Is C. B. Moss a Man of God or is he an Activist?

Peter Nygard comes with peace to C. B. Moss

C. B. Moss, the acclaimed pastor of the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church in Bain Town bears all the characteristics of the ministers for profit detailed in the 1981 released novel by Staunton Ellsworth Smith-Perkins titled: “SATAN IN THE PULPIT”

However, the Bahamian people are confused by the aggressive verbal displays of C. B. Moss in the recent Clifton Coalition debate, as his conversation betrays a total lack of belief in the Word of God and is in total violation of the Scripture in Psalm Chapter 1 and verse 1 which says: “Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,…”

Most puzzling to true-believers is Moss’ recent tacit collusion with Joe Darville and Fred Smith of The other Coalition, who are both known atheists, “What does he have in common with these two heathens?'” asked a irate viewer of Moss recently held Town Meeting at the British Colonial Hilton which featured Joe Darville (a Grand Bahama resident) expressing vitriol and malcontent over the present government’s refusal to enforce the biased policies of the previous, recently fired administration.

The poster-boy of the National Prescription Drug Plan’s FREE Medications Program, Joe Darville’s seemingly un-medicated rant of unsubstantiated claims about “alleged” environmental infractions by Mr. Peter Nygard, owner of Nygard Cay, was merely a pathetic display of “sour grapes” for a political defeat which they (Moss, Darville and Smith) suffered collectively on May 7th, 2012.

C. B. Moss has not vilified the devil in the manner which he has attacked Mr.Peter J. Nygard, the billionaire Fashion Mogul whom Moss met for the first time on Saturday past, and whose permissions to develop his Simm’s Point property dates back to 1984 under the political administration of Sir Lynden O. Pindling. Neither has Moss demonstrated such zeal for the winning of souls. He has neither ‘rescued the perishing, nor cared for the dying, but has instead invested precious resources in costly, poorly-attended Town meetings, when a weekend Revival Tent Meeting may have yielded a harvest of souls in the crime beleaguered Bain Town community.

Is C. B. Moss a Man of God or is he an Activist? For he can NOT be both! The people of God who are called to Ministry are mandated to ignore Caesar’s affairs and focus on God’s work, which is at all times to rescue the perishing and to care for the dying. Never quoting nor even displaying a Bible during his televised Town Meeting, Moss sallied forth with great zeal for his assignment of assassination of Mr. Peter Nygard’s character. God does not support what C. B. Moss is attempting as the Scripture clearly outlines the penalty for Ministers who display such behavior as to be “beaten with many stripes!”

Residents interviewed in the Bain Town area made remarks which questioned the credibility of the “so-called” Rev. C. B. Moss. Revealing comments were recorded during the recent Bain Town Walkabout such as: “Why call himself a Reverend when there is NO evidence to support his claim’, one elderly lady said, complaining that there was no clear evidence of ministry to the needy in Bain Town from Moss’ six (8) member church. Quoting liberally from Scripture, the Biblically sound octogenarian reminded the visitors of a quote from Psalm 39: …”I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle..” .

If C. B. Moss was accused before a high court of being a Pastor, there would be very little evidence upon which to convict him, as the perishing of Bain Town who require his “SOUL CARE” have been ignored in preference to expensive Town Meetings about the physical environment of Clifton. In such a case, the court would examine the evidence of a NON-EXISTENT Soup Kitchen, Hospice Care, Clothing Distribution Center, Job Placement Program and in the absence of clear evidence to convict would be forced to declare C.B. Moss: AN ABJECT FAILURE AS A PASTOR AND RULE THAT THERE IS INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE TO CONVICT HIM OF CHRISTIANITY, AS WELL!

We report yinner decide!