Keith Bell should tell the public what happened to that investigation of leaked photos in the Nellie Brown-Cox murder and he should advise the press on who authorized that jailhouse wedding!


‘Motor-mouth’ Bell – who told the world as Minister he has a weapon with him at all times – has found his tongue again!

Sen. Keith Bell

Nassau, Bahamas – Minister for State in The Ministry of National Security, Sen. Keith Bell, told the press today he is warning people against posting pictures of murder victims online.

Well, more than likely that warning was to Bahamas Press. Bell claims police are fishing the photos to social media pages like BP.

What Bell and others in his party have failed to accept is that media around the world has changed, but the people in media are still doing what we always did: BREAK NEWS!

What the junior minister should be warning young Bahamians about is the fact that Crime Does Not Pay. He should caution them to put down their deadly weapons and he should be telling the community that we all should do more to help condition young men to walk in the paths of peace and civility.

He should be asking leaders to listen more to young men and women and become father in guiding young people into the ways of justice and peace.

That is what leaders say when a microphone is placed in their face.

But not Bell! He want to tell people in media how to do their job and how to perform their job – just like the last dictator we the Bahamian people fired.


But we have a question for Bell – “Who approved the illegal lawless wedding in Central Police Station a few weeks ago?”

Or perhaps an even better question for Mr. Bell would be for him to tell the Bahamian people what became of that famous investigation of the photos released by detectives in the Nellie Brown-Cox murder? We in media still wonder what has happened with that internal investigation?

Media around the world have always been respectful to the families of lost loved ones, however, these recent tragedies around the country have forced BP’s editorial board to make a very hard decision.

Maybe our people are now awakening to the seriousness of these crime incidents. But we soldier on; while the crew who promised the Bahamians People to deliver “Operation Project Safe Bahamas” are all over the place blaming every man woman and child for the problems of crime in the country. Bell say its the Absent Fathers and Christie say its America. We say – look in the mirror.

Meanwhile, we wonder if Bell ga answer that question put by us to him before we tell yinner the answer…hmmmmm!

We report yinner decide!