Lt. Commander Granville Adderley steps down as captain of Rolly Gray after boat mash up! Commodore Tellis Bethel contract ends this month and he too might be going home!


PM says marines need to learn how to navigate, but citizens are asking if PM Minnis has any understanding on how to navigate the country!

Commodore “Mash Up” Bethel and PM Minnis.

Nassau – A SENIOR officer of the Defence Force reportedly has been relieved of his post as the captain of the new HMBS Rolly Grey.

Lt-Cmdr Granville Adderley stepped down pending an investigation into an accident on the weekend. Apparently, the Rolly Grey ran aground as the boat left the Coral Harbour Base to go on a routine patrol. The boat reportedly hit rocks and reefs in low tide.

Nevertheless, Commodore Tellis Bethel reportedly was shocked that the boat ran aground in very familiar waters. Sources said the Rolly Grey was vibrating badly.

This suggests that the boat’s propellors and shaft were damaged.

PM Hubert Minnis let Commodore Bethel know that BP long wires had informed him of the accident while he was in London last week. The PM was on a birthday tour of London and Peru with plenty friends and their companions.

On arriving back to Nassau on Monday, PM Minnis greeted Commodore Bethel with the surly words: “I hear ya’ll been mashing up our boats again. Ya’ll need to learn how to navigate.” Cmdre Bethel was left speechless, shamed and egg-faced.

It was the second time the Rolly Gray has crashed. The boat ran aground off Ragged Island in February. Lt-Cmdr Bernie Wright was also relieved of his duties as a captain earlier this year. Wright’s removal followed two accidents involving the HMBS AD Hanna while under his command.

He has been moved to the chief of The Port, docks and harbor area downtown. The accidents have cost the Gov’t millions of dollars in repairs to the boats.

It seems that BDF officers are finding it difficult to operate the nine new, modern boats, which Govt bought for a whopping $200million to protect the boarders of illegals and poachers who are invading our waters.

Meanwhile, Commodore Bethel’s contract for the top job reportedly expired this month.

Sources say that BDF Minister Marvin Dames will not renew Bethel’s three-year contract.

Minister Dames and PM Minnis reportedly are both fed up with BDF marines letting boatloads of illegals in wooden Haitian sloops land on beaches next to the BDF base—and Captain Cock-ups crashing new boats!