Interior Designer/Lawyer murdered on Briland?


<<< J. Wallace Tutt III found in bushes on Harbour Island Saturday.

Briland, Bahamas — People are getting slaughtered all over the Bahamas and today a Briland resident and international designer is just the latest victim.

J. Wallace Tutt III, a South Florida interior designer and developer whose elegant, understated style attracted a celebrity clientele that included Cher, Gianna Versace, and Robert De Niro, was found dead in bushes at a popular upscale community called the Narrows on Harbour Briland Saturday morning. Though police say the cause of death was unclear, we at BP wonders who drags themselves into the bush and dies?

Bahamian police said they were investigating Tutt’s death, but would not comment on whether foul play was suspected.

Bahamas Press can confirm police is questioning Tutt’s male partner at this hour. While police have yet to classify the discovery, BP will classify this as the country’s latest murder; #128 since 2009.

Tutt, 53, lived on a private island he owned off of Harbour Island. He also maintained a penthouse on Miami Beach’s Sunset Harbour.

Longtime friend Dan Sehres, owner of Miami Beach’s Bar 721, said Tutt’s body is being flown to Nassau, Bahamas, for an autopsy.

“He was a gentleman that was truly a great friend,” Sehres said.

“Honestly, I’m going to miss that. He’s one of those people I thought I was going to know forever.”

Tutt’s most recent local accomplishment was the renovation of The Angler’s hotel, completed in 2007. But for the past several years, he had been spending much of his time at his Bahamian masterpiece: The Rock House, a 1940s-era house that Tutt converted into a luxury boutique hotel.


  1. apologize 2 who u mean ur reporter shud apologize 2 me 4 callin my moms a drunk ay cus thats slander, seeing that my moms dont or never drank so control your puppy before you come talk to me ya c……….. i aint sayn that there aint some good ppl workin at BP but that fool reporting this story is a shame 2 all tha decent hard workin ppl at BP….

  2. apologize 2 who u, mean your dumb reporter shud apologize 4 callin my moms a drunk, which she is not n that is slander so do wat u must cus i aint even bothered…….. control your puppies plz then come talk 2 me ya c………. u r a joke…………

  3. Murders are being covered up all over the Bahamas. Eleuthera had 3 murders in 3 weeks over Christmas. There have been robberies, knife injuries and an assortment of other violent crimes lately that are going unchecked. Murderers are out on bail. What is becoming of this place. HANG THEM.

  4. A horrible tragedy this was. We lost one of the worlds greatest icons. Billy Mays was far more charismatic, helpful, and memorable than Michael Jackson whom the who loves to discuss. We need to remember the man who always was in your face. A man that was dedicatted to the best. Who we looked up to, who we imitated, and loved in his life as we shall continue to in his death. A death which leaves the world in comparative silence, in the wake of his strong voice. RIP, Billy Mays… We’ll remember you online when we use ALL CAPs to type.

  5. Where they found Wallace body?
    Was the body found on the land of Miss Bonnie Hudson-Macky? Palm Bay – dis true?

  6. Chang you don’t come on BP cussing like that and expect for us to just take that eh?

    Oh no no no no. You cannot believe we are that stupid eh? Either you apologize to our many readers or you will face a brutal editorial attack from us. And don’t think for a second we don’t know who you is.


  7. You still fail to get the point BP. You are under the impression that you have more evidence than the police. However, this does not permit you to conclude that, indeed the late J. Wallace Tutt was murdered.

    Police investigations are ongoing, and I agree with the police to the extent that they refuse to release information on the case. Unlike you, they want to ensure that they have factual information before tainting anyone’s image.

    Yet again, you report and publish untruths. In the past, you reported and published the death of the late, Edith Lady Turnquest, when indeed she had not passed. You failed to retract your story or even extend a public apology to her family in light of all that they were going through.

    It is simply sad. Again I say, this is why you will never be viewed as a credible source.

  8. Although, I extend my sympathy to Wallace Tutts family, his “husband” Don Purdy, the Rock House Staff and friends,
    its seems that most people in this formum are expressing out rage at the media for simply bring the notion to mind that it might just be a murder. Is that so far from inconcievable? Mix prescription drugs with copious amounts of illegal drugs, Booze, a “promiscious gay” lifestyle, big money, manic depressive behavior, domestic distrubances and what do you get?
    Keep at it the Bahamas Press; Its your right.

  9. chang Imlach says: “u jus a bytch ass niga hidin”
    Despite your frustration you need to apologise for using the N word.Dont know your colour but thats offensive language and must not be used.I say no more and look forward to your apology.

  10. n y dont u put up ur name also hidin behind ya computer lyk a lil P^*SY……. u shud call my moms that 2 my face….wer u is u bytch ass niga….. call me n i will meet u N E wer 423-9615…. n e way “”quote”” BP- J. Wallace Tutt III found in bushes on Harbour Island Saturday. actually he was found on tha shore line so report tha facts BP shud stand 4 BAD PRESS…… its your responsibility 2 report tha facts

  11. Wow – not only are you making up facts but you are now throwing out personal insults to posters? And, you call your self a serious journalist? You are nothing but a joke. Put your money where your big mouth is if you have so much more information than the police.

  12. This is so like BP to make assumptions without any proof, and to attack others when they are actually making sense. You know nothing about this case and are simply spreading vicious lies, and I pity those that actually read and take in your reports.

    It is sad that you would assume and actually report that he was “murdered” when in reports that you have read and simply copied, pasted, and published state nothing of the like.

    Wallace Tutt was a wonderful person and really has left his mark in the Harbour Island community. For you to make strong assumptions about murder is simply sad and unbecoming. This is why BP will never be viewed as a credible source.

    No where in your last posting (FROM A CREDIBLE SOURCE) states anything about suspected murder or ANYTHING. Like others, you should relax and wait to receive the facts before you go broadcasting the Bahamas and its people in a negative light.

    • You would know LISA-RAE NOT ONLY BAHAMAS PRESS questioned this death, but the MIGHT PUNCH called it MURDER on page 4.

      We are doing a followup to this to clear the air on many of your misgivings. You would know Tutt was in early stages of decomposition and this raises more questions. Like; who reported him missing. When did someone notice he was missing. Who called the police and so on.

      Police on the island themselves are tight-lipped over this crime. We know they made a statement which was shot of classifying Tutt’s death. We at BP know police is questioning Tutt’s male friend. We also now Tutt sought medical attention three days before his discovery. BUT we in the Bahamas must begin to solve the backlog of such cases. Just a few weeks ago a major global publication highlighted this tragedy of murder in the country.


      Bahamas Press/Editor

  13. Bahamas police: Celebrated interior designer dies

    Associated Press Writer

    NASSAU, Bahamas — J. Wallace Tutt III, a South Florida interior designer whose elegant creations were popular with movie stars, models and fashion icons, was found dead in the Bahamas, authorities said Sunday. He was 53.

    The cause of Tutt’s death has not been determined, police said. He is best known for transforming the Miami mansion of the late Italian designer Gianni Versace into a South Beach icon. He also designed homes for Cher and had celebrity friends including Jack Nicholson and model Elle McPherson.

    He was found Saturday morning in a grassy area of exclusive Harbour Island known as The Narrows, said a police official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the news media.

    The official said there were no signs of violence on the body and detectives are looking into the possibility drugs contributed to his death.

    A team of detectives from New Providence, the most populated island in the vast archipelago of the Bahamas, have traveled to Harbour Island to assist with the investigation. The body has been flown to New Providence where an autopsy will be performed.

    Tutt moved to a private retreat near Harbour Island in 2002, where he transformed an old home into a nine-room luxury boutique hotel called the Rock House hotel. Harbour Island is known for its 3-mile (2-kilometer) pink-sand beach.

    Rock House staff declined to speak to reporters about Tutt’s death but said the hotel would be closed for a week.

    Alvin Smith, speaker of the Bahamas’ lower House of parliament, said he was shocked by the death the still youthful and energetic designer.

    Funeral arrangements are pending.

  14. Also,Imlach and Karol yinner like to come on here challenging BP reports but if yinner read page 4 of the PUNCH today, you will see the headline BIG as BILLY, “Cops probe murder of Bizman found in bush”.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  15. who eva wrote that article is a slanderous fool……… n u call your self a reporter u r TRASH how can u know wat happened so soon even b4 tha investigation is finished,it is tru that no one drags them self in2 tha bushed but r u aware that on tht part of town thur r no street lights n at night its disorientating n almost impossible 2 find ur way around its hard 2 see your hand in front of u on dark nites, i got lost down thur as a kid while takin care of tha horses n had 2 ramble my way 2 tha beach 2 find a way out tha bushes n i was so scared i almost gave my sef a heart attack, n who knows if he got scared n had a heart attack cus bein in tha dark alone is scary………. i live on harbour island n no one hur is sayn he was “”slaughtered r murdered”” ppl r jus gettin ova his tragic n untimely death u r grocely misinformed n stupid bcus how many ppl did u speak with from hur,n who eva u spoke with 2 have such info mussy was tha person who did it cus no one i spoke with can say wat happened, u dont speak 4 us brilanders cus “”MOST”” ppl hur either loved r respected wallace and 4 u 2 say such crap and on line 4 tha world 2 see i hope u have sum really gud evidance r u shud b held 4 slander against tha people of this island n Bahamas, bout slaughtered not that all life aint inportant but u sited 2 ppl tha died hur n u call that a slaughter like tha bahamas in Iraq r sumtin, do u even know wat that word means well if u did u wud know that is not tha case your licence shud b revoked u r an idiot n this proves it……………..

  16. Information Kerol suggest we quested his death. We wondered if it was murder. Our teams are on the ground and We are staying at the Coral Sands. Maybe we will walk up the road and hail you and have our team interview you.


  17. Seems a bit premature to be calling this a murder. Unless BP is a subsidiary of The Globe or the Enquirer. But if it is, I hope they catch the guy and fry his ass.
    This is a tragic loss and our prayers go out to Wallace’s family, the staff at the Rock House and especially Don.

  18. It is disgusting of Bahamas Press to try and taint this story when a mere 48 hours have passed. To call it a “murder” is slanderous and irresponsible. Shame on you.

    • Say what ya like Karol no one on Briland believes otherwise. BP is on the story and we know more than police. You should know that by now.


  19. There is absolutley no truth to this rumour, absolutely NONE!!
    I am appalled at your lack of sensitivity towards Wallace’s family and friends at this time of great sorrow. There was no foul play and there should be no sensationalism from you over this tragic event.
    Do you really want to fuel rumours of murder in the Bahamas to the international press??Have you forgotten what the #1 industry in the Bahamas is? Tourism?? And it was to this industry that Wallace Tutt devoted the best years of his life. It was this country and it’s people that he proudly spoke of to his international clientele.
    You should be ashamed to publish such trash.
    You have made a wild accusation which is totally irresponsible.

    • Calm down Lois calm down. Don’t get excited. International journalist are already on the ground and are doing their own investigations. Remember we always told you guys there is a REAL WORLD OUT THERE! This is the second visitor to die mysteriously in one month. Dan Tucker of Lyford cremated in 24 hours and an announcement of his death was never reported by police. Working journalist discovered the story and reported the matter.

      We say to LOIS wait for more details before you come to your conclusions about us.


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