Ingraham to Prorogue the House of Assembly and open new agenda


hubert-jpg<<< ‘Papa Doc’ has a brand new bag and a new legislative agenda to relieve the countless suffering now taking place all over the Bahamas.

Nassau Bahamas The prorogation of the House of Assembly announced by the Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham was a shocking dismay to some members of parliament who wondered what in the hell Ingraham is doing now.

Bahamas Press has the inside story on all this and here’s why Parliament will be prorogued.

bethelcarlfnmconv09Readers would remember earlier this year some damaging committees were formed namely the House Select Committee to investigate the Eight Mile Rock High School pedophile saga and the Land Committee to investigate the distribution/transfer of crown land in the country.

You would remember the Land Committee in particular became due to shocking damaging land flipping revelations by Tribune journalist, Paul Turnquest, who revealed in his piece how directors of the land department granted and flipped land for themselves and families.

We all saw how Tex Turnquest got fired and how others were brought before the public. HubertIngraham being a hatchet politician, he certainly cannot allow that committee and others move any further into investigations. He knows that if the committee continues in its Herculean task, more wonderful, juicy revelations about Bahamian land distribution and his involvements will be unraveled. Hubert is not a fool, and so he warned the committees on Thursday to rap it up. Hmmmmmmmmmm!

malcolm-adderleyFor many a week Bahamas Press had warned members of these particular select committees to move and move quickly to the real meat and potatoes of the subject, particularly the investigation into the selling of Bahamian land.

Hubert Ingraham and Perry Christie are the masterminds behind all this SCANDAL in the Land Ministry and if the committee is allowed to do its job, it would discover that both men are at the heart of this corruption.

We at Bahamas Press also know that Ingraham upon his proroguing of the House will make new appointments and maneuvers in his Cabinet. We know his speech from the throne, which will be delivered by an incoming Governor General, will include an active agenda. And we know, coming 2010, a By-Election in the Elizabeth constituency will happen.



  1. When are you going to realise that  I have the power to stop this non sense,why wait ca’nt me and you decide when it is enough why do I seem to get paralyze like I can’t stop it.If I was serious I would be in the front of the house and let them know that they can’t get in.If I gave you power why I can’t take back.Or is the man with the power a dictator? why can’t I realise after it is all said and done we need to realise know that when me and my brother realise that we are all bahamians fighting for the betterment of all our children,after we know that a house divide can never stand .while i get so dizzy with left and right the big deals go right pass us and the same thing goes on for for yet another term.When am I going to realise that we must unite,it starts in the various Communities, why  are we so slow to get local government, in Nassau when we realise that this will take the power from the Government I am MATURE  now and don’t need anyone to hold my hands.What needs to happen before I really take this serious.   

  2. When are you going to realise that  I have the power to stop this non sense,why wait ca’nt me and you decide when it is enough why do I seem to get paralyze like I can’t stop it.If I was serious I would be in the front of the house and let them know that they can’t get in.If I gave you power why I can’t take back.Or is the man with the power a dictator? why can’t I realise after it is all said and done we need to realise know that when me and my brother realise that we are all bahamians fighting for the betterment of all our children,after we know that a house divide can never stand .while i get so dizzy with left and right the big deals go right pass us and the same thing goes on for for yet another term.When am I going to realise that we must unite,it starts in the various Communities, why I are we so slow to get local government, in Nassau when we realise that this will take the power from the Government I am MATURE  now and don’t need anyone to hold my hands.What needs to happen before I really take this serious.   

  3. @LIZARD
    That’s exactly what it means my dear….In essence..”screw you people is what he’s saying.” Funny thing is, it was about to get heated. HAI himself has a lot of underhanded deals going on. The land thing was too close and that’s why he acted quickly in forcing Turnquest to retire. BP, don’t let that story die. It goes too deep. Nevertheless, every dog has his day….can’t run forever. He’s as crooked as his appointees, but he’s getting away because these people know exactly what it costs to squeal on him.

  4. @media Yes media, you are so correct, and this also means a waste of the taxpayer’s funds for that day of P&P(Pomp & Pageantry), thanks Mr Ingrahm, roll the dice, time to play more games.

  5. media :Whenever the House is prorogue it means that the business session dies. [Read
    It mean all what the government tabled and didn’t pass is no more. It means all those committees to investigate the Land, Crime and the Rape of all those innocent Children at the Eight Mile Rock High School, who will again never see justice, investigated by this WUTLESS INGRAHAM Government. [This is the third time that has happened to the CHILDREN OF GRAND BAHAMA].
    It means all that TALK of passing a marital Rape Law will finally be put to rest. That RED HERRING put forward by Ingraham to distract people’s attention from the serious hardship faced throughout the country will also die when the House is prorogued.
    It means the people must now sit and listen to hear what the government will do in this upcoming legislative session. Another day with pompadour and pageantry in Rawson Square. This is what this all means.
    Bahamas Press/Editor


  6. Ingraham is no fool he knew coming was Kamalame Cay, Gorda Cay, Norman’s Cay and all how and who and what kinda deals gone down between him and those investors. Christie ain’t outta the picture either. He also is aware of the situation and got his pocket greased.

    Yall know BP have the goods and what the Land Committee can’t do, we will finish. We will send for people and papers to sit from place to place. Stay Tuned!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  7. PAPA does it again and gets away scott free.All of those funds now are lost that was used to facilitate the committees.I doubt this wutless govt will ever again allow any committee hearings as they always are on the receiving end.Well dirt is out and cannot be placed in the areas it came from.

  8. he slick ech prorogue and appointments left right and center. he gat the finance sector on lock with his latest chess moves still wondering what the end game is cause there is definitley a plan afoot

  9. You are quite right media. When someone asked me yesterday what this meant…I replied…HAI gets off scott free for a worthless year. He gets to throw out all of the things that don’t please him. Sure is convenient isn’t it? It also means that all of the issues you discussed will be set aside. I think that’s a crying shame. The government needs to resolve many of these issues. In any case though, the people will not forget. Many of these same issues may come back to bite HAI. His complete disregard for these matters doesn’t mean that the Bahamian people should sit back and be accepting. But I await 2010…hopefully it will be better than this year in every regard.

  10. Whenever the House is prorogue it means that the business session dies. [Read]

    It mean all what the government tabled and didn’t pass is no more. It means all those committees to investigate the Land, Crime and the Rape of all those innocent Children at the Eight Mile Rock High School, who will again never see justice, investigated by this WUTLESS INGRAHAM Government. [This is the third time that has happened to the CHILDREN OF GRAND BAHAMA].

    It means all that TALK of passing a marital Rape Law will finally be put to rest. That RED HERRING put forward by Ingraham to distract people’s attention from the serious hardship faced throughout the country will also die when the House is prorogued.

    It means the people must now sit and listen to hear what the government will do in this upcoming legislative session. Another day with pompadour and pageantry in Rawson Square. This is what this all means.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

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