More young Bahamians hitting the unemployment lines…No one hiring!


dscf8970<<< A sign on the doors of TCBY ice cream parlour on Carmichael Road. Anne’s Ice Cream Parlor also closed it doors for good. More layoff are taking place in the government and the MINISTER SAYS HE HIRING? COME CLEAN MAN! COME CLEAN PEOPLE HURTING!

Nassau, Bahamas: An opposition member said in the House of Commons on last week Wednesday, that Gordon Brown’s government was issuing press releases, sometimes three a day, telling the people of Great Briton what they’re doing to cut the massive job loses across the country. His question to the government was, yes we hear all these press statements about relief packages, but can the government now report actual numbers to this HOUSE of what it is indeed doing? What are the true and correct impact of these relief efforts and  have any of them began as yet? The question was chided as Gordon Brown told the member how he should not be questioning his government’s efforts but rather supporting them.

The Bahamas appears to be receiving the same wave of press release churned daily by members of the WUTLESS MEDIA on behalf of Mugabe’s government.

Hubert Ingraham from Washington last year had Sharon Turner forward a statement to the media saying how his government has a mortgage relief package for homeowners. The news sounded GREAT, but then when asked about it he replied months later, “GO TALK TO THE BANK!” When asked again he said no one has come to him saying they have difficulties paying their mortgage. Click here to listen to Ingraham’s Reponse to Love97FM about a mortgage relief package

Then it was the announcement of a $130 million highway contract signing to the Argentine road construction company. At that signing it was a promise that works will commence immediately. Still the road highway extension has yet to begin.

Then it was the minister of labour, yeah Dion saying the government hiring 3,500 workers. A LIE worse than a statistic. People reading this blog would remember that it was this same minister who oversaw in 2007/8 the government termination of over 1,200 government workers along with the retiring exercise of hundreds more police, customs, immigration and other government department workers. In fact we’ve learn just last night that several temporary workers in the ministry of finance will be sent home this week. A single mother with three children, whose mother recently died of cancer, told Bahamas Press that she was in the ministry for over 2 1/2 years, and this coming Friday will be her last day in the office. Her contract along with several others will not be renewed. And so whilst the labour minister says he is hiring, the minister of finance is letting people go.

We can go on and on and on all into the night about the true unemployment figures now in this country. Bahamas Press is compiling a list for a later report. We are now two pages long with the names of the companies and the number of employees terminated since May 2, 2007. And guess who heading the list? Yes, you’ve guessed it right, the Ingraham government tops the list of employers firing workers in the country. NOT HIRING, FIRING!

And just last night our list grew by two more companies. Two ice cream parlours on Carmichael Road are now officially close. Anne’s Ice Cream shop and TCBY. Both companies collectively terminated 15 workers. TCBY had closed since January 19th, and guess what? We kept that news off this blog just to see if the WUTLESS MEDIA would report it.

The way this looks, only Bahamas Press is willing to talk about the way in which Bahamians are being terminated all across this country. The PLP GONE QUIET! THE WUTLESS MEDIA FIRING WORKERS THEMSELVES SO THEY’re QUIET! AND THE WUTLESS INGRAHAM GOVERNMENT JUST SPINNING LIES BY THE DAY!

The Bahamas needs CHANGE! We need people who would come forward and SPEAK FOR THE PEOPLE! WE NEED REAL LEADERSHIP IN THIS TOWN WHO WILL TELL US THE TRUTH NOT LIES! PEOPLE WHO WILL FIGHT FOR US! And confirm that whilst difficult days are ahead, we will rise out of this mess Ingraham has placed us in.


An empty TCBY location on Carmichael Road. Here’s another small business gone bust. This closure along with others is just what Bahamas Press warned will happen when Hubert Ingraham started firing everyone in 2007. Stopping contract after contract across the country. Now the economic decline has accelerated to a dangerous level. His junior minister LAING says he waiting on OBAMA PACKAGE! Boy these some jokers!


  1. Media, as it relates to this post topic, whats sad is that the Bahamas government has no way to measure how many people are and have lost their jobs. Think about it…What mechanism is there in government that we can point to to state plainly how many people have lost their jobs?

    Only the unions can tell you how many of their people are out of work, but the majority of Bahamians are non unionized. The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce is a joke and we all know it. So i ask you and all of the readers of this site, how many Bahamians do you think have lost their jobs since May 2007? With all the hotel job loss and the firings of the PM alone thats over 2,500 jobs.

    In times like these the government is glad that there is no mechanism in place to accurately detail the numbers of Bahamians who have lost their jobs. I guess it speaks to the greater issue of the lack of compiling statistical data in the country.

    This kind of information is crucial so a government can have some kind os f idea as to what is going on and informs of them of the extent to which they have to devise policies to stem the tide.

    The FNM and PLP loves the fact that they are able to keep the people in the dark. In so many ways we are still a 3rd world.

  2. rb75 I am with you. But I will say again. Hubert Ingraham is putting in place his police squad so that when the election in 2012 come along there will be a lot of scare mongering going on. But Level headed people, please stand strong and stand up for your right. HUBERT IS JUST ONE MAN. HE IS MORE SCARED OF US THAN WE ARE OF HIM. OUR FUTURE IS AT STAKE.

  3. Media,

    I find it very disturbing almost unreal that in a time of people loosing their jobs and our social and economic picture turning black the government of the day took the last few weeks to debate in the HOA a bill to amend the Police act of 2007 ……is anyone out there as disturbed with this as Iam …with business closeing down and mother’s turning to selling themselves to feed their kids and father’s turning to drugs and crime the only bill that the government can bring to parliamnet is a bill to limit the tenure of the police commisioner ….
    “They Gat to be Crazy”…….this is a slap in the people’s faces I cannot for the life of me still listend to this cluster @#$%% ….The Prime Minister is going around and talking almost as he is living in a differant country the Opposition is in phase 1 of their civil war and the country is left to crooks,pedophiles and crooked no good business men ……something has to be done in a country when in june 5000 kids will be out of school with no jobs and no future in sight and the government only see fit to bring too the fore front to debate the commisoner of police ……Media we are in trouble

  4. WOW! :
    How come when Ingraham in power the Canadians get so much government contracts and business? Where is Ingraham’s son-in-law from again?

    NO NO NO it has nothing to do with his son-in-law. It goes back to COLINAIMPERIAL, MANNY ALEXIOU AND THE ELECTION MONEY TRAIL THE FOLLOWS THOSE TWO! People know your country and who is really running it! The LACKEY IS ALL HE IS, A LACKEY!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  5. How come when Ingraham in power the Canadians get so much government contracts and business? Where is Ingraham’s son-in-law from again?

  6. Just a side story everyone.:

    Emera Signs Letter of Intent to Work with Bahamas Renewable Energy Corporation

    HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, Feb. 16 /PRNewswire/ — Emera Inc. (EMA-TSX) announced today that it has signed a Letter of Intent with Schneider Power Inc. (SNE-TSXV) to jointly pursue renewable energy projects in the Bahamas with the Bahamas Renewable Energy Corporation Ltd. (“BREC”).
    The Letter of Intent outlines a partnership between Emera and Schneider Power that will allow both companies to collaborate on at least three projects that have been offered through the Bahamas Electricity Company’s (BEC) Request for Proposals for Renewable Energy Projects. The Projects are short-listed by BEC and are located in New Providence, Abaco, and Harbour Island and total over 24 MW of capacity.
    “We are excited to have Emera as our financial and development partner as we pursue renewable energy projects in this region,” said Thomas Schneider, President of Schneider Power. “Their power generation development experience and understanding of the Bahamas will enhance these and future projects.”
    Wayne Crawley, Vice President Corporate Development of Emera added; “We look forward to working with Schneider Power and their local partners to support BEC’s renewable energy program. This is an important economic energy source for the Bahamas”.
    Emera owns 25% of Grand Bahama Power Company through their 50% ownership of ICD Utilities Ltd. and is actively pursuing additional opportunities in the Bahamas. Schneider Power owns 51% of BREC which is a joint-venture with Nassau based Winso Company Ltd. to develop renewable energy projects in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

    Forward Looking Information
    This news release contains forward looking information. Actual future results may differ materially. Additional financial and operational information is filed electronically with various securities commissions in Canada through the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR).

    About Emera
    Emera Inc. (EMA-TSX) is an energy and services company with $4.8 billion in assets. Electricity is Emera’s core business. The company has two wholly-owned regulated electric utility subsidiaries, Nova Scotia Power Inc. and Bangor Hydro-Electric Company, which together serve 600,000 customers. Emera also owns 19% of St. Lucia Electricity Services Limited, which serves more than 50,000 customers on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia and 25% of Grand Bahama Power Company which serves 19,000 customers on the Caribbean island of Grand Bahama. In addition to its electric utility investments, Emera owns the Brunswick Pipeline, a 145km gas pipeline in New Brunswick; has a joint venture interest in Bear Swamp, a 600 megawatt pumped storage hydro-electric facility in northern Massachusetts; a 12.9% interest in the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline; a 7.4% interest in Open Hydro and Emera Energy Services which manages energy assets on behalf of third parties. Visit Emera on the web at

    About Schneider Power
    Schneider Power Inc. (SNE-TSXV) is one of Canada’s premier renewable energy companies, with a large portfolio of clean electricity generation development projects and advanced exploration projects located across two continents, and large land positions on the most promising and prospective wind and solar power areas in North America. Visit us on the web at Power is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol SNE.

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