MP could not make morning breakfast with Most Honourable PM after a long night in a gay club in Barbados!


Bahamian flaming faggots storm Barbados GAY BAR!

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NASSAU| Prime Minister The Most Honorable Hubert Minnis got the shock of his life after he was left without representation by his MP at a high-level meeting in Barbados.

The PM got up early to join the morning breakfast meeting with regional leaders at CARICOM, however, his accompanying MP could not get out of bed.

The MP had just returned from a popular gay nightclub sitting around cross-dressers and fairy godmothers into the early morning hours with a veteran journalist who is employed at a local news station in the Bahamas.

The PM could not believe his MP would a leave him high and dry like that and ordered his security to check on the MP.

The MP, however, sent apologies to the PM saying, “I just got back in after a long night and I really ain’t ga be able to make it.” What in the hell is dis?

Meanwhile, the local journalist is back in the saddle with his hardcore FNM friends and was awarded a juicy contract to clean the corridor near the roundabout of the Office of the Attorney General.

Boy I tell ya, If ya don’t laugh you would holler! Meanwhile, PM Minnis was left lost in space at the breakfast table as his tight-pants MP slept into the day!

We report yinner decide!


  1. SO WHO IS THE GAY MP? and journalist? IS IT CLINT? Cuz i know he like man…Now I know Hubert certainly don’t like man and Diagular just like em green, so that rule out those too.

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