AT THE WEEL TOOOO LONG. I am not a detective, and I can see people being smuggled in this country in broad daylight, on the waterfront. A word to the wise, the new Port Chief who ever it maybe; EARN YOUR PAY!
    That is the new message that needs to be Preach in this lazy little town. EARN YOUR PAY BAHAMAS!

  45. @Trinity:
    Be encouraged ! A “CHANGE” is going to come – it is destined ! Like ungrateful people, we needed to be re-focused as a nation. I think we have!!!!

  46. The PM Chief Advisor is a Cook who follows him everywhere even in his home. She serves on a Board (If you have time to spare, fly ———-) and had the cafeteria at NIB until they realized she could not cook. Those persons FIRED recently owed her monies for lunches credit over a period of time. The atmosphere here is critical since the Firing!

  47. It was said that first Hilter came for the handlicap and mental patient and i refused to speak up because none of my love ones fell in that group.Hitler next victims were the homosexuals and gyspies and i still didnot speak because i was neither of those.Hitler came for the Jews next and i was German .Finaly,Hitler CAME FOR ME AND THERE WAS NO ONE TO SPEAK FOR ME.To those of you who seek to defend the prime minister in his MASSACRE of others just remember YOU ARE NEXT!!!

  48. “Trust” Government. Don’t forget that! They promised it and now delivering it. Stay tune for more “Trustful” decisions. I remember how Kenneth Russell screwed up and was relieved of NIB. Pat Ward is now keeping a low profile, because Bahamas First Owners/Shareholders are observing him and his involvement outside their company. Allie Cargill is on various Medias everyday, especially Jones’s Communications building his image and Public Popularity (Next Elections). Now its payback on those not fully supports him (Indecisiveness and moral turpitude). Christie is not talking because of the secret agreement between him and the PM. Ask Shane Gibson what he got for talking about “Sweetheart List” in the House?(Stress) Ask Orthland Bodie what he was promised lately(Joker) to steer the public in a particular direction?

  49. Russell Johnson :@Trinity Dont throw your hands in the air and just give up.I note that from time to time new persons come here every day,some respond others just read and carry the word.There are some of us who are regular here and trust me at political party meetings they discuss us.From time to time when things run hot there are some here who bring in re-inforcements.Opinions posted here matter as they reflect the voices of those on the ground who have no voice.The Govts unemployment fiasco will cost them many votes when that time rolls around.It aint long now.

    Russell, I know that our opinions are noted, but nothing ever seems to be done about it. We discuss the outcome of the next general election when we don’t even know what tomorrow brings. I am completely frustrated with the current adminstration as a young person, and as a woman. We who argue so passionately about our country obviously care more than the people who actually have the power to make the necessary changes. I know that I am not the only one that is frustated, I see it everywhere. There is a sense of hopelessness and despair in this country and it is tangible. The issues that weigh heavily on the Bahamian people seem to surpass the consciousness of the politicians. Russell, that is where my frustration begins. It’s like screaming into the ears of a deaf person. He can see you and sense your distress, but your voice goes unheard.

  50. @rb75

    While I agree with you that we have a bloated civil service which consumes about 20% of our budget every year to the tune of 250 million or more you do not do it during a recession…

    I disagree. There is never a good time to downsize, but in the Bahamas’ case it is a necessary evil and it simply cant be delayed much longer!

    I guarantee you, if the government did it properly, the Bahamian people would understand. But one of the problems our political leaders have is they arent very good at articulating issues except when its election time and all they spew out is lies and misconceptions.

    All over the world governments are laying of people. In the United States its so bad some cities are letting go police officers and firefighters.

    The government projected a $150 million plus short fall this fiscal year. You know what that means? The government is trying to meet its obligations with money it doesnt have. They have to cut something or someone, if not, debt piles up.

    If the government doesnt downsize now, it never will until the IMF comes calling. And when that happens Bahamians will all be asking why didnt the leaders do something in years gone by to avoid the collapse of the bahamian dollar and our way of live. Mind you, the IMF has already sent out warnings this year that it is concerned with the Bahamas’ level of debt.

  51. @Russell Johnson

    I note that from time to time new persons come here every day,some respond others just read and carry the word.

    I have noticed of late some new names showing up in the comments sections as well. All of you who read this site daily and wont comment, to you i say, hop in, the water is fine!

  52. Altec,

    While I agree with you that we have a bloated civil service which consumes about 20% of our budget every year to the tune of 250 million or more you do not do it during a recession…I agree with Lou and Wow on every word that they have said this government has to put it mildly destroyed everything that they have put their hands on this time around HAI has driven the country to the brink of disaster and we are on our knees.

    I do not want our nation to fail I love my country I truly do but I have come to the point that HAI is either very smart or he is deliberately doing this to ensure that the PLP and Perry get another term but I will trust that he is the smartest politician in the HOA which means that he is getting rid of those folks now and come a few months before election day he will hire a few more but we will have to see how it goes.

  53. @russell johnson

    new or old contributor. my one vote counts just as much as yours. as does my opinion.

  54. Media, i agree with HAI that the civil service needs to be downsized. The civil service needs to shed at least 20% of its work force and computerize some of its procedures. Some of those government agencies, like ZNS, have 2-3 people doing the same job.

    Almost 10,000 people work for the government of the Bahamas. Until the downsizing, only Atlantis hired more Bahamian workers. Under the PC administration they had a hiring freeze, but that decision didnt go far enough. Frankly we all know that no government has the political will to touch the civil service. Thats why we need real leaders.

    Where i disagree with HAI is how he is going about it. You cant just fire people willy nilly. HI needs to just come before the country and lay out the fact that the civil service at its current size is a strain on the government.

    People need to understand that every 5 years when the civil service and government corporation contracts are up and a new bargaining agreement is signed, the government has to raise taxes to pay for the newly agreed upon increases in salaries, benefits and that $800 lump sum payment.

    We are paying more and more taxes for less and less service!

    To avoid scandal, this or any government should setup a blue ribbon committee made up of distinguish Bahamians and task them with the responsibility of bringing in a reputable human resources firm to review each ministry and corporation’s work force.

    This process should take less than a year to complete and at the end of the review process let the HR firm and the committee carry out the downsizing process.

    In 18 months the civil service would be thinner and the government would free up some much needed tax dollars. But it will never happen because there is no political will.

  55. @Trinity
    Dont throw your hands in the air and just give up.I note that from time to time new persons come here every day,some respond others just read and carry the word.There are some of us who are regular here and trust me at political party meetings they discuss us.From time to time when things run hot there are some here who bring in re-inforcements.Opinions posted here matter as they reflect the voices of those on the ground who have no voice.The Govts unemployment fiasco will cost them many votes when that time rolls around.It aint long now.

  56. Paul Moss Speaks to NIB Firings

    June 30, 2009

    Nassau, Bahamas. How could this government continue to mow down people in the civil service in a recession period without understanding that it must have a negative affect on the personal economy of these people as well and the national economy” said Paul Moss responding to the news that five (5) executives were terminated from the National Insurance board (NIB) today.

    “Over the past year and a half, the government has systematically been ‘restructuring’ the civil service and by doing so they have devastated families and destroyed lives. Many still have years left on their mortgages with children in school and it is catastrophic to be summarily dismissed without carful planning. No caring government does this to its people knowing that they will join the unemployment line in a time when unemployment is expected to increase.

    “Could it be that the government is not being honest and telling us the truth that the economy has tanked and they cannot afford to make payroll? I say this because I have checked up and down the region and the world and could not find a single example of countries getting rid of people in a recession with no prospects of finding jobs. It must be the most callous act by this government so far. This is so particularly when the government has not been proactive to ensure that there is mandatory pension plan for these people to fall on.

    It my hope that Bahamians would stand together and voice their opinions condemning these actions that can best be described as national destruction as it is certainly not nation building” Moss said in conclusion.

  57. I’m going with trinity on this one.
    although the ingraham and christie bashing is a lot of fun.

  58. Am still trying to figure out how HAI or his band of merrymen will approach the Bahamian electorate for votes.This man must have a serious mental problem bcos he loves to boast about what he has done.I heard him in Parliament yesterday ,29/06/09 bragging about past achievements but he is again boasting about the civil service having too many employees.This PM is anti Bahamian and every Bahamian must stop,look and re-evaluate their support of him.This man appears to hate Bahamians and laughs at his own stupid jokes.

  59. I don’t think anyone wants this country to fail. I think that is an unfair statement. Our country is in a state of divisiveness and disrepair and it is playing out from the HOA to the streets. Perry Christie is often attacked for his actions and often times his inaction. Either way, he is criticized. The current administration is speaking for themselves every day. Loyalists see their actions as superb governance. And those who oppose see it in their own way. I say we can argue back and forth on the issues and who is better to lead this country, but at the end of the day it won’t change anything. I do believe strongly that this next election is anyone’s, but it is not as cut and dry as BP would like to make it. We can analyze and debate, and it will prove fruitless because the current administration has three more years do be good, or to absolutely fail. What you, or I may think cannot be generalized to the entire population. And as such will not matter much until the next time we actually cast a vote. I see these daily debates and discussions as fruitless because only time will tell who will next serve the Bahamians.

  60. @lou and wow
    your heads couldn’t possibly be so far up the PLP’s posterior that you would wish the country to fail to prove a point.
    not even steve mckinney is that ignorant.

  61. @ WOW
    I couldn’t agree with you more! I never agree with BP for always getting on Perry’s case for not ALWAYS opening his mouth on EVERY issue! Let it ALL sink in ….it was these same civil servants who despite having a government that was “VISIONED” and had the coutry on the “right Track”, that decided to “vote them out”. Perry was championing for them then – they DID NOT want that…so…EASE up off Perry !! He just knows when to address the issues – He is NOT big mouth HAI!

  62. Sometimes I don’t blame Christie for being silent. Some of these people are getting exactly what they vote for.

  63. @media

    at the risk of provoking your eternal outrage, i know derek osbourne and he is an actuary (who is married to a bahamian) and he’s far from an evil overlord (like the pm).

    wouldn’t algernon cargill or patrick ward (both ingraham cronies) be more likely to be behind the firings or whatever they are?

    btw- you did scoop the mainstream media. good job.

  64. Mr.Christie and Ingraham ARE ONE.Notice how in monday’s newspaper-29.6.09 mr.Christie tried to defend mr.Ingraham’s NON PERFORMANCE as the fault of too many inexperience cabinet minister.I have told the public repeatedly that mr.Ingraham IS A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.In other words he can’t stop himself from lying.In conclusion i will leave this word of warning to the public,”THE WORSE IS YET TO COME!!!”

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