Louis Bacon’s Save Da Bays Claims of Death Threats were never reported to the Police? Is there a crime to do such?


Guardian keeps apologizing to Fred Smith’s client Louis Bacon.

There is a story in todays Tribune where Police Commissioner Greenslade says that the talk about threats of death made to Fred Smith and members of the Grand Bahama Human Rights Association which they claimed that they had to flee the Bahamas.

Commissioner Greenslade further said after all that talk about threats of intimidation and death by Fred Smith and members of (GBHRA). Not one of them made a official complaint to the Royal Bahamas Police Force and have been ducking the Police for over a year.

No official complaint was made to our police force but a petition was made on behalf of Fred Smith, Francisco Nunez, Joseph Darville, Kirkland Bodie and Remauld Ferreira by the Grand Bahama Human Rights Association in October 2016 and they asked that the Inter American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) request that the Bahamas government adopt precautionary measures to prevent irreparable harm to their lives.

Which possibly means that the threats against them may have never happened and was a complete fabrication and a attempt to gain public suppport and to smear the name of the Bahamas and our government in the global community and in particularly to the (IACHR). Matter of coincidence that members of the Grand Bahama Human Rights Association are also members of Save the Bays organization.

Whether their accusations are true or not, but who claims that they were intimidated and threats made against their lives but don’t make a official complaint to the police but but file a petition to the (IACHR) a foreign human rights organization to make the Bahamas look bad and uncivilized to the rest of the world.

If you recall when Fred Smith accused the government of the Bahamas of institutional terrorism,ethnic cleansing and running Auschwitz at the Carmichael Road detention center. Auschwitz concentration camps were German camps used to torture and kill Jews and etc during World War 2.

One must question the true agendas of both organizations who clearly oppose the present government of the Bahamas. Save the Bays who’s heavily involved in our politics as (their chairman marches with the We March organization. They seek the Freedom of information Act but in contradiction denies the disclosure of their confidential information that may reveal that they are not a non-profit organization but a political party who seeks to destabilize the PLP government.

They are also involved in a injunction that’s before the courts that curtail the activities of our House of Assembly that’s been around since 1729. They attempted to restrain two cabinet ministers of the Bahamas government from disclosure in Parliament ). But claims to be a non-profit ENVIRONMENTAL organization.


Save the Bays- is a non-profit organization compromised of Bahamian and international members united in their commitment to preserve and protect the Bahamian environment through proactive policy change, education, legal action and advocacy.

What is Save the Bays true agenda in the Bahamas?