OBAN is dead according to one Cabinet source…


What Happened to the $5.5Billion Project which was to SAVE GRAND BAHAMA?

Satpal Dhunna dem and Oban Energies got VAT exemption before the inner city got it on bread basket items as promised by PM Minnis.

Nassau – Well, folks, some nine months later and we still cannot locate the OBAN Files stolen out of a government agency.

We have not heard anything on the matter from the anti-corruption unit – in fact, it looks like they stopped reporting crime altogether these days.

We cannot locate the principals of OBAN ENERGIES. We don’t know where Satpal Dhunna or his confessed criminal friend Peter Kreiger are these days. We know nothing of where they are or what they are doing, or if they are still in the Bahamas! This is serious.

We cannot get one comment from the Government on the SCANDALOUS LAND-GRAB exercise steeped in malfeasance and misfeasance. And a junior attorney could see that – we still wonder how is it Carl Bethel missed the boat on this?

We cannot get one comment on what is supposed to be the saving grace of the Grand Bahamian economy, which was to produce 200 jobs over a ten year period [Twenty jobs for Grand Bahama each year.]. A project which was announced to be exempted from all taxes and fees every other business pays to the government. A project with no environmental assessment carried out. And a contract which was signed on a Saturday by a man who we have no record of having ever entered the Bahamas days prior to that February 10th , 2018 date.

And we cannot get anything on what has happened to the 5.5 BILLION DOLLAR project Hubert Minnis announced in a public signing. We wonder if they break ground yet? Or was that all another BIG FAT JUICY MINNIS ADMINISTRATION LIE! #borntolie

We will never know, eh?

We report yinner decide!