Major shakeup at the Departmemt of Labour announced!!!


The Union Leaders are incharge of Labour and Bahamians are being fired left right and centre….now what does dat say about dem?

Robert Farquarson and John Pinder.

NASSAU – The Ministry of Labour has announced that effective May 1, 2018 the former Director of Labour, Mr. Robert Anthony Farquharson, has been re-classified as Executive Manager at the Ministry of Labour.

Further, Mr. John Pinder is appointed to act as Director of Labour, effective May 1, 2018.

Both gentlemen take up their duties on Tuesday, May 22, 2018.

Mr. Robert Farquharson has been Director of Labour from September 23, 2013 to present. He has had many years of experience in industrial relations and dealing with labour issues and protocols.

Mr. John Pinder has been president of the Bahamas Public Services Union for 15 years.