Julian Francis should take a look at the FNM and examine its WUTLESS GROSS MISMANAGEMENT RECORD


Julian Francis, another one of Papa's ill-fated misfits.

Nassau, Bahamas Bahamas Press stands appalled and was visibly shaken by the nasty spineless attack of Julian Francis, Chairman of BTC, as he levied an unholy war against former President of BTC, Leon Williams.

Mr. Williams, a highly respected and decorated man in the telecommunications business, came under heavy fire as Francis questioned his stellar record as the former head of BTC.

“He was guilty of gross mismanagement of the company,” Mr. Francis said while appearing as a guest on the weekly programme “Jones and Company” on Sunday.

“He could not be trusted and his pretending to be an expert in communications is really only a smoke screen.”

According to the Bahama Journal, Mr. Williams reported that for the first time in its history, BTC exceeded the $300 million mark in revenues in 2006; this was achieved notwithstanding the up to 70 per cent reduction in international long distance and 55 percent reduction in domestic long distance rates.

However despite this stellar achievement, the wicked, spiteful venomous poison in Francis sought to discredit the accomplishments of Williams in the face of facts.

The serpent bearing the cup of poison, masquerading in the darkness at BTC pushing his envelop of SPIN, deflection and lies for Papa is nasty to say the least. Francis should check his own ‘dutty’ record of shameful proportions in the Bahamas.

Somehow Francis forgot he was Governor of the Central Bank of the Bahamas when the country was led down a dark tunnel of recession under the FNM. Unpaid debts by the government in 2001 racked up in the millions and reserves at the bank under his watch were low. That’s what we call “guilty of gross mismanagement”.

Francis appears to be suffering from an advance case of amnesia he forgot he was appointed President of the Grand Bahama Port Authority. His WUTLESS record, naked neglect and raw mismanagement at the Port left much to be desired. So much so the Board paid him to chase him from around the table.

Under Francis, the depression of Freeport accelerated with almost no capital inflows into the city.

Jobs were lost, businesses were closed and the state of the city turned like the man paralyzed and helpless at the pool of Bethesda. That’s what we call “guilty of gross mismanagement”.

Francis should also take a glimpse at his own record at BTC and ask himself what has transpired at the Corporation since he sat in office? NO INFRASTRCUTURAL UPGRADES HAVE TAKEN PLACE. Profits at the Corporation have declined. Staff are demoralized, shaken by the threat of being terminated by a company known as “Careless and Wutless”, while the Chairman [FRANCIS] is just short of calling them [staff at BTC] infidels. SOME PEOPLE HAVE NO DAMN SHAME!

Francis should note to be “guilty of gross mismanagement” is aptly described best when a leader of a country irresponsibly operates and manages the State like a ‘jungaliss’ with a stolen credit card.

Being “guilty of gross mismanagement” was when the FNM racked up $1 billion on the national debt; building roads to enrich an Argentinean company, dredging the harbour for the benefit of 19 benefactors most of whom are contributors to the FNM, while tightening the noose of paying back the debt on the necks of three generations yet unborn.

It is gross mismanagement when the few fat gluttonous mongrels, which make up the Cabinet, can go to Government House to be wined and dined at the expense of the taxpayers. Look at the picture below; they are fat as seals while Mama in Bain Town does not have even Jack Mackerel for Christmas.

Gross mismanagement was when the FNM government raised taxes on the working poor in 2008 and again in 2009; slapping tax on children underclothes, books, pencils, shoes and bags. This ‘vicked’ FNM also decided to tax the Holy Bible. That’s Gross Mismanagement!

Mr. Francis should remind himself of the fact that gross mismanagement by the FNM led thousands of Bahamians to the unemployment lines. Gross mismanagement led more than 6,000 homes into pitch darkness; disconnected from BEC. And gross mismanagement was when they threw into the streets scores of government workers including members of the police, customs and immigration departments calling some thieves. That’s the height of mismanagement.

Mr. Francis tries to be an intellect, but he is a pure bred mongrel, he went to France, learnt a little bit of French and likes to brag about the nice French Wine he drinks. However, have you ever notice that the only time Mr. Francis can find employment is when Hubert “Mugabe” Ingraham is in power? We wonder why, could it be Gross Mismanagement and Dereliction of Duty? HMMMM.


Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and his Cabinet Ministers were the guests of Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes Wednesday, December 22, for the annual Christmas luncheon at Government House. Sir Arthur is pictured front centre with Prime Minister Ingraham to his left and Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette to his right. Everyone was told to wear a red tie, even the damn GG! Boy I tell ya!


  1. Julian Francis is an ASS who couldn’t keep his Job at the CENTRAL BANK, and Sir Jack Hayward was more than happy to get rid of his ass even taking the decision to pay him for a year, left on his contract, and let him go. He didn’t have the intelligence to be interviewed without defaming Leon Williams’ character for which Leon Williams will sue him, I have been told. Leon was putting so much heat on Ingraham on his talk show circuit that Ingraham was obliged to send Francis to do damage control. Francis is so dumb, however, that now he has made it worse for Ingraham; not better and Williams have more time, now to knock Hubert. Especially since Hubert tried to pick a fight with privat citizen, Williams. All you FNM’s have gone COO-KOO.

  2. Francis is obviously a man that likes to tell it like it is, good on him. He did so even knowing full well the corrupt vial PLP goons would be all over him. HOWEVER if he was part of the backward third world BTC then he is just as wutless as the other fool, whats his name, Williams.

  3. Thus far only pieces of information has come out and it involved the Shane Gibson fiasco.Eagle is sop afraid of the uncovering of CI 1622 identity.All Cabinet members pledge an oath of office and are obligated to keep secrets for a minimum of 15 yrs.Any divilging of information prior to this period is known as TREASON.By the way Julian Francis is a scumbag.

  4. BP, When are we going to get the Wiki Leaks dirty. You keep talking exposing people in cables, but only the daily newspapers are reporting.

    • Files are coming in and as soon as they are all in and complete and we can scan the information you will be updated.

      It is the cables we seek, not the story on the cables no one can see. Standby…


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