Minister Halkitis reponds to untruths in The Tribune

Hon. Michael Halkitis - Minister of State for Finance

The Editor
The Tribune

Please allow me space in your letters section to print the following:

I want to correct a story that appeared on the front page of your newspaper on Monday June3, 2013 concerning the salaries of Ministers of State.

There was no increase in salary granted to Ministers of State in last year’s budget.

In order to change the salary of any Minister, Member of Parliament or Senator, an amendment to The Parliamentarians (Salaries and Allowances) Act is required to be passed by the House of Assembly and Senate. No such amendment was made. This can be easily verified.

Every year, the budget estimates when printed, show the current year’s estimates and the original estimates, as presented, for the immediate preceding year as well as the estimated actual expenditure for two prior years.

So for every item of expenditure, this year’s budget estimates will show what is budgeted for the upcoming year 2013/2014; the original estimate, as presented last year, for 2012/2013; and the provisional expenditure for years 2011/2012 and 2010/2011.

When next year’s budget is presented, it will show the provisional expenditure for each item for the year 2012/2013 and will show that Ministers of State salaries were unchanged at $60,000 per year.

Thank you,

Michael B. Halkitis
Minister of State for Finance