Editor of Tribune resigns today in the latest wave of resignations at the struggling morning daily – Eileen Carron returns to the Editorial Room of the Tribune….


BP has identified Wednesday night’s Homicide Victim to be Charles Pandy who is known to police!

Eileen Carron and son at Tribune Office.

Nassau, Bahamas — Slow rock bottom sales and declining advertising dollars are making it tougher for the Tribune to hang on.

In just four days now three senior editors have tendered their resignation letters and walked out the door of the morning daily.

We can tell you the latest came Wednesday when the Editor of the Tribune, delivered his resignation letter to Eileen Carron.

BP is now in the almost empty Tribune Editorial room where the word is that Mother Superior is headed back on the bridge and will now assume control of the struggling newspaper.

The Radio catching hell and now the paper? Boy, the declining newspaper sales and bad quality is killing the daily. We told readers and those in the dying dinos long time ago: Follow BP. While we have more than 35,000 social media followers and more than 460,000 weekly global online readers, the Tribune is catchin’ eternal hell to sell 5,000 newspapers.

The papers are dying a slow death and BP is the first to tell yinner. That should tell ya something…..

Live shots at Wednesday's crime-scene.

BREAKING UPDATE >>> Charles Pandy is the night’s murder victim and the second man to die on the streets this month…

Nassau, Bahamas — BP is reporting we have another homicide in Winders Terrace just off Wulff Road tonight.

We can tell you the victim is one notorious Charles Pandy, a man known to police for his long criminal rap sheet.

Pandy and another male were struck with bullets but he sustained multiple gunshot wounds about the body.

Sources say the deceased was known for his Dodge City rapsheet back in the 90s when he was charged and served time for multiple rapes and robberies.

Some believe the incident was a hit and/or payback. We believe some people’s sins are just catching up with them.