Kenyatta Gibson joins the FNM



Kenyatta Gibson, MP for Kennedy.

The Member of Parliament for the Kennedy constituency has today formally announced that he has now joined the parliamentary team of the Free National Movement. Gibson is one of many young PLPs who has left the PLP party, exactly one year ago (Jan. 9th, 2008), where he referred to Christie in a press statement as a, “… washed up, has been, egotist may as well claim that he created the world in seven (7) days, as it is clear from his release that he fancies himself on god of sorts.”

In his statement last year Gibson added, “So as to make it clear I wish the record to reflect that Perry Christie is no longer fit to lead the Party of Pindling, Butler & Hanna. He is arch-mediocrity, captain of all things small and petty, master of all things which are insignificant and void. He is best described as the man who is an expert at using shallow words dressed up in glittering phrases. His word and promises count for nothing!Mr. Christie, let me offer you some advice that most of your Parliamentary colleagues speak of privately behind your back. They are the words which Cromwell uttered to an English Parliament, “You have sat too long here for any good that you have done, Sir! Depart I say, and let us have done with you! In the name of God, go!”

Gibson was also known in the Parliament for his LOUD war of words on Hubert Ingraham, where he pointed often to Ingraham’s wicked words of “SHAME” TOWARDS THE BAHAMIAN PEOPLE IN 2001 during the Referendum.

Gibson was also the MP behind a Cabinet fist fight where he went on national radio and denied the incident ever occured, yet details of the repairs to furniture in the Cabinet Room was later confirmed.

But a highlight we foremost remember of Gibson came during a row in 2005 in the House with then South Andos MP Witney Bastian, where Gibson threatened to drop his pants HOUSE FLOOR to PROVE A POINT TO BASTIAN.

The row caused Mr. Bastian to reminded the House that he was acquitted by a court of “trumped up” drug charges.

“I can understand his frustration of knowing his budget presentation of last night and this morning could either be his last or next to the last as the Member of Parliament for the Kennedy constituency,” Mr. Bastian claimed in the House.

“Secondly, I am sure that his constituents did not send him to Parliament to back door their concerns by complimenting this government to the point where it becomes nauseating, odious and demeaning to those with dignity.”

Mr. Gibson, who then served as Chairman of the Gaming Board, immediately fired back shouting, “You speak of dignity?”

“You need to be concerned about what your constituents sent you to Parliament to do and stay out of my business – I told you that before,” Mr. Gibson continued.

Undeterred, Mr. Bastian continued his response to the Kennedy MP.

“A real man will simply state the needs of his people…,” he said before once again being interrupted by Mr. Gibson.

“Anytime this member is ready I’ll show him who a real man is. I’ll show him who a real man is right now,” said. Mr. Gibson. “I’ll take my belt off for you.”

Many PLPs, FNMs and citizens throughout the country wondered at the time what the House of Assembly was coming to? And now we at Bahamas Press wonder where it is headed now that two strong opinions sit within the FNM!


In a statment Gibson noted that he has notified the speaker of the House of his decision and will communicate his decision to the House when it convene this month.


  1. WOW! :
    I really want to know is what is in the file the PM is holding on Kenyatta that could make him accept the offer and make a full 180 degree turn on everything he believed in. Now that would make an interesting story.

    WOW! :
    Media, what I want you to do for me is go to Jones Communications and get a copy of the television interview (I think the show was the Platform) Kenyatta did with Wendall shortly before leaving the PLP. He had nothing but praise for Christie, his leadership and style, the PLP, and their recent term in office. I mean this man said he was in full support of Christie, does this sound like anyone that is even contemplating what he did? I know he received monetary compensation by clients being sent his way (One particular client, from a development in ABACO, the PM’s constituency, is worth over two million in fees alone for Kenyatta) but what I really want to know is what is in the file the PM is holding on Kenyatta that could make him accept the offer and make a full 180 degree turn on everything he believed in. Now that would make an interesting story.

    You would remember us saying on here WOW we are LACKEYS for NO ONE, NO ONE, that includes you!

    However if you have a story, if you have factual evidence and information. If you find a tape that is revealing and useful enough to produce a Youtube video of it and wish to post it with us, LET IT BE KNOWN YOU ARE FREE TO DO SO. Especially if it shows something opposite to what Mr. Gibson said when leaving your party.

    Remember, this is your blog, YOU being the people of this country. Bahamas Press does not belong to us alone, you make the website, we simply manage it.

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  2. Media, what I want you to do for me is go to Jones Communications and get a copy of the television interview (I think the show was the Platform) Kenyatta did with Wendall shortly before leaving the PLP. He had nothing but praise for Christie, his leadership and style, the PLP, and their recent term in office. I mean this man said he was in full support of Christie, does this sound like anyone that is even contemplating what he did? I know he received monetary compensation by clients being sent his way (One particular client, from a development in ABACO, the PM’s constituency, is worth over two million in fees alone for Kenyatta) but what I really want to know is what is in the file the PM is holding on Kenyatta that could make him accept the offer and make a full 180 degree turn on everything he believed in. Now that would make an interesting story.

  3. See and this is a hardcore PLP who I always fight with, giving an HONEST opinion! Someone who is closer to CHRISSTIE that any major PLP we know, in our book WOW is like the KARL ROVE to Christie, Thanks WOW!

    So Canesfines, lets be real here, don’t shoot the messenger, READ the message and make your own conclusions.

    Bahamas Press /Editor

  4. media :
    TO Wow,
    Ma boi WOW, we gata have lunch one a these days so I can get the scoop on something, but please tell the post of canfines what you think of the readings on Bahamas Press. Your a balanced fella, and well knowledgable about politics in this country, please tell that blogger what you think of Bahamas Press, BE HONEST NOW, so they could know how effective this website is.
    Bahamas Press/ Editor

    Media, though you seem to be a little over zealous with your hatred for Christie, most of what you put on here is on target even if I don’t agree with all of it. That is a lot more than I can say for the other WUTLESS media outlets.

  5. TO Wow,

    Ma boi WOW, we gata have lunch one a these days so I can get the scoop on something, but please tell the post of canfines what you think of the readings on Bahamas Press. Your a balanced fella, and well knowledgable about politics in this country, please tell that blogger what you think of Bahamas Press, BE HONEST NOW, so they could know how effective this website is.

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  6. rudy :

    WOW! :

    rudy :Oh please. That is hogwash! If he could give the rest of them with far worst scandals why not Kenyatta. He tried to destroy him and I know what I am talking. Kenyatta owes nothing to PC![Reply]

    Yeah, but everyone was arguing strongly against Kenyatta. His mother practically cried and begged Christie for him to get the nomination. I am not just talking what somebody tell me.

    Where are you getting this nonsense. I know his mother and the only thing she had for Christie was a good cussing!

    There you go again, simply B.S. my brother.

  7. @media
    Amen! Amen! BP you know what you talking about! There is a lot more to Kenyatta’s story. PC tried to undermine and embarrass this young man, he pushed him to make the decision he made. Mr. Gibson was tired of the hypocrisy in the PLP and the treachery of PC. He knew that most of his colleagues were tired too but they were not man or woman enough to say anything. So I say Kudos to Kenyatta and shame on you PLPs who are prepared to stay on sinking ship with PC at the helm instead of yucking that wheel from him and saving their party!

  8. JR :
    Come clean man come clean.

    OK for your sake we will come clean JR, as CLEAN as clean can be.

    “WE AT BAHAMAS PRESS support the now FNM MP for Kennedy, Kenyatta Gibson”. He is a FREIEND, and as we say, WE NEVER TURN ON FIRENDS!

    Now if someone does something STUPID and they are our firends, we rather stay silent on the issue, but if they get OUT-Of-HAND and come against the people of this country, then trust us, you will hear from us!

    Kenyatta’s move is something we supported from his issues with Christie. And Kenyatta was BOLD enough, ‘MAN enough’, to tell Christie what was on his mind. Not so with many others of that party, who continue to burry their heads in the sand and pretend as if, nothing is wrong within the people’s party.

    Christie has masterfully landed the PLP PARTY in INDECISION, WEAKNESS, and CHAOS! He has overseen a MASS EXODUS OF THE YOUNG TALENT WITHIN THE PLP! He has censured the GREAT DEBATORS OF ORGANIZATIONS. And he has silenced/chained the pitbulls of the party from attacking Hubert Ingraham, and we have proof of what we say!

    Christie has allowed SNITCHES to operate within the walls of the PLP, fishing information to the #1 ‘RAG TOILET PAPER’ (DON”T BE CONFUSED HERE WE SPECIFICALLY MEAN THE WUTLESS TRIBUNE) WHILST HUNDREDS, YES HUNDRED OF OUR YOUNG PEOPLE ARE LAID OFF AND PUT ON THE STREETS EVERY DAY! The PLP is not on top of things and why? Because of the weak LAZY LEADERSHIP STYLE OF Christie!

    Did you not know Jr. that it was Christie who tried to STOP Party Chairman Hanna-Martin from proceeding with her court petition agaist the former minister of local government Sidney Collie, which resulted in his resignation?

    And finally it was CHRISTIE and no one else that OVERSAW the PLP dethroned from power in this country, and after his defeat and loss, he talking about 2012? OVER OUR DEAD BODIES!


    The Bahamain People who we serve wants CHANGE! And we will fight to the death until that is accomplished!

    Something is terribly wrong in the PLP, and Kenyatta’s move to the FNM proves our point.


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  9. WOW! :

    rudy :Oh please. That is hogwash! If he could give the rest of them with far worst scandals why not Kenyatta. He tried to destroy him and I know what I am talking. Kenyatta owes nothing to PC![Reply]

    Yeah, but everyone was arguing strongly against Kenyatta. His mother practically cried and begged Christie for him to get the nomination. I am not just talking what somebody tell me.

    Where are you getting this nonsense. I know his mother and the only thing she had for Christie was a good cussing!

  10. media :

    WOW! :
    Media, today is April first hey? You joking or you drunk? Kenyatta was a Government MP for Kennedy for 5 years and did not do anything..
    “A rose by any other name is still a rose” my friend.

    TO say this is to equally say that the PLP did nothing for the people of Kennedy, PLEASE NOW “WOW”, be careful with that comment.
    And on another NOTE, sometime we wonder, why does this country have such a SHORT, SHORT MEMORY? ESPECIALLY MEMBERS OF THE PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL PARTY?
    Did not Perry Christie BAD MOUTH THE PLP but still RETURNED TO HIS VOMIT?
    WAS NOT HUBERT INGRAHAM ONCE THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PLP and join the FNM and became leader?
    Was not the ‘Dissident Eight’, Members of the PLP left the party and formed the FNM?
    And did not OUR MAN in FOX HILL Fred Mitchell who once entered politics as a MACHINEST/Stratigest IN THE PLP (PINDLING TRAINED), moved to the FNM as an INDEPENDENT Senator, and then rejoined the PLP and became the MOST EXCELLECT FOREIGN MINISTER THIS COUNTRY HAS EVER SEEN! Do we not see the GREAT POTENTIAL IN HIM?
    Is not it about COUNTRY AND NOT PERSONAL AGENDA when we see this kind of political movements by these men? And many times it is for betterment of the country!
    And so again we applaud Kenyatta Gibson on his BOLD decision to move his constituents forward! And as we said before, we support this decision and any other he makes whether he is PLP OR FNM!
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    I can only come to one conclusion and that is that Media is either Kenyatta’s boy or he paying BP to make this stuff up. Come on man, you can’t be serious about comparing Kenyatta to Hubert and Perry leaving the PLP. Come on man. They were fired because they stood up to Ping on the corruption thing. They refused to go with the flow and got kicked out of the PLP. They never wanted to leave man, so stop trying to rewrite the past. They were kicked out. Ping tried to kick AD out too, or you forget that too eh?
    So its an insult to put Kenyatta in that category man. The man didn’t even have the guts to say to PC, “I don’t like what you doing, I may leave if you don’t change it.” He left like a thief in the night and he left like that after all the man did for him. And Malcolm was dead man walking in the PLP from before elections so only Media will be surprised if he leaves. I live in Lizzy and I can tell you, Malcolm won’t be missed because we never see that man. That man ain’t been to my house since 2002, not even for the ham and turkey, so you know he gets no love here. If he go, then goodbye to him too but no big loss to the PLP because right now he ain’t no big help.

    Now if you say you support them to win in the next election, thats your decision and I’d be willing to bet BP a case of the adult beverage of your choice that come election time, no matter how much you try to sell Kenyatta as a good choice, he will not retain his seat. Thats my bet BP, lets make this official.

    I telling you now, I want a mixed case from Bristol – a six pack of Miller Genuine Draft, a six pack of Stella Artois, a six pack of Sam Adams Boston Lager and a six pack of Sands. Deal? Don’t worry about putting it on ice, sometimes I like it warm.

  11. I told you something strange with how Media is just all cuddly with Kenyatta. My boy, this ain’t typical of you and if I notice it, everybody else should too. Media you really gotta do better on this man, the bias is dripping here. And to WOW, you right. The FNM was happy Christie gave Kenyatta a nomination and they went to town with it. Just go back in the archives on their blog and that other BP wannabe site BI. they were all over the PLP for nominating Keod and Ken and that was a big reason the PLP lost.

    I also take exception with Media’s view that having Kenyatta would make a difference in terms of PLP numbers in the House. Mathematically, that don’t make sense. It would matter if teh PLP won those election court cases, and even then, they would still be one seat short. Kenyatta was dead weight man, you just have red in your eyes for Christie and you trying to dress this up as some big loss. Like another writer say, what has Kenyatta done to deserve this blind loyalty Media? Are you hanging at his Condo too or is the hate for Cool PC that great you have to support anyone who hates him also? Come clean man come clean.

  12. I have never denied being a PLP. What I do deny is that I come here under orders or as some paid political “hitman”. Any views I share on here are my own and BP is an enjoyable, relaxing and sometimes stressing way to pass the time.

    As far as Christie, I do support his right to be leader at this time. I also support his plan for an orderly transition to the next phase of leadership. As far as who that will be, lets just say that I am watching a few people who are flying below the radar right and not among the names currently being mentioned in the mainstream right now. Change will come my brother, and it will come from the PLP which has seen virtually every phase of positive change within our country. Watch and see.

    (BP, I still can’t fathom that you would support the likes of Kenyatta Gibson! I hope he sharing some of that payoff with you or at least invite you to dinner in his newly renovated PARADISE ISLAND condo.

  13. Since the election of Obama, and the the appointments that he has made for his cabinet. We, (the Bahamian people) should now raise the bar as to the persons that we elect for our government.

    By now we should be feeling the spirit of the election of Obama and his way of thinking for the people of the United States. He want the best for them and their children.

    The Bahamian people should be thinking the same way, wanting the best for our Country and our family.

    Do you think President-elect Obama would have even thought about picking Hubert Ingraham and the majority of his cabinet to represent his (Obama’s) cabinet? Definately not. Mr. Ingraham do not have the smart. He may have the guts, but But Bush had the guts and look where it led him. A very unpopular President to the US people and a person that most of the world do not think to highly of.

    I know that you have a duty to draw persons to your site, but my suggestion to you is “yes do and say what you are saying on you site” but let it be know to all, that when it comes to your site and the picking of a good government, that you are all for the best that the Bahamas can offer. That you would be encouraging your readers to pick the brightest minds for country.

    These day and time now, picking the right people for Government is very important, we want to move forward not backwards. Most of the other Caribbean islands are doing better than us now during these difficult times, and we were always the envy of the Caribbean.

    I will continue to read.


  14. rudy :
    Oh please. That is hogwash! If he could give the rest of them with far worst scandals why not Kenyatta. He tried to destroy him and I know what I am talking. Kenyatta owes nothing to PC!

    Yeah, but everyone was arguing strongly against Kenyatta. His mother practically cried and begged Christie for him to get the nomination. I am not just talking what somebody tell me.

  15. Oh please. That is hogwash! If he could give the rest of them with far worst scandals why not Kenyatta. He tried to destroy him and I know what I am talking. Kenyatta owes nothing to PC!

  16. Rudy, you wrong on this one. Christie is the only person in the PLP who wanted to give Kenyatta the nomination last election, thus making it possible for him to be in Parliament now.

  17. Objective thought :

    rudy :

    Objective Thought :So Media are you saying that not only does BP support Kenyatta but Kenyatta also supports BP????So he was one of or your main spy in the PLP which is why you support him, ok… This brings up another question…You always pretend to stand for principle but you are no better than these wutless politicians!! How could anyone in their right mind support Kenyatta’s actions??Kenyatta like anyone else has the right to change when he feels like but the people will make the ultimate decision!! The difference between what Kenyatta did and those persons that you mentioned is the fact that they actually consulted with their constituents and not just said that they did!! That’s RESPECT and self-respect , Kenyatta has none and if you support him then you have none also!![Reply]

    So does that mean you don’t support BJ and Fred who both left and campaigned aggressively againt the PLP or even your dear Leader. Please man, this is politics. And if you talking about self respect, then the list is even longer. Most of them don’t. Leave BP alone, they are entitled to their opinion.[Reply]

    What do you mean leave BP alone???? I thought that we discuss issues here..BP gives theres and we give ours. This is not only one person’s views so catch yasef!!
    If you agree with BP then say that but don’t tell me what to say, only BP could do that!! Did you hear me say that I don’t respect HI because he also left?? He left with his dignity intact and he did it the right way!!
    Nothing about what Kenyatta did up to him leaving was right!!It would have only made sense for him to consult with the persons who stood by him and helped him to get into parliament especially his campaign generals!! I am sure he saw what happened to BJ in Kennedy in 2002 because he made up his mind to leave then consulted with the people…
    WRONG is WRONG!! There is no need to defend Kenyatta’s WRONG when his decision has already been made….I am not concerned about his decision because I made it clear in my first post on this issue that I agreed with his decision because it was the best that he could have made at this time.. But what I do have a problem with is HOW it was done….
    He gave NO respect to the man who made it possible for him to get into parliament while giving his other views.. Kenyatta is an ungrateful person!!

    LOL! I just messing with you. But you always telling people to stay out of PLP business, when they make comments. Pray tell who is the man that made it possible for him to get to Parliament. You really don’t know what you talking now!! It can’t be PC, he did so many things to try to destroy him. Don’t mind all the flam, he is a sneaky coward. He is the reason why Kenyatta left. He causes division amongst his ranks and then runs for cover!

  18. rudy :

    Objective Thought :So Media are you saying that not only does BP support Kenyatta but Kenyatta also supports BP????So he was one of or your main spy in the PLP which is why you support him, ok… This brings up another question…You always pretend to stand for principle but you are no better than these wutless politicians!! How could anyone in their right mind support Kenyatta’s actions??Kenyatta like anyone else has the right to change when he feels like but the people will make the ultimate decision!! The difference between what Kenyatta did and those persons that you mentioned is the fact that they actually consulted with their constituents and not just said that they did!! That’s RESPECT and self-respect , Kenyatta has none and if you support him then you have none also!![Reply]

    So does that mean you don’t support BJ and Fred who both left and campaigned aggressively againt the PLP or even your dear Leader. Please man, this is politics. And if you talking about self respect, then the list is even longer. Most of them don’t. Leave BP alone, they are entitled to their opinion.

    What do you mean leave BP alone???? I thought that we discuss issues here..BP gives theres and we give ours. This is not only one person’s views so catch yasef!!

    If you agree with BP then say that but don’t tell me what to say, only BP could do that!! Did you hear me say that I don’t respect HI because he also left?? He left with his dignity intact and he did it the right way!!

    Nothing about what Kenyatta did up to him leaving was right!!
    It would have only made sense for him to consult with the persons who stood by him and helped him to get into parliament especially his campaign generals!! I am sure he saw what happened to BJ in Kennedy in 2002 because he made up his mind to leave then consulted with the people…

    WRONG is WRONG!! There is no need to defend Kenyatta’s WRONG when his decision has already been made….I am not concerned about his decision because I made it clear in my first post on this issue that I agreed with his decision because it was the best that he could have made at this time.. But what I do have a problem with is HOW it was done….

    He gave NO respect to the man who made it possible for him to get into parliament while giving his other views.. Kenyatta is an ungrateful person!!

  19. Objective Thought :So Media are you saying that not only does BP support Kenyatta but Kenyatta also supports BP????
    So he was one of or your main spy in the PLP which is why you support him, ok… This brings up another question…
    You always pretend to stand for principle but you are no better than these wutless politicians!! How could anyone in their right mind support Kenyatta’s actions??
    Kenyatta like anyone else has the right to change when he feels like but the people will make the ultimate decision!! The difference between what Kenyatta did and those persons that you mentioned is the fact that they actually consulted with their constituents and not just said that they did!! That’s RESPECT and self-respect , Kenyatta has none and if you support him then you have none also!!

    So does that mean you don’t support BJ and Fred who both left and campaigned aggressively againt the PLP or even your dear Leader. Please man, this is politics. And if you talking about self respect, then the list is even longer. Most of them don’t. Leave BP alone, they are entitled to their opinion.

  20. So Media are you saying that not only does BP support Kenyatta but Kenyatta also supports BP????

    So he was one of or your main spy in the PLP which is why you support him, ok… This brings up another question…

    You always pretend to stand for principle but you are no better than these wutless politicians!! How could anyone in their right mind support Kenyatta’s actions??

    Kenyatta like anyone else has the right to change when he feels like but the people will make the ultimate decision!! The difference between what Kenyatta did and those persons that you mentioned is the fact that they actually consulted with their constituents and not just said that they did!! That’s RESPECT and self-respect , Kenyatta has none and if you support him then you have none also!!

  21. Rupert what do you mean we leaning far right? Where in this support of Kenyatta you hear us praise the WUTLESS mess Hubert Ingraham has placed this country in? Have we not read on this blog where we said before that there is support with Bahamas Press in the FNM and the PLP circles?

    Did we not say, “we are the fly on the wall in the Cabinet room and the ant in the circles of the opposition?” I think this would mean that we have people in all these areas.

    Our support for Kenyatta does not mean HUBERT will get off with anything, but it does mean he has a man in his circles we support. I think if you go back to Our Boy Omar Archer comments and his questions of what constituency he should run in we did not answer, although he is a GREAT friend of this website.

    Bahamas Press supports the new FNM MP for Kennedy Kenyatta Gibson, and here is where we said unlike many of these wutless media operations in this country, we will present our BOLD support for the various candidates in the upcoming elections!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

    PS: I don’t know who tell you all Bahamas Press is either PLP or FNM, but if you reading those ‘TOILET PAPER’ on the streets, they would tell you all kinds a things about us, NO WE AIN’T CHANGE!

  22. My apologizes BP, that was meant as a joke, i too is as straight as a yard stick….. i think you missed the point of my post. The question is why are you now leaning so far right? From the time i started coming on this website you were always centered, why the change?

  23. media :It is amazing when so many PLPs repond on this site, the are caught in the thinking of their “HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA”. To suggest we at Bahamas Press have a “boyfriend Christie stole” is just absurd to think. We have NO PLACE in the PLP for one, and we are all as striaght as a pin for two, even our women writers.
    But if you “RUPERT” wants to think of your leader in that way as, “ONE THIEFIN Someone’s boyfriend!” then go right ahead, just keep us out of your circle of friends.
    And please, unlike that “WUTLESS PLP WEBSITE ADMINISTRATOR” we do not tolorate cussing on this BLOG, we say again, just in case you have caught the desease of CUSSING as he has, THIS WEBSITE IS RATED ‘G’!
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    But Media you are the one who said that BP will support Kenyatta where ever he goes. That is such a bold statement especially in support of someone who has not done anything impressive in this country since he won his seat!!

    That makes me wonder why he gets your support where ever he goes… I won’t wonder about what Rupert suggested but it does bring that mean question to mind though!! Why Media??? I need to understand this…

  24. media :Tristan, LOOK, that’s your view, you you cannot run away from the fact, had the PLP welcome the young leadership like gibson to the fold, you all would have 18 seants and NOT 17!
    Bahamas Press/editor
    PS: Even PLP general on TV agreeing with the move. The PLP is bleeding on the ground, a fact we noted on this BLOG for months!

    But Media the PLP general who agreed with Kenyatta’s move only did so ( I agree that this was the best move for him also) because just like me that person realizes that Kenyatt’s career with the PLP for the time being is over!!

    Prior to the election in Kenedy were saying that he was wutless and now some are saying that he has done a good job.. That’s what you call blind by politics Media!!!

  25. Oh Media! Media! Media! Why are you, of all people, continuing with this nonsense? Rise above it man. YOU CALLED FOR CHANGE! Change begins with you and I. There are so many important things we must look at if we are to move forward. Lead the way! Don’t pull us down!

  26. Malcolm Adderley will be the next PLP MP to walk the floor of the House to the FNM. Bahamas Press is getting word that a formal announcement will be soon issued on this decision. Adderley still serves as Chairman of the Gaming Board and reports to the Minister of Finance on matters pertaining to the Board.

    How can a ‘PUSSY CAT’ allow such a thing to happen in his ranks? BAHAMAS Press has learned that Adderly has failed to show up at several PLP parlimentary meetings and have refused to forward reasons of his absence at the party meetings.

    PLPs should be concerned with the actions of one in their ranks acting in such a manner and should QUESTION, WHAT KIND OF SLACK GUTLESS LEADERSHIP is this has taken hold of their party, to allow such a thing?

    And what is so troubling about this is that Christie issues a statement saying, “this is last year’s news”???? Last year Gibson was an independent, this year he is an FNM? HOW DID THIS GET LAST YEAR’s NEWS CHRISTIE? Or you mean December 2008?

    I mean the man is so out-of-touch these days with reality! When Malcolm Adderley leaves what year would that be CHRISTIE? Here is a leader who cannot find the BALLS to even censure Adderley from his party. That is why on this blog Christie is seen as, “THE NATIONAL PUSSY CAT!” parading around as a leader!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  27. Once a person is elected he/she is obligated to represent everyone in the constituency. At that point their allegiance should be to the people of the Bahamas and not to their Party. When our elected members and all the rest of us get this in our heads we will move forward. You all are beating a dead horse and the country is slipping back into the dark ages! Discuss issues, not personalities and start offering solutions instead of continuing to be part of the problem.

  28. Good night to all the BP regular readers.Well he has already done it and most people would like to see it be undone.Time is longer than rope and only time would tell the out come of his move.I personally don’t agree with it.Kenyatta was elected as a PlP member and if he has reason not to want to be a PLP any longer he should go independent.To change party in the middle of the game to FNM isn’t fair to the the people who voted him in because he was running on the PLP ticket and not the FNM.It would have been fair to have a bi-election to solve this problem once and for all.Would the real KENNEDY member PLEASE STAND UP,PLEASE STAND UP and repesent the people for real.

  29. It is amazing when so many PLPs repond on this site, the are caught in the thinking of their “HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA”. To suggest we at Bahamas Press have a “boyfriend Christie stole” is just absurd to think. We have NO PLACE in the PLP for one, and we are all as striaght as a pin for two, even our women writers.

    But if you “RUPERT” wants to think of your leader in that way as, “ONE THIEFIN Someone’s boyfriend!” then go right ahead, just keep us out of your circle of friends.

    And please, unlike that “WUTLESS PLP WEBSITE ADMINISTRATOR” we do not tolorate cussing on this BLOG, we say again, just in case you have caught the desease of CUSSING as he has, THIS WEBSITE IS RATED ‘G’!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  30. Judging from the tone BP, It would seem that Mr. Gibson is apart of your organization. Its been very few occasions when “Bahamas Press” lean so far to the right. In my personally opinion this answers allot of questions about why you so upset with Perry Christie, did he steel your boyfriend?…Anyway Bp, you can rant and rage all you want, in the eyes of 99.9% of PLP’s,this is the best thing that he could have done for the PLP, Its about time he carry his fat sorry ***….. Mr Adderley What you waiting on?

  31. media :@rudyAnd let us add here Rudy, the PLP is hemorrhaging. And the lost of BLOOD in the party is so severe that it will manifest into another defeat at the polls whenever an election is called.
    Kenyatta’s departure is proof of this fact. He is YOUNG, SHARP, LONG SERVING TO THE ORGANIZATION and COMES FROM A PLP FAMILY. Now today like others, he has joined the FNM! THANKS to Christie!

    I so agree with you. What you think wrong with all those talented people in the PLP, is like they are afraid of Christie.

  32. @rudy
    And let us add here Rudy, the PLP is hemorrhaging. And the lost of BLOOD in the party is so severe that it will manifest into another defeat at the polls whenever an election is called.

    Kenyatta’s departure is proof of this fact. He is YOUNG, SHARP, LONG SERVING TO THE ORGANIZATION and COMES FROM A PLP FAMILY. Now today like others, he has joined the FNM! THANKS to Christie!


  33. “Obvious you dont know what is going on in the PLP – candidates will be seated by the party very soon, and certain candidates from 2007 will not be seated for 2012 (Canesfins)”

    Ha, then the PLP must really be getting rid of Chrisite. He has been a last minute, late again man all of his life! I would love to see them get their act together, but that will only happen with new leadership.

  34. rudy :
    Boy media I can’t believe how angry this people are to see kenyatta leave. Kenyatta came from a long history of PLP’s his family has been PLP all their life, so for someone up post to say he never was a PLP that is crazy. Further, this nonsense about him being told he would not a nomination is crazy. Election aint ’till 2012 or thereabouts, and we all know PC last minute so he definitely aint make that decision yet. In my opinion, he did the right thing, Christie has destroyed the PLP and he aint going to stop and until he completely destroys the party. All I can say is the PLP’ better wake up and get rid of this man.

    Obvious you dont know what is going on in the PLP – candidates will be seated by the party very soon, and certain candidates from 2007 will not be seated for 2012

  35. @media Amen, media, you know what you talking . What is wrong with these weaklings. People are hungry for change, whaay can’t they see that change is the winning solution.

  36. Boy media I can’t believe how angry this people are to see kenyatta leave. Kenyatta came from a long history of PLP’s his family has been PLP all their life, so for someone up post to say he never was a PLP that is crazy. Further, this nonsense about him being told he would not a nomination is crazy. Election aint ’till 2012 or thereabouts, and we all know PC last minute so he definitely aint make that decision yet. In my opinion, he did the right thing, Christie has destroyed the PLP and he aint going to stop and until he completely destroys the party. All I can say is the PLP’ better wake up and get rid of this man.

  37. Tristan, LOOK, that’s your view, you you cannot run away from the fact, had the PLP welcome the young leadership like gibson to the fold, you all would have 18 seants and NOT 17!


    Bahamas Press/editor

    PS: Even PLP general on TV agreeing with the move. The PLP is bleeding on the ground, a fact we noted on this BLOG for months!


  39. Bahamas Press as I respect you highly, I do not respect your comments as it is the worst post you have ever wrote in the history of Bahamas Press. You are implying that an MP has to be apart of the Government to get a road fix? This is Rediculous. You know and I know that Kenyatta Gibson never won because of his work from 2002. You read and heard the comments of constituents who have never seen him around sinse election. You know all of this but yet you write nonsance on here. This is rediculous. I thought you was pushing for change but your comments are endorsing the same old politics that we need to step away from. This is a man who behaviour in Parliament was and has been nasty. Quote ” I will drop my belt to show you who is a real man..End quote” Is that an honorable man?? Come on Bahamas Press. I thought we wanted change but your comments are far from that.

  40. WOW! :
    Media, today is April first hey? You joking or you drunk? Kenyatta was a Government MP for Kennedy for 5 years and did not do anything..
    “A rose by any other name is still a rose” my friend.

    TO say this is to equally say that the PLP did nothing for the people of Kennedy, PLEASE NOW “WOW”, be careful with that comment.

    And on another NOTE, sometime we wonder, why does this country have such a SHORT, SHORT MEMORY? ESPECIALLY MEMBERS OF THE PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL PARTY?

    Did not Perry Christie BAD MOUTH THE PLP but still RETURNED TO HIS VOMIT?

    WAS NOT HUBERT INGRAHAM ONCE THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PLP and join the FNM and became leader?

    Was not the ‘Dissident Eight’, Members of the PLP left the party and formed the FNM?

    And did not OUR MAN in FOX HILL Fred Mitchell who once entered politics as a MACHINEST/Stratigest IN THE PLP (PINDLING TRAINED), moved to the FNM as an INDEPENDENT Senator, and then rejoined the PLP and became the MOST EXCELLECT FOREIGN MINISTER THIS COUNTRY HAS EVER SEEN! Do we not see the GREAT POTENTIAL IN HIM?

    Is not it about COUNTRY AND NOT PERSONAL AGENDA when we see this kind of political movements by these men? And many times it is for betterment of the country!

    And so again we applaud Kenyatta Gibson on his BOLD decision to move his constituents forward! And as we said before, we support this decision and any other he makes whether he is PLP OR FNM!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  41. media :We are also getting word that Malcolm Adderley the PLP MP for Elizabeth will also make an announcement soon.
    Again here is the result when a 50 plus year -old political organization has BAD leadship at the top! It is true what Kenyatta said about Christie on January 9th, 2008 and PLPs better rid themselves of Christie, cause it ain’t long NAH!

    These guys are leaving the pLP only because they were told that they were not going to be candidates in the upcoming elections for whatever reason, at least that is my opinion

  42. Joe blow i don’t agree with you to much but this time i must concur. Kenyatta moving to the fnm in my mind was a foregone conclusion since last year. It is amazing though, in the prime minister’s statement how
    kenyatta suddenly becomes a distinguish bahamian in two short years, when he was arsenal for the fnm,agains’t the plp, less than two short years ago. Well,HE BECOMES ARSENAL FOR THE PLP NOW, you can rest assure many fnm’s are not pleased with this move. Who has all the scandals now

  43. As you Bloggers continue your tirade you, of your own accord, deflect from the real problems of this country. I suggest, even if you are a boycotter of the Tribune, you pick up a free one from your nearest service station. John Marquis’ article entitled, “Action now on Haitian “timebomb” is a must read. Let me quote from just two brief paragraphs:
    “Unless the Bahamian Government gets a grip and confronts the single biggest threat to this society – the uncontrolled influx of Hatian refugees – there is a real chance that the glorious archipelago
    Bahamians call home will become a creolized extension of that unruly nation to the south in under two decades”
    ‘…Haiti has no history of democracy, and no proper legal system. It gained its independence from a country -France- which was itself in post-revolutionary turmoil under a rampaging tyrant. Its people are from a different tribal background than most Bahamians and they are notoriously volitile in settling their political and domestic differences.”
    Let’s forget Mr. Gibson’s defection from the PLP and get on with solving the problems of our country!

  44. BP, did you even read the story you wrote? You reported quite candidly on the exchange between Kenyatta and Mr. Bastian. By endorsing Mr. Gibson wholeheartedly are you saying you condone this type of behavior within the halls of Parliament to be witnessed and emulated by our impressionable youth? I held you in much higher regard BP, or are you being sarcastic and eagerly anticipate the doom that will ooze out of this unholy alliance. I am sure this marriage will provide a business boom for both the print media and web blogs alike in the upcoming months.

  45. And another thing, as far as Kenyatta’s dissatisfaction with Christie, why did he not voice his opinion on this when he sat as a member of the PLP’s National General Council? Never did he utter a single word of disapproval in the leadership or direction of the party. The man attended council meeting shortly before resigning and did not say a peep! Or could it be that this mountain of a man who fought in the Cabinet Office was shy? I think not. Kenyatta and Ingraham deserve each other.

  46. Media,

    Everyone that is of voteing age has the right to back his/her choice in the political race and for that no one can blame you or say differant however in this case in my view Mr Gibson has put the nail in his future not only in the PLP but in Kennedy as a whole .Kenyatta is a done deal and canidate in this town and when the dice rolls around again he will be found wanting….I beleive in loyalty to ones party and to ones ideals when you turn against your ideals and put a stake in the heart of the very principals that got you to high office the only way from there is down and Iam sorry for Kenyatta when his chickens come home for he will be doing a lot of egg laying when that time comes.

  47. @media

    Media, today is April first hey? You joking or you drunk? Kenyatta was a Government MP for Kennedy for 5 years and did not do anything. He has not done anything for the past 20 months, and absolutely nothing will change except his party affiliation. He is just a wutless MP who should not have been re-nominated in 2007.

    “A rose by any other name is still a rose” my friend.

  48. I will bet you this my friends, the day will come when Kenyatta will look back on this with much, much regret.

  49. Progressive Liberal Party
    News Release
    For Immediate Release

    13th January 2009

    Former Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition Perry Christie speaking last night at the Yamacraw PLP Branch meeting told the audience there gathered not to be distracted by the news of Kenyatta Gibson joining the Free National Movement. He described what Mr. Gibson was doing as “last year’s news”. Mr. Christie said that the Free National Movement is unable to deal with the problems of the economy and unemployment and was seeking to distract the country from those problems by this latest announcement. He repeated what he said last year that Kennedy was a PLP seat and all PLPs will have to work hard to continue to serve the people of Kennedy.


  50. JR :
    Media, you really gatta do better man. You still have your hate for Christie stuck in the way of you laying the smack down on this Kenyatta move. I just read all the other posts and the only thing you could say is about Perry? Man, Kenyatta been leave the PLP over a year now. He done made it clear he was never returning as long as Perry was leader. So you only beating a dead horse and letting Kenyatta off easy.

    Well JR let us start by saying Bahamas Press endoreses Kenyatta Gibson’s move to the FNM. This BLOG supports him politically in whatever direction he travels. Kenyatta is OUR MAN FOR KENNEDY! And if that was not made clear, it is today!

    Now that Kennedy has a true, TRUE VOICE in the government again, let it be known that we want to put an issue on the SPOT. The People of Kennedy wants for its constituency (SOLDIER ROAD TO BE EXACT) DECENT ROADWAYS! Soldier Road is the WORST ROAD IN NEW PROVIDENCE, IT IS IN A DEPLORABLE STATE! And we know our man in Kennedy Kenyatta Gibson has been fighting for that to be fixed for months now. “PLEASE INGRAHAM, PLEASE FIX SOLDIER ROAD, IT IS THE WORST ROAD IN THE ENTIRE ISLAND!”

    And now WE HAVE A VOICE IN THE FNM CAMP FOR THAT CONSTITUENCY, let’s see how quickly the voice of the PEOPLE in that area will be heard!

    Added to all this, when election time comes God Willing, when we do our assessment of the candidates, it is MOST likely Kenyatta Gibson will be our choice candidate in that constituency. NOW YOU KNOW JR!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  51. JR,

    I got your point and it is a fair one…But I beg to differ on the point that the fault does not lie at PC’S feet it does he lead the PLP and was an incumbant Prime Minister he made the final decisions it was PC and the leaders of the PLP that ran a dismal election and did not pay attention to the branches at the time of the last election …..some of those branches did not have a chairman or any executives.

    The fact of the matter is that the time for blame and shame has past and we now must now look toward the future.

  52. My point is we know that is what Media feels about the guy. I get that, the country gets that and rest of the world gets that. So making his comments only about the Christie aspect is just a bit much when there is more to this that ordinarily, Media would be all over a situation like this, taking it from all angles and thats what I’m missing here. Kenyatta left the PLP and told Perry what he thought about him a year ago, thats old stuff. the quotes BP used are a year old. Come on man. Analyze the new situation, not the old one and put the Christie thing in the proper context. The PLP lost because Kenyatta was an idiot and lied to Perry and Perry mishandled it. That is how you define that connection, not just boiling it down to the PLP lost, therefore its Perry’s fault. He had help and Kenyatta was a big part of it.

    So all I am asking Media for is the analysis because like I said before, this is not typical for Media to just leave something like this hanging. Blind Blake can see that the FNM is on borrowed time and they know it.

  53. JR,

    We have to be fair to Media there is some points to Media’s PC bashing it was PC fault that we lost the last election and it should clearly be defined so.

    Kenyatta had left the party since he went independant and if Malcom Adderly follows he will also bury himself for the rest of his Political life ….Folkes the view on the streets is that the FNM is only living on time right now and that the clock is ticking away very fast the days of HAI and the FNM days are numberd and the hatched will soon drop.

  54. Media, you really gatta do better man. You still have your hate for Christie stuck in the way of you laying the smack down on this Kenyatta move. I just read all the other posts and the only thing you could say is about Perry? Man, Kenyatta been leave the PLP over a year now. He done made it clear he was never returning as long as Perry was leader. So you only beating a dead horse and letting Kenyatta off easy.

    Why you ain’t talking about how the PLP loss the election in part because that big dumbo gave the FNM an issue to run with on a silver platter with his juvenile actions with Smitty? Why you ain’t talking about how plenty PLPs are celebrating now because the idea of Kenyatta coming back and running again would have meant the FNM would win Kennedy because real PLPs would stay home? You gatta be fair Media because in the middle of this non story, your silence – except to bash Perry – is deafening.

    I want to hear your take on how this move by Kenyatta is suppose to benefit the people of Kennedy or better still, how this is going to make the FNM stronger. I understand plenty FNM insiders are even more vex with Hubert now because they know the PLP will use this one against them. Come on Media, you can put the Perry whip down for a second to properly dissect this one for us. I’m begging you man, I’m begging you. Break this one down because there are still people who need you to lay out the case and make it simple.

  55. BP, let me start by saying thank you for including the random post feature on the site. I don’t get to visit often so that feature allows me to catch up on previous posts without having to search for them. That said, this whole business with Kenyatta is nothing new. Last year when he jumped ship, anyone with sense could have seen this coming, although from a strictly strategic common sense standpoint, you have to question Kenyatta’s timing.

    Would you declare you have switched sides at a moment like this when the country is headed towards a Cat 5 hurricane with a drunken captain at the wheel of a rudderless ship? Kenyatta is being used as a distraction and it looks like people aren’t buying it. Now i have to ask this question of my FNM friends on BP. How is it that Kenyatta was bad news when he was with the PLP and now he’s welcomed warmly now that he has switched? He’s still the same woman beater who was too drunk to drive straight and crashed his car. He’s still the biggety troll who almost got beat up from a midget and then lied to the country about it and brought all kind of shame on the PLP and caused their leader to look like an idiot for not knowing the deal. This is the same Kenyatta who the FNM had as a poster boy for what a bad politician is, and now he is the hero.

    Plenty wrong with that picture. Omar Archer, dust off your MP suit because Kenyatta just made it easier for you to be the next MP for Kennedy. Go Omar Go. I know you could kick Kenyatta’s tail figuratively and literally.

  56. Thank you Ken for joining the FNM. Perhaps you will win a fist fight with Kendal Wright for a cabinet position

  57. Folkes,

    For what it is worth this means nothing to the wider public in my view K.Gibson was never a PLP I did not know him on a personal level but I have had a breif encounter with him a few years ago and what I got from him is that he never same to be a PLP Mr.Gibson in my view is just like 99.9% of all MP’s in the HOA at the moment most are just along for the ride and what they can get their hands on….This said PC is not going any where right now and so we have to get use to the fact that he will probarly be the leader into the next general election here is the problem that I see the PLP has.

    First the PLP has to rebuild from within it’s rank and file which means that a coalation of all Bahamians have to be included and no one must be left outside the tent …..Secondly the PLP must reboot the Young Liberals which means that the liberials must have a bigger role inside the party and must be the outreach arm of the party the youth will play a huge role in the next general election and the foundation must be laid down now…..the Party must have one central theme and must speak with one voice and must show the country the alternative to the FNM, this is how you win back the government also dynamics must play a huge role in this ……The country is crying out for new and exciting leaders the PLP has two things going for them they are established and the PLP commands 40-45% of the electorate so this is something that can be build upon ….as for Kenyatta I beleive he has just put the nail in his coffen in political life.

    We could look at history when Sir Winston Churhall was voted out of office before WW2 it was thaught that he was finished politcaly but by the start of the war he stated like the phoenix he was risen back up from the dead…….in his own word’s he just kept going on.

  58. The FNM welcomes him? This can’t be the same FNM that lambasted him during the campaign though? How hypocritical. Anybody who did not see this coming is blind if they really thought he would remain independent as this whole thing was orchestrated one year ago by HI when he lured him away from the PLP.

    Objective, you really think he consulted with his constituents first? He didn’t when he left the PLP and I can almost guarantee that he didn’t this time either. Most of them haven’t seen him since election anyway.

    The mistake was made when he was re-nominated in 2007.

    Judas…. I mean Kenyatta, farewell, you are finished politically.

  59. I can’t understand you FNMs. When Kenyatta and Adderley were 100% PLPs, yall always said that they were wutless but as soon as one became an FNM all of a sudden he is a young hopeful???

    You FNMs tell so much lies that I don’t know when you are really telling the truth!!

    Yall should try being honest all the time, I know thaty it is hard but try please…

  60. We are also getting word that Malcolm Adderley the PLP MP for Elizabeth will also make an announcement soon.

    Again here is the result when a 50 plus year -old political organization has BAD leadship at the top! It is true what Kenyatta said about Christie on January 9th, 2008 and PLPs better rid themselves of Christie, cause it ain’t long NAH!



  61. Perhaps history is destined to be repeated…. two young hopefuls left their party because they could not agree with their leader’s policies. One returned and one went his separate way but both went on to become Prime Minister of this country. Only time will tell what Mr. Gibson’s fate will be.

  62. Kenyatta said that he held a meeting with his constituients and they supported his move to the FNM!! Well blow me down!!

    Just how many PLPs do you think went to that meeting and voted for him to join the FNM???

    Common sense would tell you that the PLPs in Kenedy are angry with him and they want NOTHING to do with him because of how he left the PLP less than a year after the last election without their permission!!

  63. rudy :How do you know he wouldn’t be getting a nomination. Have you read the announcement released by the PM, they are just as indebted to him. He is young man with a lot of potential, but just need some growing up. Why don’t you suggest to Peet, Shame, Gray etal that they should go too, because surely what Kenyatta did was a joke to what they did! At least he had the courage to speak up finally. Objective, work on getting PC to step down maybe you can save your party and bring some renewed interest in that once great party.

    I would rather lose doing the right thing than win doing the wrong thing and the latter is how the FNM got into power!! Worry about the FNM inner workings and leave the inner workings of the PLP to the PLPs!!

  64. Kenyatta is done politically but he still wants to be a player on some level in politics. Come 2012 he loses his seat and his hope is that the FNM wins reelection because that is the only way he gets back into politics through an FNM appointment to some board, chairmanship or cabinet post and then run in 2017.

    Plus lets not forget Kenyatta ran against Michael Turnquest and barely won, so Michael Turnquest and the FNM generals in that constituency cant be happy with this move. there is going to be some unrest in the FNM’s Kennedy constituency branch meeting.

  65. This is a non event. The PLP dont need Kenyatta, and the FNM dont really want him, otherwise they would have given him a post. GOod bye and just dont come back beging to be let back in.

  66. Holy COW! I guess the FNM has more food on their plate. By the looks of things,( judging from the size of most of them ) it would seem so. Good luck, Fat boyy, your gonna need it!

  67. If he run again, he cannot run in kennedy. We need to hear from Kennedy Constituents. This story just began. This Man is Power hungry and he knows his days with the party he want to be with is Over. I dont blame him for being spiteful. I would have done it if I was him. Hubert knows he cannot trust Gibson but will use him to throw lowness at the PLP. Gibson is now the FNM toy…So sad!!!

  68. How do you know he wouldn’t be getting a nomination. Have you read the announcement released by the PM, they are just as indebted to him. He is young man with a lot of potential, but just need some growing up. Why don’t you suggest to Peet, Shame, Gray etal that they should go too, because surely what Kenyatta did was a joke to what they did! At least he had the courage to speak up finally. Objective, work on getting PC to step down maybe you can save your party and bring some renewed interest in that once great party.

  69. Thank you Lord!! Now that that is over, can we (PLPS) now move on???

    There is no need to run behind him.. He is finished as a politician in this country. I hope that he does not plan to run again because he will definitely not be getting a nomination in the next election in Kenedy!!

    He knew that his time as a PLP had come to an end because the PLP is a team and NO one man calls the shots like in that other party but if that is what he wants, that’s fine with me… If I was in his position (ie. Had no more confidence in my leader) I would have done the same thing so that my constituiency can get some attention..

    So good luck and I hope we will meet again at the polls whenever the next election is called!!

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