NIB hires FNM Chairman Carl Culmer’s wife in HR with now 13 managers

Sheena Culmer join 13 managers in HR at NIB.

NASSAU| The wife of the Free National Movement Chairman Mrs. Sheena Culmer has been hired at the National Insurance Board as a consultant.

BP is learning the Director approved the hire of Mrs. Culmer in the Human Resources Department, along with six others recently.

Now, to be hired as a consultant means the hire would be paid far more than the persons assigned to train the hire in the new post. That individual should also possess exceptional skills in order to be brought on and parachuted into the position.

We are learning Mrs. Culmer’s salary has been set high above the salary scale of permanent union staff in the department. And now she will be assigned in a higher position along with some 13 managers in HR. Perhaps the decision to move Culmer into HR is to make sure to weed out non-supporters of the government. WHO KNOWS?

NIB workers are on work-to-rule and successfully approved a strike vote because of labour disputes at the Board. NIB Union Legal teams show up in court this morning over that vote. Only one FNM in all of NIB rejected the idea of striking at the Board, and we believe that one voter cannot read. The court has set the new Strike Vote for this Friday. That vote will be redone and we believe with the same results.

We report yinner decide!